80 degrees here last couple of days and now it’s in the 70’s…Gotta get my coat back out….BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

1992 BRIDE and Groom SNOW Globe San Francisco Music Box





since I have no one to keep me warm







TODAY I’m LOOKING INTO another (or in this case two) of those books proposing to rewrite history and/or religion as we (or at least me) knows it.




Is by Timothy Wyllie

Wyllie has written several books with other authors.  His own works include:  Dolphins, ETs, and Angels: Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences       (interesting combination that!)

Confessions of a Rebel Angel: The Wisdom of the Watchers and the Destiny of Planet Earth       (We definitely are beginning to detect an Angel theme here)

The Return of the Rebel Angels: The Urantia Mysteries and the Coming of the Light       (and rebellious ones at that)

There are several more books with the angel topic including The Revolt and Exile as well as teachings about.    http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/202255.Timothy_Wyllie

Timothy Wyllie

Timothy Wyllie was born in Great Britain in 1940 and raised in London….he qualified as an architect. …In the late 70s, Timothy began a systematic exploration of out-of-body states. This led to experiments in telepathic communication with dolphins and an open invitation to contact with nonphysical beings that continues to this day. During this time, he was also running his own business in New Your City, marketing a system he had co-devised for storing and filing color photographs. He retired from the business community in 1981 and turned full time to his creative endeavors.  In addition to his writing he is a musician and painter who specializes in sacred landscapes.    http://www.innertraditions.com/Contributor.jmdx?action=displayDetail&id=607


In this particular book Mr. Wyllie explores text recorded in

THE URANTIA BOOK  (http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-standardized/paper-37-personalities-local-universe)

is a spiritual and philosophical book that originated in Chicago sometime between 1924 and 1955. The authorship remains a matter of speculation….”Urantia” as the name of the planet Earth and state that their intent is to “present enlarged concepts and advanced truth.” The book aims to unite religion, science and philosophy, and its enormous amount of material about science is unique among literature claimed to be presented by celestial beings.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Urantia_Book

This book (see the example at  top) is very involved and reminds me of some of the delusions some of my very disturbed psychiatric patient had developed over time.  It rapidly becomes over powering as to its detail and I have a mind that likes details.

So his work is based on a book of unknown author that is of purportedly “celestial origin”.  OK I’m convinced.

Supposedly the book was recorded two hundred millennia ago when 37 planet (including ours) were quarantined to quell the spread of Lucifer’s rebellion within the angel hierarchy.



The latest update is  the angels have now been forgiven (something I am assuming that Mr. Wyllie has been notified of by his celestial contacts) and our contact (Earth) with the Multiverse is being restored.  Wyllie investigates the underlying motives of the angelic rebellion and the impact it has had on our planet for the last 200,000 years–I wander if the dinosaur disappearance is explain by this?  He does predict an optimism for our future and a gentle spiritual transition which is more than I can say for most prophets.

I will leave you to decide this one yourself, but I am not adding it to my  must read list.






The conspiracy to Genetically Tamper with Humanity

By Nigel Kerner.

First I’m glad to see we have moved from the  green standard, but as I may have said before why are we always so attractive to the universe for experimentation.


Nigel is an author and freelance journalist. He was born in Sri Lanka, his mother from a British planting family and his father an officer in the British Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. This international family base provided the background for an obsessive and serious interest in international human affairs and how these interface with science, religion, and philosophy.  http://www.nigelkerner.com/Biography.html  Interestingly enough there is nothing on him at any source that I could find that isn’t directly quoted from his official site  and you know how I distrust personal official sites.  I mean for all we know he could be grey!


His fascination with the puzzling and enigmatic phenomenon of UFOs resulted in his first book ‘The Song of the Greys’ published by Hodder & Stoughton in 1997. This serious work on the subject is now noted world-wide for its radical view on the phenomenon. His latest book, ‘Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls’ published by Inner Traditions/Bear & Company is the second in a trilogy about the UFO phenomenon and its social repercussions on humanity. His books and numerous articles have established his unique thesis as part of the canon of serious literature on the subject. Again from his official site.  I can only conclude that he  isn’t as WORLD WIDE NOTED as he assumes he is  or I would have found more the web.


Finally through manipulation  of  human  DNA these non-green aliens (is grey a color?) are working on creating  souls for themselves.   They  don’t seem to be very good at this process as they have been working on it since biblical times and he insists that they are responsible  for many of our negative qualities such as greed and violence.  But we can escape them by aiming for enlightenment and raising above the material,


Sorry but haven’t I heard this somewhere before except it was starring a Fallen Angel—Skipping this one too I’m afraid,



RICHARD PETTY Grand Prix 1/16 Scale Sound of Power Road Champ #43 Car





The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. ~George Elliot



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