Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative.


Good morning —BOOOOO.  (which in ghost means I love you)   There are all manner of legends and things–there are some in my novel–check out quotes and research on my pin:  https://www.pinterest.com/lindachase56829/my-novels/  I do have Druids—but don’t worry no Halloween, well not anything you’d recognize.   Honorable mention:  HOME AND GARDEN TREASURES Mt. Dora   http://www.hgtreasures.com/ all the pictures in this episode are from my former décor—sorry can’t find any Druids:  https://www.pinterest.com/lindachase56829/getting-ready-for-the-holidays/










All Saints’ Day perpetuated the pagan Samhain of November Eve. (Bonwick, James, Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, Dorset Press, 1984 (1986ed), p.87














Tiger Beat's Official MONKEE SPECTACULAR #7 Magazine

Scaring fans and leaked auditions:

Witch:  Probably not a good choice of costumes for 18th century Scotland:

and another Jamie  LOOK













Rita Rudner
Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said, “Never take candy from strangers.” And then they dressed me up and said, “Go beg for it.” I didn’t know what to do!











Halmark 1980 Norman ROCKWELL CHRISTMAS Plate May Warm Thoughts and Cheer

Today all things that go bump in the dark are fair game.
Jean Baudrillard
There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world.
Did you know that Thyme was once to thought to be where the souls of the dead use to dwell and in English tradition, the scent of thyme “was associated with the ghosts of the murdered.”  ?  In fact it was actually placed in the house when the deceased was in the house, but it was never one of the plants used to dress the coffin.  However in some parts of the country it was dropped on the coffin as it was lowered into the grave.
Darkness night and shinning moon
Harken to the Witches Rune
Doreen Valiente
April 30, Walpugisnacht, was a time similar to Halloween which was in Germanic and Scandinavian countries.  It was a time when dark creatures held sway and both midday and midnight were times when the barrier was thin (a belief shared by the Greeks and Romans).
The genesis of many of America’s Halloween traditions can be found in these ancient celebrations . . . (Bannatyne, Lesley Pratt, Halloween: An American Holiday, an American History, Facts on File, Inc., New York, 1990 p. 6)
Horse shoes were amulets used for protection in Britain, Europe and Arabia.  Nailed above a door (which it was in houses churches even stables) it was believed to protect against evil spirits, fairies, even the evil eye.  Placed in a chimney it protected against witches flying down same and above the bed it kept nightmares and demons away.   It has also been used for good luck—but there is a catch— to keep beasties and bad dreams away you have to place it with the opening at the bottom–for luck (to keep it from spilling out) it must be places with the opening up.
I’ll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.
Vampires vary around the world
Malaysian vampires “Penanggalan” were creatures with severed heads and intestines dangling down.
Kali the Hindu goddess has bloody fangs in some pictures.
Gypsy and southern Slavic vampires return for sex with former lovers but were known to attack others including live stock.
Malaysian vampire creatures “Langsuyar” would take the place of the wife and could bear and raise children and were only found out from chance events during these times.
Eastern European male vampires just moved to a different location and took up a new life often along the same lines as before they became vampires.
Henry David Thoreau
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion.
THE Pitchfork.  Often associated in our culture with demons and the Devil.
Ancient Celts viewed it (the trident) as a male fertility symbol
India’s Kali’s bridegroom was the trident bearer.
Neptune & Poseidon (Greek and Roman deities) carried a trident as a symbol of fertility and the birth of the sea waters.
It is felt  that the fertility angle (and how you go about using that fertility) was why the early Christian Church might well have transferred its use by Lucifer.
“Carry me.” She leaves this trail
through a shudder of the veil,
and leaves, like amber where she stays,
a gift for her perpetual gaze.
  • Annie Finch, “Samhain”







Werewolves are also a popular legend.



Navajo lore states that witches can become wolves or other creatures simply by wrapping themselves in their skins.




Medieval Europe and Baltic countries had lots of werewolf legends specifically they made contracts of one sort or other with the devil.  In fact a serial killer (murdered 13 children and two pregnant women and then ate their hearts) after torture confessed to being a werewolf.  He was tortured, beheaded and burned along with his daughter and another accomplice  in 1590 Germany.















Now the dogs of the cemetery are starting to bark
At the vision of her, bobbing up through the dark.
When she opens her mouth to gasp for air,
A moth flies out and lands in her hair.
Maurice Kilwein Guevara, “A Rhyme for Halloween”
In many parts of the world are associated with vampires
Central and South American (especially Brazil) Witches are considered blood-drinking in their own right.  The two are often confused with each other.
Owls like many nigh birds are the subject of superstitions.
Romans:  Hated owls which they associated with death and disaster.
Greeks:  Associated it with the goddess of wisdom and it was a sign of victory when it flew over their soldiers.
Britain and Europe:  considered unlucky, especially when encountered in daylight and looking into a nest can cause depression
Ireland:  In some parts an owl entering a house is killed immediately to prevent it from taking the household’s luck.
Wales:  Continued hooting means a girl in the vicinity will loose her virginity.
France:  When a pregnant woman hears an owl hoot she knows the baby will be a girl.
Germany:  Carrying the heart and right foot of the bird under the left arm pit protected against being bitten by a mad dog.
Macbeth:  Witches used an owlet’s wing ‘for a charm of powerful trouble.
  Backwards up the mossy glen

Turn’d and troop’d the goblin men,
With their shrill repeated cry,
“Come buy, come buy.”
By Christina Rossetti 1830–1894
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

“The only thing they can get me for is running a funeral parlor without a license.” John Wayne Gacy


Good morn from me—and yes I have a Dragon mask and a Dragon in my front yard as well—I LOVE HALLOWEEN AND OF COURSE DRAGONS.    Honorable Mention:  THE COZY NEST Mt. Dora  http://www.aroundmountdora.com/2015/09/21/mt-dora-merchant-ellen-coates-the-cozy-nest/    Added some new Christmas Collectibles to my store—check them out (PLEASE)  https://www.etsy.com/shop/DragonLaire?ref=hdr_shop_menu  YESTERDAY was just work and more work.







“I actually think I may be possessed with demons, I was dropped on my head as a kid.”DSCN2225Dennis Rader



























How much is Outlander Helping Scotland?


Another of the Fraser Looks.















Believe me if I started murdering people, there’d be none of you left, because my children are coming, I told you twenty years ago.  DSCN2226Charles Manson








1982 FIRST EDITION A Cup of Christmas Tea Full Sized Book













For today I thought we’d do Florida—but instead of Scary places as well as scary beings alive and dead:



KINGSLEY PLANTATION:  http://www.nps.gov/timu/learn/historyculture/kp_visiting.htm  The old plantation house (est 1789) faces the Fort George River, a remembrance of a time long gone by.  ” He settled on Fort George Island in 1814 after leasing it from McIntosh. He purchased the land and buildings for $7,000 in 1817 ($94,019 in 2009). Kingsley owned several plantations around the lower St. Johns River in what is today Jacksonville, and Drayton Island in central Florida; two of them may have been managed part-time by his wife, a former slave named Anna Madgigine Jai (1793–1870).  Kingsley married Anna in 1806 when she was 13 years old, recently arrived in Cuba from West Africa.] He freed her in 1811 and charged her with running his Laurel Grove plantation at Doctors Lake in modern-day Orange Park.”   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingsley_Plantation



There have been many incidents recorded by the staff of moved furniture and odd feelings and the feelings of cold water being dumped over the person entering the room.  But I was told by a friend that when she visited the Kingsley House for the first time she saw a woman in period costume on the porch,  she lost sight of her and presumed that  she had gone inside.  When my friend went inside and looked about she didn’t see the woman again and finally asked one of the park rangers.  She was told that she must have been mistaken that they had no period dressed employees.  Totally confused she continued around the building until another employee stopped her and explained that the staff’s stand is that there is nothing here, but that many members of the staff had also seen this woman as well as other visitors and they presumed that she was one of the previous residents, though who or from when they do not known.







Childs Play (1988)
(Chucky): “Hi, I’m Chucky. Wanna play?”DSCN2229












OK so I know that’s not really scary (unless you’re really bugged by ghosts) but I have actually had a scary experience on the same property.  THE TABBY HOUSE (see above picture) lies to the left of the road as you enter the national park that houses the previously mentioned plantation.  The house is but a shell of it’s original building.  I have read varied accounts—one that a land owner started a house here for his daughter but it was never finished, but given that tabby was usually used for outbuildings (like barns) and slave quarters this doesn’t make sense to me. That it was the home for some of the slave drivers on the planation (another thing I read) makes much more sense.  I also read hat there have been sightings of all manner of beings here from a woman in white to a horrible, not to mention huge, wolf.






It was with this knowledge that I came to the plantation.  I visited the house and slave quarters and saw nothing out of the ordinary.  On the way exiting we stopped at the Tabby House for a quick look before heading on up to our next destination.  I was telling them all the spooky information as we exited the car when I first felt the presence of the place, it was not an individual person, or being but rather a pressure and feeling that I was not wanted there, a feeling that became like a vice on my head.  My friends (whom I  had not said anything to about the pressure and whom are both RN’s)  glanced at me and immediately became concerned asking me if I was sick, and needed to set down as I had become extremely pale and looked extremely unwell.  I wanted them to continue exploring but they insisted getting me back in the car.  As we drove away I began to explain my feelings on entering the site and we were all amazed that with every mile I got away from the area the more color returned to my flesh and the more pressure was released from my head, by the time we reached the town where we were going to have lunch we found my color fully returned and the pressure gone.  It was not a feeling of being sick or of overheated–it was a comfortable day—but rather felt as if something or someone was trying to make me understand their displeasure.













When I was a child I was afraid of ghosts. As I grew up I realized people are more scary.DSCN2228 SR Sharma    












These are the really scary creatures—evil hiding in the guise of human kind, they look like any man–some are abused, but some are not–they ever look and talk well, dress well and we could pass them on the street and not know that we have past (and hopefully escaped) the worst monster of human kind—himself.



Ted Bundy who took his act on the road all over the country but ended in Florida (and I do mean ENDED).  I have read some speculation that he came to Florida because he wanted to stop himself—I prefer to believe that with his inflated ego he just wanted to play for higher states…and he paid dearly for that ego, but along the way we had to bury some young girls and even a child—no regrets for his fate–creatures like him need to lose.



STARKE, Fla. — Ted Bundy, the notorious serial killer, died January 24, 1989,  in the electric chair after a night of weeping and praying, just as the sun rose over the north Florida plains.   http://articles.latimes.com/1989-01-24/news/mn-1075_1_ted-bundy









Danny Rollins who killed  women in Gainesville before he was captured, was more villainous that Bundy in appearance and action.  Bundy was so civilized at least in appearance (which to me makes Bundy scarier).  Rollins kept his terror local, but in the end was erased from his position of terror by the justice that while barbaric still seems to be appropriate when it comes to this depravity.   “Florida’s most notorious serial killer since Ted Bundy, was executed by injection October 25, 2006 (Railford) for butchering five college students in a ghastly string of slayings that terrorized Gainesville in 1990.”  http://www.foxnews.com/story/2006/10/25/florida-executes-serial-killer-danny-harold-rolling.html





Aileen Wuornos:  The only woman on our Killer’s  list, she is well known and had a lot of publicity prior to her final sojourn on death row ended:  “…she made a living as a sex worker on Florida’s highways, and in 1989 she killed a man who had picked her up. She went on to kill at least five other men and was eventually caught, convicted and placed on death row. Though her sanity was questioned, Wuornos was executed by lethal injection in 2002. In addition to documentaries, books and an opera, her story was depicted in the 2003 film Monster.”  http://www.biography.com/people/aileen-wuornos-11735792 




 Bobby Joe Long  is one I don’t remember but he was a Tampa Bay serial killer ,  who confessed to committing 10 murders and more than 50 rapes. The scary thing about him is that he’s still alive over a quarter century after his crimes:    “Long was arrested in November 1984, and is currently serving multiple life prison sentences. He received two death sentences, but his execution has been delayed by several appeals. He remains on Florida’s death row.”    The fact that he’s alive still (and he doesn’t even have psyh issues–wander why everybody else who posted dated him have been executed before him) makes him the scariest one of all.  http://www.biography.com/people/bobby-joe-long-20962313#synopsis










The Fly (1986) (Ronnie): “Be afraid… Be very afraid.”








Colorful 1989 BUDWEISER CHRISTMAS Mug with Clydesdles














Robert ……East Martello Museum in Key West, … the doll is believed to not have given up his menacing ways. Visitors and employees claim they have seen the doll move. His smile has been known to turn into a scowl. … Some say he’ll even curse you. If you want to take a picture of him, you must ask politely. He’ll tilt his head in permission. However, if he doesn’t and you take the picture anyways, a curse will befall upon you….To this day, Robert remains there….in his  sailor suit with his stuffed lion, continuing his menacing ways.  http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Robert_the_Doll





Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
(Elizabeth): “I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.”












EYE MAGAZINE August 1968  Vol 1 #6

The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth–Emily Bronte/Wuthering Heights


My alter-ego for Halloween wishes you a continuing happy season. (above) and the main picture is one of my previous haunted houses  (along with all the pictures with the quotes)  .  Yesterday I worked and went grocery shopping–be still my excited heart.  Honorable mention is the Sanford Visitor’s Center which I did a review of today:  http://www.sanfordwelcomecenter.com/ 










Ghosts seem harder to please than we are; it is as though they haunted for haunting’s sake — much as we relive, brood, and smoulder over our pasts.  ELIZABETH BOWEN, preface to The Second Ghost Book











ST PETE Grand Prix Memerobilia 1987 and 88

A look from Heroes and Heartbreakers.com on the last episode of Outlander Season One:
 Another of the Sam/Jamie LOOKS
Now it is the time of night That the graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his sprite In the church-way paths to glide   .WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Historic March Against Death A VIETNAM MEMORIAL Phamplet Nov. 13-15, 1969

The house ghost is usually a harmless and well-meaning creature. It is put up with as long as possible. It brings good luck to those who live with it.  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS, The Celtic Twilight






FOX NEWS Lists it as one of the 10 Scariest Places in America  http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2013/10/22/10-scariest-places-in-us/

West Virginia Penitentiary, Moundsville:  This is an old institution where men lived, died and were executed, where better to have hauntings.  “The West Virginia State Penitentiary is a retired, gothic style prison located in Moundsville, West Virginia. It operated from 1876 to 1995. Currently, the site is maintained as a tourist attraction and training facility.”  (DARE I ASK WHAT THEY’RE TRAINING FOR?)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_State_Penitentiary  I’ve been at or at least near this facility several times as as born less than 20 miles away.  I remember climbing on the Mound (http://www.wvculture.org/museum/GraveCreekmod.html) and looking down on the still active prison when I was younger and of touring the facility when I was married to Mike.  It is a presence all it’s own–I always figured you had to be born bad to see this place and still continue on a path of crime.   




According to the Travel Channel:  “Though the prisoners are gone, they’re not forgotten, and by many accounts, the ghosts of some of the 998 men who died here still roam free. There’s a shadow man that has been seen and even photographed. Staff of the prison have been accosted by unseen forces. Strange noises still echo throughout the cell blocks, and something dark lurks in the bowels of the building.”   http://www.travelchannel.com/shows/ghost-adventures/articles/moundsvilles-haunted-history




There are tours of the facility–including ghost tours and my particular favorite a Sat. Night overnight tour for up to 60 people who stay from 11 pm – 6 am–and is sold out until January 2016 (at $65 each that’s impressive):   http://www.wvpentours.com/tours_ghostadventures.htm)  Don’t know if I’d go, I, like my sister have been known to attract things that go bump in the night (and that’s not counting my ex-husband).



Another Site in West Virginia:  The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum   http://trans-alleghenylunaticasylum.com/










It is an ill thing to meet a man you thought dead in the woodland at dusk. ROBERT E. HOWARD, The Hour of the Dragon







JEROME, AZ. http://www.toursofjerome.com/jerome-haunted-tour/  almost a ghost town.  Once a mining boom town, it now sets catering to tourists that wander it’s old town with an intra-structure that slowly slides into the mountain where the old mines’ passage are slowly collapsing one by one.  We (a friend of mine who lived in Az. and I) explored the town and thoroughly enjoyed the experience—but we were not here over night—who knew.


A former copper-mining camp turned boom town 90 miles north of Phoenix, Jerome’s population hit 15,000 in 1929. But copper prices fell, the mining operation left and most everybody went with it. By 1953, the population was about 50….A hippie renaissance in the ‘60s helped revive Jerome…Now it’s an artist’s haven, with about 30 studios and galleries. There are also several wineries…http://articles.latimes.com/2010/apr/11/nation/la-na-hometown-jerome11-2010apr11



The hotel is suppose to have multiple ghosts including a handyman whose head was crushed by an elevator–murder, suicide, or an accident, what ever cause he is one of the many who refuse to leave the old town.  http://traveltips.usatoday.com/haunted-tour-jerome-az-104138.html this iust  one of the multiple places that claim ghosts and/or evil beings.










And as to being in a fright, Allow me to remark That Ghosts have just as good a right In every way, to fear the light, As Men to fear the dark. LEWIS CARROLL, “Phantasmagoria”
My nomination for scariest City
NEW ORLEANS is a great city, but it seems to always have something hiding in the old shadows and creepy alleys and then there’s all those people, buried above ground because New Orleans is below the water line.  The swamps seem perfect for breeding creatures of the night and the many voodoo and magic shops and practitioners just seems to reinforce it all.  I love the city but I always keep an eye out for the werewolf reputed to lurk in its streets.
Angel Heart was filmed here–a story of the Devil and lost souls a dark movie that keeps one looking over your shoulder for days after.
Lots of Vampires here—legend has it that while most have stopped the setting with corpses of loved ones to be sure that they do not raise as vampires in most parts of the world—there are still some here that carry on the practice.

Mandatory Festival Entertainment

Mardi Gras Massacre

Zombie! vs. Mardi Gras


One of my favorite takes place in two of my favorite cities (New Orleans and Key West)—this is a twisted tale  I urge you to try:

A Murder of Crows (film)




Re-stating my feelings about a night here:


Voodoo and witch craft oh my

The Skeleton Key

The Unholy (1988 film)




Favorite place for the paranormal books:

And even the popular Roberts   http://noraroberts.com/ set one of her paranormal offering here:

Midnight Bayou

Set on the outskirts of New Orleans in a dilapidated old mansion known as Manet Hall   http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1320347/


And the series are endless—like the Dark Hunter Series a form of Vampire–persons who died and were offered to return to live at the price of their souls—the selling point–they get to destroy the person who betrayed them and caused their death before they go into the service of Acheron, a demi-god who has been fighting evil along with a very strange demon for ever.    (Arch, by the way, hot, sexy, has a soul and never looks older than his early 20’s)     http://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/characters/



Given all  that, as well all the other notoriety of the city, for me it’s the best a most scary, city ever:  https://ghostcitytours.com/new-orleans-ghost-tours/?gclid=CjwKEAjwwbyxBRCS74T049iEp0wSJACkO5v1dobaswnh_groTpDRfR1s7PSZYrypNhMeyijbSuIdVxoCeErw_wcB












The moon is hidden behind a cloud…
On the leaves is a sound of falling rain…
No other sounds than these I hear;
The hour of midnight must be near…
So many ghosts, and forms of fright,
Have started from their graves to-night,
They have driven sleep from mine eyes away:
I will go down to the chapel and pray.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Neighbouring Nunnery”







NEWSPAPER 4/23/1994:  NIXON DEAD Headlines











The Amityville House:  In 1974, six members of the DeFeo family were found slain in this home; eldest son Ronald DeFeo Jr. was later convicted of murdering his parents and siblings. A year later, the Lutz family moved in but quickly moved out after reports of unexplained paranormal activity — strange odors, unexplained cold drafts and an apparition that took the form of a demonic pig-like creature.

Ye who, passing graves by night,
Glance not to the left nor right,
Lest a spirit should arise,
Cold and white, to freeze your eyes…
~James Russell Lowell, “The Ghost-Seer”














“Nine killed her… nine shall die… Nine eternities in doom!” Dr. Phibes


Hey running late today had to go to the post office—you better check out my store soon before I’ve sold everything:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/DragonLaire?ref=hdr_shop_menu  Had another great weekend—visited the Sanford Museum (small picture) with my group on Sat….http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?page=108 a very well done local museum that does local, baseball (Jackie Robison http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?recordid=138&page=32 played here) and is a memorial to the town’s founder Henry Sanford  http://sanfordhistory.tripod.com/id18.html.  Honorable mention for

the day is     DSC_0977Kiss my Bath

http://www.kissmybath.com/ which has a booth at the Lake Mary Farmer’s Market http://www.lakemaryfl.com/farmers-market    One of my friends got some cream sample to try for her knees which are quite painful when she walks a lot, but shortly after she applied the cream she was pain free and remind that way for several hours.  She went back to the booth and bought some.










“A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen.” Dr Phibe








LIFE Magazine 9/13/1968:  The Days in the Life of the BEATLES

LIFE Magazine 9/13/1968: The Days in the Life of the BEATLES

$9.87 USD
























More Speculation on who plays Bree


THAT LOOK HE GETS–another reason to love Jamie Fraser









  The organ plays till midnight! The large house in Maldene Square. Come alone!  Dr. Phibes









1964 The BEATLES A HARD Day's Night by John Burke Paperback















SINCE It’s almost Halloween thought I’d look at spooky places and haunted places—today in London.





Originally constructed as a farmhouse in 1645 it became a pub in 1721 when it gained a licence to sell ale and became a ‘public house.  In the 1920s it  “leapt to fame with the music hall song “Down at the Old Bush and Bush” sung by the 15 stone Florrie Forde, the ‘Madonna’ of her time who once said “Men don’t like thin women”.” http://www.hampsteadramblers.org.uk/self-guided-walks/15-themed-walks/7-ghosts-hampstead-and-highgate-walk.html    The reason it’s on our list of places is the fact that for over 100 years now it’s been said to be haunted by a man in Victorian clothing.   What made this one stand out for me is the fact that recently while doing reservations they found a skeleton behind a basement wall along with several Victorian era surgical instruments.  Heaven know what happened here.


Other Haunted Pubs in the City


Bow Bells Pub has a being that flushes toilets in the lady’s room–especially when there’s a lady setting on it and often appears as a green midst. https://www.facebook.com/thebowbells


The Grenadier was apparently once an officer’s mess where a young solder was flogged so badly, for cheating at cards, that he died. Once frequented by the Duke of Wellington. The date of this flogging is unknown, but it is believed to be in September, as every September the pub encounters a flurry of supernatural activity.  From footsteps in empty rooms, strange lights to a mysterious face appearing in photos, http://www.taylor-walker.co.uk/pub/grenadier-belgrave-square/c0800/


And that’s just Three:









 Perhaps your hands will shake and he, too, will die under your knife. A few remaining minutes are all you have. Because when the acid reaches him, he will have a face like mine!   Dr. Phibes



























Highgate:  While not the oldest, it is however one of the older commercial cemeteries that replaced the over buried church yards.  I’ve visited the site a couple of times and even on the brightest days the over crowded and tree darkened burial areas can be spooky.  It has it’s share of legends even in our more modern times.  Why in 1970 many believed that a vampire lived here…If I was a vampire I’d surely consider it.  There was a vampire hunt in March of that year where reportedly 100 or so brave (or drunk?) souls equipped with torches, crosses and stakes wandered about, but reportedly found nothing.  When they left, some leaving in a frightened state, a few reported seeing something crawling in the shadows.  The clean up, which included replacing and repairing damaged monuments and replacing at least one corpse in her tomb cost the facility over 9,000 poundDr. Farrant the master-mind (and I say that tongue in cheek) and his associate Dr. Blood (don’t say it) pledged to destroy the evil being–but to this date I have seen nothing to confirm the vampire’s demise.

St Mary’s Cemetery in Kensal Green, is said to be haunted by Byron’s wife and sister.  Kensal Green is in fact the oldest commercial cemetery in London.   http://www.kensalgreencemetery.com/

The City of London Cemetery:  Since the 1970’s (seems to be a good year London ghosts) persons on the west of the cemetery have seen an orange light coming from one of the graves.  Multiple investigations are said to have been done but no source could be found.   http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/green-spaces/cemetery-and-crematorium/Pages/default.aspx












Caretaker: [Vesalius and Trout visit the Phibes vault in Highgate cemetery] Fools. They’ll have the worms soon enough.

















Famous Places

The Tower:  Given the number of people who have died of natural causes, murdered, executed and probably a few suicides since it was first built by the invading Normans to remind London of their military superiority,  it is amazing that you can even move about the building even in the day light.

In the Martin Tower:  Ann Boleyn’s ghost is said to wander here (am not sure if she has a head or not, but she was executed here and her headless body lies beneath the chapel’s floor)in the upper room where she was previously held prisoner.  A huge bear (the tower also use to hold the Royal zoo until the early 1800s.  The man who reported this bear sighting–in fact he collapsed and died 2 days after seeing itWeird hovering tubes of liquid inside and the 9th Earl of Northumberland wandering on either side outside round out the sightings.



In the White Tower another Anne (Askew) was torn apart on the rack here and it is her screams that reportedly can be heard echoing off the walls.  The White tower also has a shadow of a huge axe spreading out across the green and smoke has been seen coming from the old cannons outside it.


The Blood Tower is the sight where that wandering Earl was reputedly murdered and the two young princes (sons of Edward V) were reportedly murdered by either his uncle (Edward’s brother) Richard III or his brother-in-law (husband of his sister Elizabeth) Henry VII.  Reports of their sightings walking hand in hand have been noted.  Two night guardsmen (1920s and 30s) have given reports of seeing a headless woman–one of which disappeared when the guard tried to plunge a bayonet through her.  In 1970 (there’s that date again) tourists reported seeing a woman in an ankle length black dress and looked like a normal being to them until she began to fade.


The Queen’s House Guy Fawkes and his cronies were “persuaded” to confess here to attempting to blow up parliament.  To this day it is claimed that the sounds of screams and grinding can be heard.  There is so a Grey Lady that can only be seen by women, and a figure floats about on the top floor as well as loud foot steps on a rear stairway.  Visitors have heard “religious chanting accompanied with music, while a room where Anne Boleyn spent her final day has a menacing, unpleasant atmosphere and the lady herself has been seen leaning out a window (wearing a red carnation) and gliding toward Tower Green, where she was executed.


And before you scoff in 1864 a guard was found asleep at his post, he claimed that he tried to stab a white figure that appeared before him and when he did it no harm and realized what it was he fainted.  When his officer had him tried and he told his story, several other guards came forward to give similar stories, he was acquitted.  Another guard fled after seeing the figure of a headless woman walking towards Tower Green.   http://www.hrp.org.uk/TowerOfLondon/






Sgt. Schenley: There are a lot of strange men practicing medicine these days.






1964 The BEATLES A HARD Day's Night by John Burke Paperback










The Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Catherine Street. WC2  the theatre’s most famous ghost is that of the so-called “Man in Grey”, the limping apparition of a young man in a powdered wig, white- ruffed shirt, grey riding cloak and three-cornered hat.  He invariably appears during the hours of daylight, and seldom digresses from a timeworn route. He materialises on one side of the upper circle, crosses to the other side where he astonishes witnesses by melting into the wall.  In 1939 more than half the cast of “The Dancing Years”, who were on stage for a photo call, witnessed his ghost cross the upper circle and disappear in time honoured fashion.  He has been seen by members of the audience, by famous actors too numerous to mention, by firemen, theatre managers and numerous other staff at the Theatre Royal.   http://www.haunted-london.com/haunted-london-theatres.html




MORE  http://www.travelchannel.com/interests/haunted/photos/haunted-london-1










WOODEN 14" x 9 1/2" wall hanging of Bermuda Longtail DECORATVE











Dr. Phibes: [from the poster] Love means never having to say you’re ugly.









The ORACLE PAPER May 1967 Haight Ashbury San Fran CA.  The Summer of Love




It’s not like my mother is a maniac or a raving thing. She just goes a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes. Haven’t you? Norman Bates/PSYCHO


Both scenes today are from the Lake Mary Ghost Walk– (a scary ghost or ghoul? and the main one is a lovely lady–one  of several zombies that like to play with warmer blooded street occupants)–It’s great fun but they were about sold out last time I checked:  Only one more–10/24 and you need to get with them first for reservations and time—http://lakemarymuseum.com/upcomingevents.html  There’s also a Halloween exhibit to see at the museum:


with antique costumes, pictures and a change in décor (as noted in above picture).  Even if the tour is filled this one is worth seeing as well.  Just work yesterday…boring but necessary to held fund my lavish life style.








Mike Enslin: Cut his own throat, right?
Gerald Olin: Well that’s not the horrific part. Afterwards, in a fit of insanity, he tried to stitch himself back together using an old sewing needle before he bled to death.  










LOVE #1 MOM Original, Recycled, Musical Charming, Wind Chimes 22" long











Abraham Lincoln: [voice over] And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder. And I looked, and behold, it was Death, saying, ‘Come and see.’ And I saw. And Hell followed me.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)










LISNER VINTAGE Orange Leaf 16" necklace 1 1/2" pin and Matching Earrings

The Black Dragon Fish—remind you of any monsters you’ve seen before?  The species occurs in subtropical and temperate marine waters of the southern hemisphere. two of which, occur in Australian waters. –http://australianmuseum.net.au/black-dragonfish-idiacanthus-atlanticus-brauer-1906#sthash.bD4yjSIy.dpuf    Thankfully they’re not really really big but with a face like that and teeth to make a vampire  jealous they’re still pretty frightening beasties.
Ash: You still don’t understand what you’re dealing with, do you? Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

The Mata Mata  Turtle  Ok who though turtles could be terrible—-“As it remains motionless in the water, its skin flaps enable it to blend into the surrounding vegetation until a fish comes close. The mata mata thrusts out its head and opens its large mouth as wide as possible, creating a low-pressure vacuum that sucks the prey into its mouth, known as suction feeding.[15] The mata mata snaps its mouth shut, the water is slowly expelled, and the fish is swallowed whole; the mata mata cannot chew due to the way its mouth is constructed”  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mata_mata Though they grow quite large (and have all those nasty barbs) they are not a threat to humans—but I don’t think the fish enjoy their interaction very much.









George: I’m coming apart! Oh, mother of God, I’m coming apart!   The Amityville Horror









Komodo Dragons:  There’s nothing mystical (or romantic) about these dragons.  “And so, rumors of an enormous prehistoric lizard roaming a remote Indonesian island were just that — rumors — until 1910. At that time, Lt. Steyn van Hensbroek, a Dutch colonial official, decided to check things out for himself. He put together an expedition and headed to Komodo Island, where he caught and killed a 6-foot specimen. Van Hensbroek then sent the proof — er, dragon carcass — back to the Zoological Museum and Botanical Garden at Bogor, Java, which dubbed the species Varanus komodensis.”    http://www.animalplanet.com/tv-shows/monster-week/mythical-animals-that-turned-out-to-be-real/








David: Jack is dead and six people are dead. There’s gonna be a full moon tonight. I’m going to the cops.
Alex: David, please be rational. Let’s go to Dr. Hirsch.
David: Yeah. Be rational, sure. I’m a f******g werewolf, for Christ’s sake!      An American Werewolf in London
















THE SERIAL KILLER:    WHETHER an intelligent stranger like Bundy

or an evil (I didn’t kill anyone) manipulator like Manson

They are a real monster of today and even yesteryear. “A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people,  usually due to abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant break (a “cooling off period”) between them.  Some sources, such as the FBI, disregard the “three or more” criterion and define serial killing as “a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone”.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_killer




One of the first listed was in Roman :  “Several Roman men died in what was believed to be a plague, until a servant woman revealed that they had been poisoned by a conspiracy of matrons. Two patrician women arrested admitted to preparing concoctions but claimed that they were medicinal; when they drank themselves to prove it, at their own suggestion, they died immediately. A total of 170 matrons were arrested. According to Livy, “their act was regarded as a prodigy, and suggested madness rather than felonious intent”.”  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_serial_killers_before_1900 saved the cost of a state trial and execution what ever the cause.












[to Melanie; referring to the attacking birds]
Mother in Diner: Why are they doing this? Why are they doing this? They said when you got here the whole thing started. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from? I think you’re the cause of all of this. I think you’re evil. Evil!

The Birds











Monster Raving Loony Party.png

The Official Monster Raving Loony Party is a registered political party established in the United Kingdom in 1983 by the musician David Sutch (1940–1999), better known as “Screaming Lord Sutch, 3rd Earl of Harrow” or simply “Screaming Lord Sutch”. It is notable for its deliberately bizarre policies and it effectively exists to satirise British politics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_Monster_Raving_Loony_Party  personally I think all political parties should have Monster, loony or raving included in their official name.





Political malfeasance grabs headlines, and few public failings are as colorful as a House legislator who stores $90,000 in marked bills in his basement freezer (William J. Jefferson, Democrat of Louisiana, convicted of bribery, racketeering and money laundering in 2009) or one who boasts to an F.B.I. undercover agent, “I’ve got larceny in my heart” (John W. Jenrette Jr., Democrat of South Carolina, convicted of accepting bribes in the Abscam sting; Mr. Jenrette was later found guilty of shoplifting shoes and a necktie at a Marshalls department store).  http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/26/us/politics/it-only-seems-that-political-corruption-is-rampant.html?_r=0






















Claire: If you look in the mirror and you say his name 5 times, he’ll appear behind you breathing down your neck.



















6 ROSE HANDLED Small Teaspoons Silver Plate by Alpakka Vintage










AND A MONSTEROUS FLOP:  Visiting the Hollywood Scientology Celebrity Center, J.D. Shapiro just wanted to meet girls. Instead, he wound up writing Battlefield Earth. After winning the “Worst Picture of the Decade” Razzie, Shapiro is apologizing.    http://gawker.com/5503834/battlefield-earth-screenwriter-apologizes-for-suckiest-movie-ever










Barnabas Collins(Johnny Depp): Witch! You cursed me to be this hideous creature! You may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!

Dark Shadows


















SMILING Keeps Your Heart In Shape 6# COLLECTOR Plate 1985 "Lasting Memory




‘Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. ~William Shakespeare


Yesterday was in Baldwin Park (see picture–little one) with friends at Gators  http://gatorsdockside.com/ for lunch and a few drinks…nice way to break up the day.  Didn’t do much else than work the rest of the time.  Honorable Mention today is the restaurant I just wrote a review of:  Sunny Breeze Café   https://www.facebook.com/sunnybreezecafe   Great Latin specialties.  Have you checked my novel out lately?  https://www.pinterest.com/lindachase56829/my-novels/














                  There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world.       Jean Baudrillard

















4 1/2″ METAL COFFEE CONTAINER WITH LID AND SMALL SPOON $14.80     http://www.ebay.com/itm/262092415556?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649



























CAIT talks about the spanking scene and Claire’s loss of freedom in Paris Season 2:  http://www.designntrend.com/articles/61479/20150924/outlander-tv-series-cast-member-sam-heughan-really-relished-season-1-spanking-scene.htm

check out my Outlander Pinshttps://www.pinterest.com/lindachase56829/why-i-love-outlander/












Shadows of a thousand years
Rise again unseen,
Voices whisper in the trees
‘Tonight is Halloween!’
Dexter Kozen









OVAL DECORATIVE BRADEX PLATE LAHAINA DREAMS NUMBERED LIMITED ISSUE OF 6TH ISSUE   $20.69  http://www.ebay.com/itm/262090767875?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649








the monsters that make the day worth while:



They have been around for years and have developed into a whole THING all their own—They drink blood, bite necks and smolder in the shadows….Bella Lugosi became famous just because he played one…even Brad Pitt (it’s rumored that Tom Cruise wore lifts in his shoes while making that little vampire gem cause he’s only 5’7″ while Pitt is 4 inches taller)  did one—even his Bud George Clooney killed them in old Mexico.



Ugliest Vampire ever:  NOSFERATU (1922 silent)—no romantic notion could be inspired by this horrible monster—-unless you really have self hate issues.




The movie that ended with it’s star buried in his cape:  Dracula (1931)  Bella Lugosi played other vampires and monsters through the 30’s and 40’s  but to this day this is the one that made him, and the villain he played, famous.





             Hark! Hark to the wind! ‘Tis the night, they say,
When all souls come back from the far away-
The dead, forgotten this many a day!
Virna Sheard












Hottest Dracula (not hotter than Pitt, but he played a Vampire not THE Vampire.  DRACULA (1979).  Frank Langella does the ultimate blood sucker in the 1920’s–in a seductive interpretation.













Most off base Vampire Epic  DRACULA (1992)–Gary Oldman as a strange title character who is in love—please this just didn’t work..and I mean anyhow, any way despite what Francis Ford Coppola spent making it.











The Brat Pack does Dracula:  LOST BOYS (1987)—California Vampires with Kiefer Sutherland push party all night and never grow old—until I wrote that I never realized how close the California life style was to being a Vampire—wow.








                  Nothing beats a haunted moonlit night on All Hallows Eve…. And on this fatal night, at this witching time, the starless sky laments black and unmoving. The somber hues of an ominous, dark forest are suddenly illuminated under the emerging face of the full moon.
Kim Elizabeth













Bad guys meet worse:  FROM DUSK TILL DAWN (1996)  Quentin Tarantino (worse psycho brother) and his brother (Clooney)  kill people and kidnaps a family and wait for someone at a bar in Old Mexico that just happens to be full of vampires—all I can say is Clooney is hot (and psychotic) while Tarantino becoming a vampire seems somehow appropriate to his usual reputation in making movies But I don’t recommend  the movie while you’re sober.








Whiney Vampire tells what’s not right about being a vampire.  INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE (1995).  I am not a big Anne Rice fan—she always has whiney characters and in this movie he’s Brad Pitt.  While the movie is told by an ancient vampire who is human until his wife dies and he meets Tom Cruise (the main character who bitches about Pitt’s whinning–at least I’m not the only one this drives crazy) who makes him immortal which turns out to not just being only undying pleasure.













 Hybrid that sets out to save the world from his bad half:  BLADE (1998),BLADE II (2002), BLADE TRINITY (2004) Wesley Snipe does a nice job on these but I liked the less complicated plot of the first but the addition of Ryan Reynolds in the third (who knew in Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place (TV Series 1998–2001  that he had that body lurking under his boring wardrobe–hot).  But by the 3rd one I wanted a Vampire program so I could tell who was who, way and wherefore?












‘Tis the night – the night
Of the grave’s delight…
~ Arthur Cleveland Coxe.












A series that creates a Vampire/Lycan mythology:  UNDERWORLD (2003), UNDERWORLD EVOLUTION (2006), UNDERWORLD: RISE OF THE LYCANS (2009) in which a beautiful vampire (actual beings not undead) Kate Bekinsale (who played sister of  werewolf and vampire killer with Hugh Jackman as VAN HELSING, in a weird graphic novel type offering that was panned by critics but which I loved) I enjoyed these first three but as they continue on I kinda lost interest—I mean 3 is about the length of my movie interest span—sorry.






When a 90+ Vampire (who’s still in High School) meets a teen girl why am I the only one bothered:  THE TWILIGHT MOVIES.  I watched the first and decided that I didn’t do poorly made Vampire movies–what amazed me is the adult 40ish woman who followed these, didn’t he die in the maze and Harry brought his body home?










The witches fly
Across the sky,
The owls go, “Who? Who? Who?”
The black cats yowl
And green ghosts howl,
“Scary Halloween to you!”
–Nina Willis Walter









Sesame Street (Muppet 1970s)


Starsky & Hutch (Season 2,  1976)


X-Files (Season 2, 1994)


Smallville (season 5, 2005)



Shows with Regular Vampires:



The Munsters, a silly little show with Grandpa and mom Lily being actual vampires and in a similar vein (oh no she didn’t say that) The Addams Family that had long been in cartoons and didn’t have any defined blood suckers but one always wondered








BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (also a movie) and her lover and spin off ANGEL.   Another show I never watched but my sister loved—there’s no accounting for tastes or lack there of.









DARK SHADOWS (the silly movie with Depp doesn’t count)—AS I HAVE mentioned before is given credit to starting the craving for bloody monsters lurking in the night. I enjoyed Moon Light (which didn’t last long) which goes to show I don’t go with the trends but as for TV:  Which IN FACT THERE’S SO MANY THAT I W/REFER YOU TO:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Vampires_in_television








Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat…
~Nicholas Gordon






























‘Tis the night – the night
Of the grave’s delight,
And the warlocks are at their play;
Ye think that without
The wild winds shout,
But no, it is they – it is they.
– Arthur Cleveland Coxe













WOODEN C-SHAPED MODERN CARVING WITH TWO FACES   $5.99 http://www.ebay.com/itm/262090764254?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2648


When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween. Unknown


Obviously this lady is not witch, but she does have a bewitching smile–got a shot of her at Winter Springs Art Festival and promised I’d feature her on Tues….Worked yesterday, went to the post office to mail more items:  Have you checked my store yet?  https://www.etsy.com/shop/DragonLaire?ref=hdr_shop_menu   that’s about it except some grocery shopping on way home and fixed a nice dinner…boring.  Honorable Mention—and I just listed them on Trip Advisor–takes a few days for them to review and post review—HOURGLASS BREWERY   http://thehourglassbrewery.com/….  Still nothing from anyone out there as to what they’re doing for Halloween.










At first cock-crow the ghosts must go Back to their quiet graves below.   ~ Theodosia Garrison






Item picture

50TH ANNIVERSARY 1948-1998 NASCAR BUDWEISER 14 1/2″ BEER … (262095543024)  $19.99















Find out who inspired Diana Gibaldo to write Outlander http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/

I can live with the hair being different…when the rest of the package is real











From ghoulies & ghosties & long-leggedy beasties & things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!
~Scottish Saying







Item picture








 Halloween during WWII wasn’t so much fun–letting air out of tires was sabotage.  Soaping windows was wasting needed resources.  Many towns cancelled Halloween altogether, but others used the Holiday to boost public morale but with rationing and the shortage of supplies the candy offerings and costume choices must have been very limited.  If we rationed items today it might seriously curtailed our further war efforts—we are not a country that sacrifices much any more.
This inhuman place makes human monsters.
~ Stephen King, The Shining
Goblins in France are wandering Sprites who attach themselves to households doing good and bad.  They are called brownies in England  & Scotland kobalds in Germany, domoviks in Russia and are part of many other countries’ mythologies.  Most recently they are part of the Halloween legends when it is said they roam the night when the veil between worlds are thinnest.
So what, ghosts can’t hurt you. That’s what I thought then.
~ Stephen King, Bag of Bones
The commercial  birth of Halloween began in the early 1980s and by  1990s it was second only to Christmas for home decoration.  Vampires  became a major part of  this display from Elvira on TV  to Bella Lugosi images and all things in between including a party set with Garfield as a vampire.  Halloween cards ranked 8th with 35 million sold in 1992 alone.
When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, May luck be yours on Halloween. Author Unknown
In Cornwall it was Hallowtide or Allantide till the end of the 19th century where it was traditional  to give family members a very large apple (Allan Apple), as a luck bringer with the receiver (and consumer) having luck the whole next year.  Remember  that this time period for the Celts was originally their new years….the custom is no longer practiced and in some areas is said to be all but forgotten.
I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.
~ George A. Romero
Jack-o-Lanterns weren’t originally pumpkins they were the phosphorescent lights that floated over swamps and marshes and were believed to be lost souls or in some cases death omens.  Other names include will-o’-the-wisp and corpse light in England or fairy light and fox fire in Ireland.  They were believed to have been denied entry to both heaven and hell and forced to drift through the night.   Swedes thought them to be the souls of unbaptized children, while some American Indians believed them to be demons.  By the time you get to the US they have been tied to witches and were once carried by trick-or-treaters to frighten away evil spirits.

It’s said that All Hallows’ Eve is one of the nights when the veil between the worlds is thin – and whether you believe in such things or not, those roaming spirits probably believe in you, or at least acknowledge your existence, considering that it used to be their own. Even the air feels different on Halloween, autumn-crisp and bright.  Erin Morgenstern







Costumes have been around forever and some were definitely to scare away the scary things that might “GET US”.  More recently it’s felt:  “wearing a mask allows us to experience another aspect of our identity without shaking the true identity that we normally use.”  (Dr Steven Alter, PhD, Adelphi University Professor). to be or not I guess.







Gaelic:  Souls rise from Purgatory for 48 hrs. on All-Hallows and are free to roam.
Welsh:  Wind blows from the feet of the dead and into houses where death will come within the year
Scottish Highlands:  If you set at a crossroads on a 3-legged stool, as the church bells ring twelve on Halloween you will hear the names of the doomed (for the next year)
England:  For fertile fields circle the fields with a lighted torch on Halloween.
Strathspey, England:   Sheep are (or were?) forced to go through a hoop of rowen to protect against Witches and fairies.
Ireland:  Never check out who’s following you on Halloween for if it’s the dead and your gazes meet you will die–course if its a zombie you’re probably a lost cause anyway.
England if you see your shadow in the moon light on Halloween you’ll be haunting the cemetery soon and skip hunting on the big day or risk the chance of becoming a wandering spirit.
America/rural:  The Halloween born child will be forever protected from evil spirits as well as fairies and will possess second sight.
Item picture
“Through the symbols of Samhain—the bonfire, the mask, the scarecrow, and the beloved dead—and through symbols of early Christian superstition–the black cat, the vampire, the werewolf, the Witch burnings—-we find the interesting kink of a holiday birthed from one religion and perverted by another.”  Silver  Ravenwolf.
Item picture
HALLOWEEN/Silver Ravenwood
SUPERSTITIONS (Encyclopedia)/Ed. Christina Hole
VAMPIRE BOOK (encyclopedia)/J.Gordon Melton
VAMPIRES/Joules Taylor
VAMPRIES (Field Guide)/Dr Bob Curran
WITCHES & WITCHCRAFT (Encyclopedia)/Rosemary Ellen Guiley









I never used to watch horror movies. ‘Bambi’ gave me nightmares. Danielle Panabaker


Another scary week–even the pup’s picture  I took at the Winter Springs Art Festival (if you missed it you missed a great day with lots of great displays in a lovely park setting with no congestion and lots of parking) is spooky—The main picture is of the Lake Mary Museum http://www.lakemarymuseum.com/—more about that one later this week.  Honorable Mention today to the Cottage Gift Shop http://www.cottagegiftshopinlongwoodfla.com/ which we visited while wandering about in the historical district of Longwood where we started our day on Sat.  http://visitseminole.com/things-to-do/art-culture-history/longwoods-historic-district-walking-tour. 








SAM TALKS about #Jamie’s Secret Mission NEXT #SEASON
TODAY what gives you NIGHTMARES—Beside Politicians (on both side of the aisle)? 
FOR ME Nightmares aren’t brought about from how much blood you can spill–the modern horror movie spends so much time on gore that with rare exceptions their plots are like carbons of all the others with only the location, names of the movie and persons playing the hacker and the hackees (and they may well play several carbonated parts so that’s a fact that may not actually be a differece) are some times different.  And the sequels on sequels waters even those down, until we run screaming into the night afraid we will die of boredom.
Hitchcock took songbirds and made them lethal….A masked lunatic in a weird mask probably won’t show up in my front yard, but all manner of birds do it constantly—now what if those birds turned into vicious killer—Something to loose sleep about.  His movie Psycho where the shower scene went down in horror movie History—without showing ONE direct strike of knife into the body is enough to keep one tossing and turning for entire nights in fear of the unseen and how it might impact you.
CLOWNS (This particular one is Pennyworth in King’s “IT”) first they have that ghost-white complexion, bizarre hair and nose and clothes that just are more “off” than funny.   Their voice is usually high-toned and irritating and  those are their good points.  King knew what he was doing when he made him the villain—much worse than a vampire, in fact pointy teeth wouldn’t be out of place with that face now would it?
And did you forget that creepy clown doll in Poltergeist  — I mean from the minute you first saw it you knew despite it’s just setting there you knew it was up to no good…and hiding under the bed–only the scariest place to hide ever.

But dreams have ways of turning into nightmares.     Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus











He doesn’t look scary and his stories aren’t so horribly different, yet I can read King (or any other of that genre at night, alone in bed) and sleep with nary a bad thought let alone a dream.  Yet Lovecraft’s books give me shivers in broad daylight in a room full of people.  It is my understanding that he went mad and maybe some of those bizarre monsters, who in fact should be just silly, do come across as terrifying and it is so easy to believe that they are waiting just outside your insubstantial glass window waiting for you to sleep and then they crawl into your mind and make your dreams the haunt of creatures which have no earthly place and who’s names are from other times when humans were mere beasts to be hunted and consumed.


I read early on that King had been a fan of Lovecraft and some of his earlier stories are the closest thing to Lovecraft I’ve ever read.  King as a pupil did well, but maybe bringing that supreme terror back was not wise or could only be done by someone else that was mad.     And King decided to stay good and sane.














Foul whisperings are abroad: unnatural deeds
  Do breed unnatural troubles: infected minds 80
  To their deaf pillows will discharge their secrets:
  More needs she the divine than the physician.    Doctor/Macbeth






Thunder storms—those really nasty ones where the noise shakes the house and the light flickers on and off just regularly enough to let you think you might get a reprieve and then hits you again so bright and with such a loud report after that you scream out in surprise–I mean you are too old to actually be afraid of Nature’s fire works—well aren’t you?



















“Stephen King once wrote, “Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations; they’re antithetical to the poetry of fear.”














Wind (even without the fireworks) Howling through the trees—what a sound the wind can make—like some raging monster,  like a crazed person moving about, like an animal from hell.  And if you’re close enough you can hear the clicking and the scrapping of the branches—but especially after dark they seem so strange–like some THING out there seeking entry, like something caged seeking escape, like all the bad things you’ve ever read or have seen or been told about trying find a way IN to where you are.












In a horror story, the victim keeps asking why – but there can be no explanation, and there shouldn’t be one. The unanswered mystery is what stays with us the longest, and it’s what we’ll remember in the end.”   Alan Wake













Walking along in a dark, foggy street I fear what lies beyond what the light illuminates—what at daylight doesn’t seem possible during the night seems actually probable.  What is that partial shadow down that  side street which is slowly being enveloped by the moving, crawling fingers of the being we call fog?   Getting lost seems so much easier when darkness changes the contours  and especially when fog draws ghostly tentacles about it all.   I read a story once about London where somehow at night two tourists were exploring in it’s ancient boundaries and they crossed from the present to a past that throw them into a ceremony where they were the victims…and they move through the dark medieval street trying to escape an ancient evil.  Let me tell you th when  you walk the streets of London at night and the fog begins to drift in,  you begin to think that it might not be fiction after all.



I don’t have nightmares; I give them all to you.   Stephen King











VINTAGE TEASPOON 4" Siler Plate with Gold Stag Crest on End of Handle

“It’s hard to wake from a nightmare when the nightmare is real.” ~ Fire by Kristen Cashore









TWO NURSERY Planters 1980s

I think your nightmares are the gatekeepers to your dreams, really   Jason Seigel

And the strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. H.P. Lovecraft

Pictures are my yard getting ready for trick or treat.  What you doing for Halloween—share with us.   Am upset with this bear murder which Florida is selling tickets tohttp://www.thepetitionsite.com/941/276/061/protect-florida-black-bears-from-hunting/    Sorry grumpy, some idiot called last night and woke me up with emergency—they detected a virus on my computer—-yeah I’m protected RIGHT—and I should go open up my computer and let them take care of it…..NO.  Don’t ever do this folks:   http://www.microsoft.com/security/online-privacy/avoid-phone-scams.aspx    Phone number was from Highland, NY 1-845-691-3947 but when I called it back it came up out of service.  Watch your back ladies and gents.  Honorable mention:  Checkered Moon (Mt. D.) http://www.checkeredmoon.com/
Oh by the way today was the day Mata Hari was executed–who and what was she?  Check it out:  http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mata-hari-executed
“‘Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One. I give ye my Spirit, ’til our Life shall be Done.’  From Outlander/Book
“We have nothing now between us, save—respect, perhaps. And I think that respect has maybe room for secrets, but not for lies.”  Outlander/Book
MORE HALLOWEEN LEGENDS IN TODAY’S OFFERINGS (LAST BLOG OF WEEK)  Today the female evil that waits for no man.
Of course there is the witch—a much over labored contrivance to put women in their place—but I’ve done that several times before..so my top  evil witches.  The Wicked Witch of the Westhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicked_Witch_of_the_West is the one that I remember the best, I also love her sister who you see only as stripped legs encased in ruby slippers—now that’s an image that has often stuck with me  the witch dead and smashed under a house from Kansas—The Wizard of Oz is a rather true fairy tale given its violence (two dead witches, a traumatized and brutalized scare crow, a con-man wizard to name a few) and those flying monkeys .
Other bad witches  that I think haunt our dreams at least at Halloween would be:
1.  Macbeth’s Trio who’s prophesies are his excuse for murder and rebellion—am not sure the witches (unless you include the wife under witches) are the true evil here or just an excuse for bad behavior.   http://shakespeare.mit.edu/macbeth/macbeth.4.1.html
 2.  Geilis Duncane  in Outlander is tried and sentenced to burn in 18th c Scotland….we don’t see the execution and any additional comment will be a spoiler, but….She is on my list of witches since she was legally–if not actually–one.     http://io9.com/on-outlander-its-time-to-burn-us-some-witches-1698906037
3.  Winnie Sanderson (Hocus Pocus) Played by Bette Midler kept a little scary in this silly affair (there were 3 here again as well, but Bette was her usual bigger than life (what ever she might be at the time)   http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107120/
4.  Hansel and Gretel’s child eating witch that lives in a gingerbread house would never have gotten me I hate gingerbread—but in true fairy tale style she is evil (I mean a cannibal who imprisons children for her dinning plesure) and a true example of how fairy tales aren’t really for children.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/12/the-real-story-behind-eve_n_4239730.html
5.  Charmed–all the thousands of women who portrayed witches for just bad TV and a bad depiction of the whole world of magic etc.    I actually had someone come to me about a curse that someone had put on one of their friends (for my research–I am not a witch, but have friends that are Wicca)  After turning all kinds of possibilities around I found the spell from an episode of Charmed—OMG folks get a life.
The end is near. I hear a noise at the door, as of some immense slippery body lumbering against it. It shall not find me. God, that hand! The window! The window!

  • “Dagon”  H.P. Lovecraft











LILITH has been around for a long time–may haps before forever—note picture above where she is actually united with the snake in the Garden of Eden and in some legends she is the first wife of Adam.    (ah the original bad ex-wife) In actual historical context she was mentioned by Isaiah in 700 BC. (in addition she is found in Iranian, Babylonian, Mexican, Greek, Arab, English, German, Oriental and North American legends)  In medieval Christianity–during the dark ages she was considered the demon queen of lust (not so scary?).





The ancient name “Lilith” derives from a Sumerian word for female demons or wind spirits—the lilītu and the related ardat lilǐ. The lilītu dwells in desert lands and open country spaces and is especially dangerous to pregnant women and infants. Her breasts are filled with poison, not milk. The ardat lilī is a sexually frustrated and infertile female who behaves aggressively toward young men.     http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/people-cultures-in-the-bible/people-in-the-bible/lilith/         So we take the bad girl–make her a demon and give unfaithful men an excuses for their excesses—this ploy seems to have started with Adam my dears.










LILITH’S Fiction hasn’t been stellar:  “In the US TV series Supernatural, a white-eyed and very powerful demon called Lilith appears in season 3 (2007) and season 4 (2009). She is said to be the first human ever tempted into Lucifer’s service, thus becoming the first demon. In the season 4 finale, it is revealed that she is also the last of the 66 seals, and when she is killed, the Devil is unleashed from his cage.”   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilith_in_popular_culture














Madness rides the star-wind… claws and teeth sharpened on centuries of corpses… dripping death astride a bacchanale of bats from nigh-black ruins of buried temples of Belial…The Hound”  H.P. Lovecraft











Annie (Kathy Bates) Wilkes  in Misery (1990).   Some times the simplest is the scariest and the number one fan (like Wilkes) can haunt us all.  For in this day of mass media and mass exposure (like on a blog—-Ok I really am a witch and if you bother me I’ll turn you into William Shatner—sorry I’ve been watching a Star Trek Marathon since yesterday.) any of us could have a number one fan like Annie.



The book by Stephen King and the movie which also stars James Cann as a popular writer who is involved in an accident in a barren country setting:  “Luckily he is saved by Annie Wilkes (Ms Bates), who takes him back to her isolated cottage in the icy mountains, where she nurses him back to health. Unfortunately, Annie just happens to be Paul’s ‘number one fan‘ and upon discovering this is Misery’s final novel, she reveals her instability – before imprisoning him and terrorizing him … ”   http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100157/reviews-168















While Witches and Female Demons are both based on man’s fear of women and her sexuality, King’s monster is any woman or man who looses themselves in a world that is often unkind and unforgiving  to those living in it.  And while it is comforting that this modern monster could be either sex, it is very disconcerting  when we realize that it could become someone that might be lurking in our own personal shadows waiting to capture and terrorize any of us.  














A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings; but it was the general outline of the whole which made it most shockingly frightful.     The Shunned House (1924)   H.P. Lovecraft









FRANK ZAPPA'S 200 Motels Vinyl 33 1/3 LP 1986

On the run from a bank robbery that left several police officers dead, Seth Gecko (George Clooney) and his paranoid, loose-cannon brother, Richard (Quentin Tarantino), hightail it to the Mexican border. Kidnapping preacher Jacob Fuller (Harvey Keitel) and his kids, in the family’s RV and hole up in a topless bar.   Unfortunately, the bar also happens to be home base for a gang of vampires, and the brothers and their hostages have to fight their way out.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkaveikyikE

The Colour Out of Space (1927)      H.P. Lovecraft


Sources:  The Encyclopedia of Witches & Witchcraft by Guiley



Main Picture is anybody’s guess, the small one is one good for the season—-Edinburgh http://www.edinburghtourist.co.uk/halloween-edinburgh/  is spooky at night even when it’s not the season and the Witchery is fantastic:  http://www.thewitchery.com/   so next time you’re in Scotland.  Yesterday was work and more work and decorating the yard for the big day and so on and so forth…nothing exciting but I was ready to sleep when finally crawled into bed.    Honorable mention:  MEMORIES AND MARVELS  (Mt D again)    www.memoriesandmarvels.com






Basilisk:  Most often depicted as a reptile, the basilisk is reputed to be king of serpents. One of the most feared of all mythological beasts, a basilisk is said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. In this aspect it bears similarity to the Gorgons of Greek mythologyhttp://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Mythical_creature









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Hey I’m a hottie Highlander and I heard that ye old stone circles are great places to Pick Up nice looking women:
Check out more in-depth views of Outlander–this is from New York Times:



Hey lass come here often?









Aatxe ([a.atʃe]) is a spirit in the folk mythology of the Basque people. His name is literally translated as “Young Bull”, and he is sometimes known as Etsai. He is a cave-dwelling spirit who adopts the form of a young red bull, but being a shapeshifter, sometimes takes the shape of a man. At night, more so in stormy weather, he arises from the hollow which is his lair. He attacks criminals and other malevolent people. He also protects people by making them stay home when danger is near.       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aatxe







Steampunk flattened, patinated spoon 24" HANDMADE NECKLACE

We’re still doing Legends of Halloween and I thought today we’d look at what made some of these legends current today:
VAMPIRES:  Dracula I’ve spent the last two days on this subject so I won’t make this long–we all know vampires and Dracula of course, but I couldn’t leave the legend without pointing out the man who (after Stoker) made Dracula a household word—If you check previous entries you’ll see Lugosi is the man who in the early part of the 20th century brought the legend to life and who reportedly was buried in his vampire cape.
Interestingly there have been no real named long lasting vampire legend (beside the afore mentioned one).  We did get three movies on Blade a Vampire hybrid who fought vampires  http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Wesley-Snipes-Believes-Blade-4-Go-66975.html and the tepid teen vampires (well he was really over 90 years old but anyway) in the Twilight saga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghPsLcuLHHU  which happily seems to be fading away like a vampire exposed to the light of day you might say—I won’t but you…..  Books have long been there and the number of sagas (each with their own vampires rules from the ones who are actually beings born that way–Feehan’s excellent series where they are Carpathians  http://www.christinefeehan.com/ who if they don’t find their life mates became vampires  to Lynsay Sands’ crazy vampire romps i.e. Single White Vampire.   http://www.lynsaysands.net/  These seem to be (should I say it?) Dying down a bit lately, but there’s still enough around for a vampire lover to keep her teeth sharp (sorry the werewolf made me say it).
Let’s face it Vampire are sexy, we all are pulled toward the dark and dangerous aspects and what could be darker and more dangerous than a creature that drinks blood and turns into a bat when he/or she wants to get somewhere across town.










Bigfoot is of course the world’s marquee monster, having had pizzas and monster trucks named after it. Bigfoot is known not for what it is (since no one knows for certain what it is, or if it even exists), but what it supposedly leaves behind: large footprints. Bigfoot’s high profile is largely due to a short film taken in 1967 in Bluff Creek, Calif. This is the classic footage of Bigfoot, showing a furry, man-sized creature walking across a clearing.    http://www.livescience.com/11369-10-favorite-monsters.html






A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope (from the Greek λυκάνθρωπος lykánthropos: λύκος, lykos, “wolf”, and ἄνθρωπος, anthrōpos, “man”), is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction (e.g. via a bite or scratch from another werewolf).  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werewolf.       I particularly find it interesting that while shape shifting to all manner of creatures has long been part of the universal lore of mankind; it has been the wolf that seems to have settled itself on our specific psyche.





Of course there were books:  King’s Wolf Cycle http://www.amazon.com/Cycle-Werewolf-Signet-Stephen-King/dp/0451822196  but I think the werewolf was best and first brought to popular attention by Lon Chaney Jr. in a series of Universal pictures where he plays the tortured victim of a curse—the good man condemned by circumstance.   “Creighton Tull Chaney (February 10, 1906 – July 12, 1973), known by his stage name Lon Chaney, Jr., was an American actor known for playing Larry Talbot in the 1941 film The Wolf Man and its various crossovers, as well as portraying other monsters such as The Mummy, Frankenstein’s Monster, and Count Alucard (son of Dracula) in numerous horror films produced by Universal Studios”   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lon_Chaney,_Jr.







The werewolf like the vampire has  many incarnations from the strange creatures that live off the flesh of lost multitudes in New York City (Wolfen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfen_(film)) to being part of the plot in Twilight and Van Helsing http://www.vanhelsing.net/ (who also featured a strange Dracula among other graphic novel type viewings of the various creatures).  There is a shape shifter in True Blood http://www.hbo.com/true-blood (well more than one, but this is one of the original characters) but he turns into a dog (if  I remember right a beagle) which isn’t quite the same as the wolf persona.  But interestingly enough it is a creature, there is no name we remember,






The final legend we’re looking at is a reanimated corpse (well parts of several actually) that actually kinda has a name and even gets a bride (also a collection of parts. Frankenstein’s  legend isn’t old and in fact comes in fact entirely from a novel (which like Stoker’s book refuses to die).  It..”is a fictional character that first appeared in Mary Shelley‘s 1818 novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. …the creature is often referred to as “Frankenstein” after the creature’s creator Victor Frankenstein, but in Shelley’s novel the creature is nameless. …Frankenstein builds the creature in his laboratory through an ambiguous method consisting of chemistry and alchemy. Shelley describes the monster as 8-foot-tall (2.4 m), hideously ugly, but sensitive and emotional. The monster attempts to fit into human society, but is shunned, which leads him to seek revenge against his creator.”  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankenstein%27s_monster











Again we have the sensitive creature who has been changed from what he was, again against his will, and ends up being destroyed by the fickle finger of fate but while the werewolf was changed by a random attack by a mindlessly beast–also one supposes a victim–and changes back for long periods of time; the monster is purposely created, never named, forever trapped in a hideous, cadaver collection, which makes him perhaps the first antihero of as well as the hapless victim of modern technology—a sentiment from the original industrialization of the early 19th century that we still relate to today.



And the man who first brought him to our (or at least the more modern) generation was of course Boris Karloff.  “Along with fellow actors Lon Chaney, Bela Lugosi and Vincent Price, Boris Karloff is recognized as one of the true icons of horror cinema, and the actor most closely identified with the general public’s perception of the “monster” from the classic Mary Shelley book, “Frankenstein”. William Henry Pratt was born on November 23, 1887, in Camberwell, London, England, the son of Edward John Pratt Jr., the Deputy Commissioner of Customs Salt and Opium, Northern Division, Indian Salt Revenue Service, and his third wife, Eliza Sarah Millard.”  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000472/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm








 Pukwudgie, a “small bipedal humanoid” that comes from Native American folklore and can reportedly transform into a walking porcupine     http://www.businessinsider.com/a-map-of-the-monsters-that-haunt-the-us-2015-1






STEAMPUNK gears bezeled in peyote.  Length-24 PENDANT

 Zombies are fictional undead creatures created through the reanimation of human corpses…. The term comes from Haitian folklore (Haitian French: zombi, Haitian Creole: zonbi) where a zombie is a dead body animated by magic. Modern depictions of zombies do not necessarily involve magic but invoke other methods such as viruses.   Zombies ….literary heritage …ranging from Richard Matheson and H. P. Lovecraft to Mary Shelley‘s Frankenstein drawing on European folklore of the undead. George A. Romero‘s reinvention of the monster for his 1968 film Night of the Living Dead led to several zombie films in the 1980s and a resurgence of popularity in the 2000s. The “zombie apocalypse” concept, in which the civilized world is brought low by a global zombie infestation, became a staple of modern popular art.”  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie









 Dybbuk’s are your basic possessive spirit: ghosts or spirits that occupy people’s body against their will. They are often related to souls that need help moving on and, as such, figuring out exactly what the Dybbuk wants is the best way to exorcise it. This means listening to its problems and trying to appease it, like a slightly more articulate toddler, but in the body of someone you know.         http://www.shalomlife.com/news/20917/jewish-top-10s-mythological-creatures/









JIMMY BUFFETT'S A1A 33 1/3 LP Vinyl Record 1974