

Good morning–hope it was a good weekend. I did BBQ on Friday night (4 Rivers–just like my experiences in Texas– Saturday morning was a Greek Festival ( and then Drink sampling at Enzian/Eden Bar (  Sunday I had nails and hair (  Now I’m cleaning the garage and trying to get my homes organized after Halloween—HELP.


and a good morning to Jamie (OUTLANDER crew



I just bought a book:  CURING HICCUPS WITH SMALL FIRES— BY Karl Shaw it’s about Great British Eccentrics and after reading a couple chapters I thought I’d look further into:


SIR ISAAC NEWTON…According to Shaw:
“As a student…He would wake up, then forget to get out of bed, and sit immobilized for hours as a rush of new ideas came into his head.”

Einstein credited Isaac Newton, the father of physics and arguably the founder of scientific certainty, with “the greatest advance in thought that a single individual was ever privileged to make.”

Newton never seemed to understand the notion of science as a cooperative venture, and his ambition and fierce defense of his own discoveries continued to lead him from one conflict to another with other scientists.

Newton blamed his dog for setting his lab on fire, which ruined 20 years worth of research.

Again according to Shaw:  “…alchemy became an obsession.  He was anxious to prove that a substance known as ‘child of Satan’ gave off magnetic rays that would attract the life force of the world. …the greatest mind in science spent over thirty of the most productive years of his life trying to change base metals into gold….”

(He) was, as considered by others within his own lifetime, an insightful and erudite theologian.  He wrote many works that would now be classified as occult studies and religious tracts dealing with the literal interpretation of the Bible…Although born into an Anglican family, by his thirties Newton held a Christian faith that, had it been made public, would not have been considered orthodox by mainstream Christianity; in recent times he has been described as a heretic. …Newton refashioned the world governed by an interventionist God into a world crafted by a God that designs along rational and universal principles. These principles were available for all people to discover, allowed man to pursue his own aims fruitfully in this life, not the next, and to perfect himself with his own rational powers

(But)…in vulgar modern terms Newton was profoundly neurotic of a not unfamiliar type, but …a most extreme example…with profound shrinking from the world, a paralyzing fear of exposing his thoughts, his beliefs, his discoveries in all nakedness to the inspection and criticism of the world.

He had two nervous breakdowns. In 1678, after engaging in a dispute over aspects of his theory of optics, Newton is believed to have suffered a nervous breakdown. In 1693, he had another, after which he retired from scientific research. Newton blamed his second breakdown on lack of sleep, though historians mention other possible causes, including chemical poisoning from experiments as well as the accuccumulation.*




and do we have any Newton collectibles?



In 1727, just weeks before his death, Isaac Newton burned volumes of his own manuscripts. What did those papers contain? After spending much of his life studying the ancient art of alchemy, the codes of the bible, and trying to predict the apocalypse, did he discover something the world was not prepared to face?


He died a virgin. Newton never married and, though it’s impossible to verify, is widely believed never to have had sex.    (OK now we know why the nervous breakdown. )


* In 1979, Spargo and Pounds69 … four samples of hair, reasonably thought to have been Newton’s and acceptably labelled in three, for gold, mercury, arsenic, antimony, silver and lead. High values were obtained for mercury in all the hairs, and for the assays of gold, arsenic, antimony and lead from three of the samples. From these findings it was concluded that Newton’s ‘nervous breakdown’ of 1692 and 1693 was due principally to poisoning by the metals, especially from mercury but additionally from lead, which he used so frequently in his alchemical experiments. Besides being based on physical measurement, the raised levels in the hairs of the metals other than mercury can be explained in Newton but less easily in others. ted effects of chronic psychological depression



I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.   Isaac Newton







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