My Honorable Mention:



702 West Montrose Street
Clermont, FL 34711
View Map

Phone: 352-243-3588
Toll Free: 888-568-HERB (4372)

Hours Of Operation:
M-F: 10:00 to 5:30
Sat: 10:00 to 3:00
Sun: 10:00 to 2:00


A herbal shop with a large selection to choose from in a historical  bank building.  Stop by when you’re in town view them on line or come on down to Clermont  to get a better look.




12802 Easy Street
Tampa,  Florida
A permanent home to abused and abandoned big cats
67-acre sanctuary
Home to 80 cat:  lions, tigers, leopards, cougars, lynx and more–10 species of wild cat.
Guided tours for unique glimpses of rescue center dedicated to ending the causes of suffering inactivity.
Day Tour (1.5 hr) of sanctuary
Kids Tour (1 hr.)
Feeding Tour (1 hr)
Keeper Tour (2 hrs.) Enrichment and training
Night Tour (1 hr) by flashlight
For tour times, prices and reservations call (888-316-5875) or visit online.    Age restrictions apply–closed Thurs.
Met some interesting fellow adventurers including this lovely young lady and friend.
then back inside
where there’s still lots of windows so you don’t miss the river view

There was also turkey and all the fixings as well as music and dancing before we finally returned to Sanford http://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g34615-Activities-Sanford_Florida.html and then wandered off for new adventures.























Elephant 6" tall At Trunk WOODEN VINTAGE

Where to watch Outlander on line













Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.   Virginia Woolf









BRACELET Blue & White Vintage

I WAS WATCHING KING’S SILVER BULLET  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hSkvsPs13I TODAY And the farmer asked the question that I listed as my title today…..cause it struck me as how scary things are to some people and not to others….(in the movie the boy is screaming for help as he is being accosted by a werewolf’s human form, while the famer that comes  to hi aide thinks he’s just scared of the dark place he is in)and also the degree to which that fear extends.    Stop for just a moment and think about what really, really scares you don deep to your tippy, tippy toes.
OF course popular media contributes greatly–the pea soup vomiting,  possessed child changed over from a perfectly normal little girl in a manner of days or weeks at most and none of us ever looked at childhood quite the same again and so the Exorcist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Exorcist made changes in our lives and view of things.  Stephen King–who’s name still makes many shudder gave us rabid dogs and evil cars, in fact I think King’s real claim to fame is that he took our daily mundane existence and made it not of ho hum  but horrible with a transformation of the ordinary into evil or in Cujo’s  http://stephenking.com/library/novel/cujo.html case just scary as he does not meet the definition of evil (profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force.),  But is evil always scary—what’s scary to the good church goer may not be so to  the visiting Vegas gambler.
So Scary, like beauty,  is in the eye of the beholder.  The clown above (from King’s “It”  http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/830502.It is evil–below he looks even less appealing)–Pennywise (at least in first picture) doesn’t look scary, unless you read the books—or if you have a fear of clowns.     Coulrophobia is not just a fear of spooky movie and/or book evil clowns (though one anticipates that King may have contributed to this to a greater or lesser extent) but there were all manner of bad clowns to follow Kings–including John Wayne Gacy,     http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/23/us/john-wayne-gacy-cold-case-breakthrough/   a real live clown who proved to be both the evil and truly scary for young men especially.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coulrophobia
 Phobias seem so prevalent in our day and and age-
Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing
Barophobia – fear of gravity
Chaetophobia – fear of hair

Decidophobia – fear of making decisions

Let’s face it what if cute to me CATS can be scary to you Ailurophobia or Gatophobia

Many of us remember the childhood fears—like creatures lurking under the bed, or things that go bump in the night.   But if you’re like me some times those things that we laugh at as silly things during the day light, those things sometimes still reach for us as I step out of bed in the dead of the night, half asleep and hear a bumping sound….don’t deny it, you’ve felt that tingle of childhood remembered fear before your big boy/girl mind takes over denying that you could ever think that way at your age.
While most of us no longer believe in the old legends of werewolves and vampires or ghosts and goblins (though none of us who’s just watched a really scary vampire epic and then goes outside or into a darkened room might have a momentary relapse into the legends) or as  I believe that while we do not believe on a conscious level down deep we have never completely given up
our old legends and the evil that fed our fears–otherwise why all the books, movies and TV shows.  The evil in the modern however have become a guilty pleasure and the vampire (and werewolf  too like in the teenie stories of  Twilight).    Living with what once stalked us in night  is our own guilty pleasure and the undead our love interest—hey when Brad Pitt plays one it’s not like many women are going to turn him down.
Frigophobia – fear of becoming too cold
Gelotophobia – fear of being laughed at
Ichthyophobia – fear of fish, including fear of eating fish, or fear of dead fish
Kinetophobia, kinesophobia – fear of movement
SEE LOTS MORE  PHOBIA NAMES:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_phobias
oh and this sounds interesting for a less active adventure
Tasting Room
1821 N. 15th St.
Ybor City
Tampa, Fl
check facebook.com/cigarcitycider for updates

Charlie Brown: We’ve got ANOTHER holiday to worry about. It seems Thanksgiving Day is upon us.


I am thankful YOU,  all my 1, 658 subscribers and all those others of you that read my wandering thought but don’t formally commit.  When I first decided to go the subscriber route—the spam (some times 150 entries in one day) was driving me crazy–in June of this year I thought what have you done, what if no one subscribes, I’ll feel so foolish writing this for nobody and then I thought yeah but it’ll keep you off the streets and out of the bars so it can’t all be bad….And when you started subscribing I was grateful and more recently amazed.  Thank you and please keep reading and letting me know that after all I am not alone in this world.


For you my faithful Lair Lions:  a Thankgiving scarecrow fairy hopes that your pumpkin ain’t runny, your turkey is done–that  your friends are near and your family dear—that you have many things to be thankful for and that this new year (till next TGD) will bring you so much more.


And you know what I’m thankful for besides all of you:






This not a real person—-if it had been I would have hit her on the head with a bottle.

I’ll be back with more weirdness and pictures to confirm on Monday




You breathe on average about 5 million times a year.


I met this little guy on Sat, last, at the Deland https://mainstreetdeland.org/ Art Festival, he wasn’t sure he liked me but I told his dad (also pictured) to check him out on my blog this week–so here he is still looking skeptical of my ability as a photographer.




Months that begin on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th in them.






FLOWER Petal (4) with Blue Set 3/4" Silver-tone with White Inlaid Vintage Screw-on EARRINGS

Here you can experience 175 years of history.  Where brick-paved streets lead you to fascinating museums and galleries, antebellum homes, antique shops, quaint cafes, special events and lots more.  And don’t miss the murals that embellish the historic buildings.
One fourth of the bones in your body are in your feet.
Now serving beer & wine
Huge waiting room with beer & wine bar
Video games (Xbox and PS4)
Pool Table
Air hockey
Big screen  TV–UFC Fights
The average person spends 2 weeks of their lifetime waiting for the light to change from red to green.
Outlander:  The Time Travel is Science Fiction, But The Show Is Based In Reality
 Liam Neeson and Sean Connery Were First Considered as Leading Men.   Hint this was years ago when they were working on making  A MOVIE
just click on sites below:
 Voting closes December 3, 2015!
The Costumes Are as Authentic as Possible—Including What’s Underneath!

Sam Heughan Is the Hottest Nerd Ever.






It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it.




BEADED Necklace  Vintage, LARGE, Long,






PS main picture is my hotel (Embassy Suites) in Tampa–all the others that are mine are back at Ybor City.





The largest recorded snowflake was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick.









SANFORD USE TO HAVE THE THIRD LARGEST CAMPHOR TREE IN THE STATE:  The species is originally from Southeastern Asia and this one was believed to be planted in the mid 1880s.  In June 1999 it was measured at 27′ 8″ in circumference and stood over 52 feet high (crown ranged from 67′ – 96′.)  It was at one time recognized as a Florida Champion Tree,  Alas all that remains (where it was planted) is a very large stump in front of the Seminole County History Museum http://www.seminolecountyfl.gov/departments-services/leisure-services/parks-recreation/museum-of-seminole-county-history/










 Because there was no such thing as copyright and play theft was common, actors in Shakespeare’s plays didn’t get their lines until the play was underway. Lines would very often be whispered to an actor shortly before he was supposed to deliver them. Pressure.








Oh and did you know that on today’s date 11/25 (only in 1864) the south tried to burn down NYC?  8 southern operatives out to revenge Sherman’s march to the sea (it was said that so little was left of the land his troops ravaged that a bird flying over it would have to bring his own provisions to survive.  Read more:  http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/articles/history-archaeology/shermans-march-sea).  They called themselves The Confederate Army of Manhattan.  On this date well over 100 years ago the 8 spread out over the city some time after 8 pm and lit fires in 19 hotels and several other buildings, but none of their fires were successful and all were extinguished without any major damage.  Only one man was ever identified of the 8 and that was Robert Cobb Kennedy when he was apprehended a few months later coming into the US from Canada.  He was charged with setting a fire in the American Museum, tried and hung on March 24, 1865 (only 4 months from the initial incident).








Hillary Clinton gutted fish at a processing plant in Alaska one summer during her law school years. It was her job to scoop out entrails, but the plant soon fired her for asking too many questions about how long the flippered creatures had been dead. “I found another job,” she said, according to The New York Times.








On September 7, 1940, the man who keeps history TV on the air, Adolph Hitler unleashed Blitzkrieg, or lightening war–on the capital London  and cities across the UK.  His theory was that by bringing the death and destruction  direct to the citizens he would break their morale and get Britain to surrender or at least sign a treaty allowing him to rule in conquered Europe.  He obviously didn’t know the Brits–They took 71 hits between September and May 1941.  The man on the street’s reply:  “we can take it.”  They lived in their destroyed cities, sang irreverent songs about the Nazis and in London alone 150,000 slept in makeshift beds in the underground (subway) stations.  The psychiatric wards set up to deal with shell  shocked civilians closed due to so few coming to it.   On September 13, 1940 a bomb hit the palace.  The king and queen none-the-less refused to leave the city and during the daytime following the attacks went to visit the bombed areas and the survivors.   Oh and those  posters so popular now with the crown that sometime say  “stay calm”  Back then always said it along with     ” And Carry On” –they were invented for morale in Britain during this time and now you know where that comes from.

PS I was in London for that same queen’s (Elizabeth, the Scottish born queen mum) funeral.  I had the honor to speak with a lovely older lady who lived in London during the war and told of how ( this when an ancient Spit Fire flew over the Funeral procession) when the fighter planes were over London they knew they were safe and wouldn’t have to bare a German assault that night.








At the beginning of the war (WWI), tanks were grouped according to their ‘gender’. The male tanks had cannons attached while the females carried machine guns. The prototype tank was named Little Willie http://www.history.co.uk/shows/the-world-wars/articles/10-little-known-facts-about-ww1











CORKS VS. SCREW TOPS ON WINE—Until just recently no respectable wine would come with anything but a cork–Corks have been used forever:  The Egyptians used them to help with both food and drink storage thousands of years ago.  But the cork’s big break came in the 1600’s when it was found to be better for sparkly wines than the wooden stoppers which had been in use.  From then on the cork developed along with the standardized shapes of glass bottles.  Cork which is produced from the bark of the Quercus Suber oak Tree, has over several centuries shown just how well it functions in the wine’s aging process.  Problems with it are that it can leak, it’s susceptibility to cork taint which can destroy the wine’s taste and last, but not least the fact that it takes special equipment to get it and thus the wine out of the bottle.

The special screw caps only made the scene in the 1970’s at an Australian winery.  They were working on another cork issue:  Get the wine reclosed if it’s not all drank.  They were successful and it was soon popular with Australian wine makers.   This is turn was picked up in California.  Proponents insist that  wine with screw caps does continue to age and develop and ultimately have 50% longer ability to age than corked bottles.





The song “When Irish Eyes are Smiling,” synonymous with Ireland and all things Irish, was written by two Americans, George Graff and Chauncey Olcott, in 1912. There are no records to show that they ever even visited Ireland.              http://www.irishcentral.com/roots/strange-and-wonderful-top-ten-random-weird-facts-about-ireland-130552548-237785351.html









Baby Cup SILVER Plate ROGER Brothers 227 Ornate Floral Pattern 2"

Andrew Jackson’s bird had a potty mouth
Jackson taught his parrot how to curse to the extent that the parrot had to be removed from the president’s funeral because it was cursing too much. That’s one way to leave a legacy.   









PRECIOUS MOMENTS Doll--Rose/June With Original stand 13"

Discover Britain:  October 2015
Publix/Grape  Winter 2015
Seminole County’s Historical Markers and Sites   Pamphlet
True Crime Calendar 2015









ALL pictures today are still from last week’s Ybor City trip  The main one and this first one here are from Dysfunctional  Grace Art Company, which is interesting and a bit strange to say the least:  http://www.dysfunctionalgrace.com/









Coke Santa Claus Metal HANDLED TIN 1994






If wandering about YBOR isn’t enough of an adventure try the Ghost Tour:  Find out where the bodies ar buried.  Jose Luis Avellena, Jr. who along with his disembodied nurse haunts the basement of the Don Vicente Inn  http://donvicenteinn.com/# or the long deceased shopkeeper who still visits his office in King Corona http://kingcoronacigars.com/  regularly and of course an 8-year old boy who drowned in the Cuban Club pool to name a few.  http://thecubanclub.org/












W. Montrose St.     Clermont, Fl.


SEWING MACHINE Button Holer Attachments with Original booklet and container  1960's Singer
 I never get tired of Jamie lounging in the mill stream.
OREO TIN 1994 Unlock the Magic
Yesterday we looked at being thankful and how you can make someone happy and the world a better place by expressing it.  Today let’s look at what makes you happy.  What do you do and where is your happy place.
Think about it, what really makes you happy–a new car…so superficial but some happiness is fleeting.   I was thinking more along the line of family, those kids that drive you mad all day and then curl up on the couch with you to watch some stupid cartoon or that shutters against you in fear as the super hero faces his (or hers) nemesis.  While the car gives you short rushes which become less as time goes by and wear and tear raise their ugly head; the child grows and becomes a part of your heart and a symbol (even when they become teens and drive you mad) of all that is good, and loving and worthy of happiness.
WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE?  A silly joke, a Monty Python rerun, Robin Williams’ monologues—I look at movies, jokes and funny flamingos, etc as a reminder of what makes us happy—another fleeting joy—but laughter can raise our spirit when we are down and get us through a down time, so the silly and what might appear pointless little things like a Garfield book or a Peanuts cartoon may help us move on or up or whatever.  What’s the old saying:  “Whatever gets you through the night?”  That’s kind of what all these things are and if you’re down (the holidays that are looked on by many as a happy place tends to be more of down and out than an up and coming for many).
So how can you keep positive over the holidays and even after?
Try socializing with positive people—we all have our friends and co-workers that are active and positive and others that aren’t so.  If you’re down don’t spend the day with Eeyore—but  Tigger may be a bit too much if you  really have the blues—those kind of days calls for Winnie’s not over the top but yet positive none the less.  It sounds funny but associating with positive people can aid us in being more positive ourselves.  Think about a day you spent with your positive friends and then one with the those others that always seem in the middle of soap opera and how you felt while you were with both of them.  I’m not saying avoid those people, you could even be their positive friend–but not when you’re down too.  Pity Parties are not how you want to spend Turkey Day.
Single, live alone, don’t have any children then the holidays can stretch out in front of you like a waste land of emptiness.  Try planning things.  My friend and I (she has children–who accompany us— but no other family near by) do Thanksgiving on a riverboat cruise that has a full turkey spread, music, fun and lots of people to share the day with.
For Christmas I host the day at my house, everybody brings a dish or more to share and I invite all my single friends (and anybody else that would like to stop by).  I start at noon with appetizers and snacks then about 3 we do the main meal and about 6 dessert.  Some friends will stop by on the way to family or other friend’s events for one of the featured food groups and some socializing, so the day is active and varied and I am not alone.
and don’t forget those adventures we have been talking about…getting out and doing something usually brightens your mood and gives your mind something  new and positive to deal with.
and avoiding these negative ways of thinking  also  helps:
All-or-nothing thinking – Looking at things in black-or-white categories, with no middle ground (“If I fall short of perfection, I’m a total failure.”)
Overgeneralization – Generalizing from a single negative experience, expecting it to hold true forever (“I can’t do anything right.”)
The mental filter – Ignoring positive events and focusing on the negative. Noticing the one thing that went wrong, rather than all the things that went right.
Diminishing the positive – Coming up with reasons why positive events don’t count (“She said she had a good time on our date, but I think she was just being nice.”)
Jumping to conclusions – Making negative interpretations without actual evidence. You act like a mind reader (“He must think I’m pathetic”) or a fortune teller (“I’ll be stuck in this dead end job forever.”)
Emotional reasoning – Believing that the way you feel reflects reality (“I feel like such a loser. I really am no good!”)
‘Shoulds’ and ‘should-nots’ – Holding yourself to a strict list of what you should and shouldn’t do, and beating yourself up if you don’t live up to your rules.
Labeling – Labeling yourself based on mistakes and perceived shortcomings (“I’m a failure; an idiot; a loser.”)



Large Crystal Bowl ROYAL COPENHGEN in Blue  1960s






MONKEES Trading Cards 1967 COMPLETE set 1-44

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William Arthur Ward

So what did the Diva who pushes adventures do this weekend:

DSC_0907 Of course there was the train trip a weekend ago—fun to and back on Amtrack  www.amtrak.com….I am pushing the service, it’s cheap and the kids love being on a train, and you can get Wifi to entertain….lots of seat room and…well you get the idea.



When I featured my friend’s Toast of Tampa http://toastoftampa.org/support.html  Adventure I forgot to mention that they Recently returned from Las Vegas (now that’s an adventure and some) wearing bronze (3rd place) metals from Sweet Adeline’s International http://www.sweetadelineintl.org/index.cfm?id=12 .  They won a worldwide (35 regions and 12 countries) 3rd place….now that my dears is an adventure with  Bennies….CONGRATULATION.












ROCK BROTHERS BREWERY TASTING ROOM AND COCKTAIL 15th St.      Ybor City                                                                         Coming soon The Attic Concert Venue     www.rockbrothersbrewing.com














Check out this site for a silly little recap of episode one of OUTLANDER—taking Doughtlander a few minutes at a time:

First picture and main are from my Train Adventure last weekend—this weekend pictures from now on are from my day out for Art Festival in Deland http://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g34178-Activities-DeLand_Florida.html on Sat.  Meet up Group.







How many times, especially this time of year do you hear that you should say thanks for your blessings, for the things you have, for on and on and on until you grow weary and ignore it all…..I know you don’t need me reminding you….it’s almost that day when you can say your yearly prayer over that oversized bird with all you appreciating  families and then settle down in front of your huge screen to watch over-paid football players work on disabling each other for life….kind of reminds me of ….yeah that’s it—ROMAN ARISTROCRATS dinning and watching in the decadence of the pagan…..we’re Americans we deserve it right!!!!!!
Ah there’s the rub….you need to have respect too!  Can’t I just say the words and let it go at that?   It’s not just saying Thank you–it’s knowing why you’re saying it and meaning it.  It’s practicing THANKFULNESS.  Ok now you’re saying “she’s completely lost it”…but no I see it all the time.  You mutter thank you without seeing the person–the waiter that waits on you so well—they are just part of the service that being you entitles you to—they and all others that offer you services are just there and you thank the shape and form—unless heaven forbid they spill something or bring something wrong—then they become the center of your displeasure and you actually notice them and so does the manager, trip advisor and all your friends.  Your wrath is there—if only your thanks was as heartfelt.
I live my life a bit odd—unless someone or something goes out of the way to be obnoxious, cruel or destructive—I try to find something worth thanking people for….and least you think I’m one of those milk sop types trust me I am not wishy washy or weak.  I just find that when I thank people for the good things they do rather than  bitching at them for the bad,  they tend to be encouraged and try a little harder and if more people did that I think the world could be improved by at least a noticeable fraction—and any improvement in the muddle of this existence could actually be a great thing.
Not convinced….think about your own job, activities, whatever.   How do your feel when you work and do your best but it just doesn’t seem to be enough…or even that you’re doing enough or in your opinion more than and nobody seems to notice.  You’re just there and who cares.  Then think of that time when out of the clear blue someone said thank you for some little thing—someone who didn’t have to say it….or someone complimented you for some large or even small thing—maybe it was just part of the routine that everyone expected from you—that warm feeling deep down inside you feel (don’t shake your head and deny it—it’s there and I won’t take a no for an answer).
I always say thank you and try to compliment good service, and interesting ways of providing service.  In other words I recognize the individual—I like people, I collect them in my brain and some even make it to my heart.   I don’t do it for any return favors—though I am often the recipient of recognition and fond service next time I return.      One time in London we ate at an Italian restaurant across from Victoria Station.  Our waiter (a darling young man who was from Italy) and I got to talking and he took it upon himself to try to teach me some Italian and how to pronounce it properly (a hopeless task as I have problems pronouncing English).  After that visit my friends and I went exploring about England and Ireland–returning to London near a month later. It was pouring and we decided to return to the same restaurant which was close our hotel.  My friends, all taller, trouped in first and they were getting ready to  seat them when my waiter saw me and insisted that we be seated at one of his tables…I was totally amazed that in the middle of a busy London bistro in the middle of an area that sees loads of tourists, not to mention theatre crowds, he would remember me.
So what I’m saying is by showing your gratitude to others and treating those about you with kindness—by recognizing them not as subservient but as individuals that have contributed to  your life (no matter how small or large that contribution) you will not only make their life a tiny bit better, but yours and the world in general as well.    Small things can change your life– try it you might like it.

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Gloria Steinem


These pictures (main and this) are more of the Embassy Suites  http://www.hilton.com/search/es/us/fl/tampa/0/00000000000/0/0/0/0/15?wt.srch=1   In Tampa  http://www.tampabay.com/things-to-do/events/top-things-to-do-in-tampa-bay-for-nov-19/2254469

Another place I’d like to mention is:


Though my friend and I both thought this looked more like a bear (luckily it’s not as we murder bears in Florida–you have to pay for the privilege but still…)  Anyway this is a great place for Coffee, tea and even some Tee-shirts.  Check it out next time you’re in Tampa (Ybor City)   http://www.blindtigercafe.com/    We did–I had a cup of coffee—my friend tea and just set and enjoyed the atmosphere.  There’s also outdoor setting.

HONORABLE MENTION (and some good adventures)

GHOST TOURS/THE ORIGINAL/OF ST. AUGUSTNE http://www.ghosttoursofstaugustine.net/

Featured on the Travel Channel & Discovery Channel

Nightly tours.  Lantern lit walks A Ghostly Experience

HAUNTED PUB CRAWL:  If you prefer spirits with your spirits

GHOSTS & GRAVESTONES TROLLEY–Ride the Trolley of the Doomed

MARITIME HAUNTS & LEGENDS–Ghosts on a historic ship











I PERSONALLY MISS the Kilt on Jamie—  Which Clair is wearing







So pretty much all week I’ve been trying to get you to realize that you are in charge of your life and if it’s boring and uneventful it’s no body’s fault but your own.   But one thing I haven’t pushed very much is that adventure can be as much about your own creation (something so simple as doing a home décor for the holiday–see my monster above for my Halloween or the photography that I so enjoy experimenting with—both seen in the above picture) as about going out and doing things,








This is the Toast of Tampa
Toast of Tampa Show Chorus is an a cappella, female-only chorus, composed of more than one hundred women singers of all ages. The non-profit group, a part of Sweet Adelines International, competes and performs around the world, and is considered to be among the best known barbershop music choruses in the state of Florida.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toast_of_Tampa_Show_Chorus   
My friend is a member of this group and has been for several years and this is the main reason for our adventure to Tampa—the show was a lovely adventure onto itself, a motivator for the trip and a part of a greater wandering that always makes me happy .
But here I’m using the Toast to show you an example of using your talents and interests to make your life more adventuresome while adding to the adventure of others.  They “…..have performed for thousands, performed with Skitch Henderson (twice) and the Florida Pops, as well as for conventions, corporate functions and many other special events.”   So my friend and her fellow singers are not only using their talents for adventure and fulfilment but are make the world a better and more adventuresome place for others.

THERE is so much that flowers can bring us and make our life more interesting and worth while and isn’t that what adventure is all about?  Gardening, getting your hands dirty while it is the most wonderful adventure for some.  Carrying that a bit further by sharing the bounty at garden clubs by sharing your knowledge and growing tips or one step more to sharing it with the others less fortunate–maybe taking bouquets and/or plants (even small living fir trees with seasonal décor) to homes for the elderly, homeless shelters or soup kitchens to share an adventure with those who’s lives have become more tedium than treat. 






























 Art can be an adventure for everyone—here in Ybor City the Artist’s adventure was painting this mural and the mural actually makes the adventure of this little town within a Big City (Tampa) more interesting;  not only by brightening it’s by ways; but  also by telling the history of the place.
By the way Ybor City (/ˈbɔr/ EE-bor)[1] is a historic neighborhood in Tampa, Florida located just northeast of downtown. It was founded in the 1880s by cigar manufacturers and was populated by thousands of immigrants, mainly from Cuba, Spain, and Italy. For the next 50 years, workers in Ybor City’s cigar factories rolled millions of cigars annually.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ybor_City
 WRITING is a way to express yourself and sharing your ideas and if those ideas are interesting or at least you hope they are you can do things like write a blog (this example may not be the best but it’s still one of my adventures)
Or there’s novels (check out the ideas that are going into my own at https://www.pinterest.com/lindachase56829/my-novels/ ) where you can live adventures to the
 old west or in my adventure a young girl tells you of the people and legends that lead to the age Arthur and the isle of Briton when it was pagan and Christian as well.  And if you’re really good that adventure will be shared with many and may even inspire them to write and/or take another adventure—-Take for instance the example of Outlander a book (really a series of 8 soon to be 9)
Outlander (published in the United Kingdom as Cross Stitch) is the first in a series of eight historical multi-genre novels by Diana Gabaldon. Published in 1991, it focuses on 20th century nurse Claire Randall, who time travels to 18th century Scotland and finds adventure and romance with the dashing James Fraser.[1] A mix of several genres, the Outlander series features elements of historical fiction, romance, adventure and science fiction/fantasy.[1] Outlander won the Romance Writers of America‘s RITA Award for Best Romance of 1991.[2] A television adaptation of the Outlander series premiered on Starz in the US on August 9, 2014.
Millons have read the books so the author has so shared the adventure and now the TV show reaches even more and they all share the time traveling adventure.  But Diana’s life has become a major activity with involvement in entertainment industry, traveling about the world for personal appearances to name just a few and her adventures just go on and on (see below for a picture of her and the actor that plays Jamie that went viral)  I am sure that she probably had no idea of the adventures awaiting her when she started that first book over 20 year ago.
No that’s not her husband looking on, but another of the show’s leading men.
Oh and the adventure has turned actual for many:  “The Herald of Scotland reports that the success of Outlander has led to a surge in American visitors to Scotland, with tourism board VisitScotland revealing that the Outlander section on it’s website has been visited 175,000 times since last August, and various Scottish tour companies have experienced a 500 percent increase in bookings for Outlander-themed tours.”   http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/outlander-boosts-tourism-scotland-783599    So see the written has inspired the actual hands on adventure. 


“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


The pics today are from Embassy Suites in Tampa  http://embassysuites3.hilton.com/en/hotels/florida/embassy-suites-by-hilton-tampa-usf-near-busch-gardens-TPAFRES/index.html…we had a wonderful stay with the staff so sweet–the manager Wanda very involved in seeing that her guests are happy and well cared for and even our lady at breakfast (which is included (Breakfast not the lady) with the room rate as is a happy hour every afternoon) was friendly and attentive (that’s her in picture below)


we had a two room suite


for a very good price and we’ll return again when we decide to do another Aventure Tampa.








-“A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind”
-Eugene Ionesco-








HOLIDAY HIDEAWAY Teapot  Musical Animated House with Mice Christmas Around the World

Adventures come in many forms and can consume a major part of your life or just a few hours—we do not all have the same idea of what an adventure is (and even that definition when it comes to our own activities under that definition may be greatly altered.)
-“Why, I’d like nothing better than to achieve some bold adventure, worthy of our trip.”  -Aristophanes-
First of all you don’t have to save the world–just your sanity–on this adventure.  Sometimes dinner and a movie is an adventure to a shut in, while to most of us it’s just an excuse to leer at Chris Hemsworth (Thor).  So rule #1:  Do not allow others to rain on your adventure.    If you enjoy movies and have some friends over to watch a new one along with ordering out from some new exotic restaurant that to you may be an adventure—but only YOU can decide—don’t let others judge whether leering at hot hunks on TV is an adventure (or a perversion—hey who sayes you can ‘t have a perverted adventure?) or not.
Other ideas of a simple, cheap adventure is going to a movie and paring it with a restaurant or bar that is some how connected.
For instance:
Going to see the play Camelot in Lansing, Michigan:
Get a group together(1or 2—though you are allowed to have adventures on your own)
 wear clothes that are a bit on the romantic side –soft and flowing—you may not want to go too far and scare the non-,adventurers–(Rule 2:  Do not infringe on others adventures unless invited to do so.)
and have dinner at:  The Knight Cap   (theknightcap.com)
Which is according to USA today:   “… a small and intimate steakhouse with booths upholstered in red leather and an understated medieval theme.  Romantics may appreciate the polished service, the candlelit interior and the timeless elegance of the food.”   then add other items, places etc. as you like.
I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.”  -Aristophanes-
RULE #3:  YOU do not have to have a plan for an adventure.
At least 1 or two day of the days we spend in London involves just picking a district or area and wandering.  This of course depends on just how much of a free spirit you (and any friends you might want to include) are.  I have a tendency to plan and I since it’s my adventure it’s Ok but I also love these little wandering about
For instance if you lived in Cleveland you might go to Beechwood, Ohio where you could wander about and see such things as:
David Berger National Memorial
This site honors the memory of David Berger, an American citizen who was one of 11 Israeli athletes killed at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich,   http://www.nps.gov/dabe/index.htm#_=_
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage
and close by is this museum:  http://www.maltzmuseum.org/#_=_
treeprestons hope logo
And a cute place like this:  http://www.prestonshope.com/#_=_

Caper’s Bar

to top off the day or just to get a little liquid break https://foursquare.com/v/capers-bar/4ba80799f964a52092c739e3















If we do not find anything very pleasant, at least we shall find something new. ”  -Johann Friedrick von Schiller

Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality. Jonas Salk


YOU CAN’T HAVE AN ADVENTURE WITHOUT A DRAGON.  I love to have adventures and to play about at things but I my roommate already hates my cats so I don’t even want to have to explain a dragon wandering about….so I have one who is happy to stay stationary (He’s just faking that he’s a statue of course–it saves on the burnt curtains when he sneezes as well) so as not to piss him off (the roommate not the dragon) any more than me and Em and Char already do.

Don’t have a dragon:

Here’s Desmond:

You can request his presence from several fine retail locations:  https://www.google.com/shopping/product/11016311639475942771?safe=off&site=&q=DESMOND+THE+DRAGON&oq=DESMOND+THE+DRAGON&prds=hsec:online&sa=X&ved=0CHcQviRqFQoTCN7y_cLfl8kCFUgnHgodqLkIXA

AS I presume you want to get started with adventures sooner than later and he’s excellent at staying stationary.
















What better adventure than time travel?  An interview with Ron on the reveals of the Witch Trial and Claire to Jamie on time travel all in one episode:    http://www.ew.com/article/2015/04/18/outlander-postmortem-ep-ronald-moore-talks-geillis-reveal-claires-shocking-choice

WHEN A THREAT IS A PROMISE:  The first man who tries is the first man down.

National Georgraphic adventure to Scotland:  http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com/expeditions/scotland-photo-adventure/detail





Planned any adventures since yesterday.  When I retired I set up a LLC which I hope to use one of these days—I don’t need it to sell on line but I’m hoping to open a store:  and have adventures in retail.  The main picture today is from my train car on the way to Tampa….most of the area the train goes through along this line is not exciting, but I managed to get a few neat shots.





First:  Establishing what adventure is:

I have to explain this cause I don’t want a person that’s terrified of heights to go for a skydiving training.  Just because it doesn’t qualify as an adventure for Daniel Boone doesn’t mean it’s not one for you.



Just getting out of the house for a neighborhood walk is a lot for some people.   While for others its a daily activity.



Knowing your limitations however does not mean that you can’t move beyond them…it just means if you have to start with the neighborhood walk you may not get that big marathon for a few years yet.


If you have health limitations then you should consult your doctor–is the fact that you can barely walk around the neighborhood because you have severe degeneration of joints or just cause you are overweight and haven’t moved off the couch for a hundred years (you can get an idea by looking at the remote and seeing if there are permanent indentations in the surface from your fingers).  Talking to your doctor or often better if you have one therapist can help you establish goals and limitations–even equipment—to help you plan your more mobile adventures.










First what do you like?

Sports….you could try doing vacations to see a favorite team play a major rival (no matter what the sport).  Or if you llive outside the area where you can easily go to a game plan a long weekend around driving or flying to the game (be sure to get tickets in advance–while these are fun they don’t always work for spontaneous–also hotels near by etc).   You can combine the game with other items in the area–especially if you have a spouse that feels the game is more a bonding experience with you rather than an adventure for them–for instance a restaurant they’d like



Do it yourself:  an example….you come to the Daytona 500 http://m.daytonainternationalspeedway.com/Tickets-Events/Event-Calendar.aspx in Florida but rent a room at a spa http://www.riverviewhotel.com/spa in New Smyrna Beach http://www.cityofnsb.com/ which, while close (and drivable), is much farther from the maddening crowds and has some great shops on the beach side–including Sue Who which is my favorite place to buy original as well as affordable jewelry https://www.facebook.com/Sue-Who-165267616831507/   And you can split your time and have some intimate adventures away from the track as well as crowd-filled at.



Photography—this can be an adventure almost anywhere, I’ve taken some great shots in my own yard,  some sites that might inspire you if you prefer someone else to do it for you:



Expeditions with the National Geographic no less–which include tours to Africa,  Europe,  North and Central America, the Caribbean as well as Asia:    http://www.nationalgeographicexpeditions.com/triptypes/photoexpeditions



CNN has a site reviewing the top sites: http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/23/travel/best-photography-vacations/



and Huffington Post has a very interesting evaluation you can use when considering these tours:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-portnoy/photography-tour-vacation_b_4057874.html



and you can do the same with anything you enjoy and are interested in pursuing.















YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO FAR:  Don’t have the money for an Asian 14 day adventure–then look around you:
For instance yesterday we looked at things to do at local Florida towns  that were stops on the Central Florida Amtrack route.
Let’s go a little further:
Say Cameron, W.Va  which is not exactly a metropolis
Delf Norona Museum  is within 11 miles–drivable I’d say
It’s in Moundsville (not a household word either), and the adjourning site-is where that town got its name–the Grave Creek Mound  one of the largest mounds in the country and a major archeological site http://www.wvculture.org/museum/GraveCreekmod.html
and it’s just across the street from the State Pen:
http://www.wvpentours.com/ now closed to convicts but open to visitors–it was the site of many executions and is also reported to be haunted which is an adventure all on its own to other.
and for those glass lovers  out there—there’s Fostoria Museum.  My grandfather use to work for them and I have a couple of nice pieces of glass passed down in the family—and we still haven’t left Moundsville.  http://www.fostoriaglass.org/

There’s also a Toy Museum http://www.marxtoymuseum.com/#_=_



A park complete with zip lines  http://grandvuepark.com/#_=_



A paranormal museum  http://archive-afterlife.weebly.com/index.html#_=_




so that covers a lot of things you might be interested in, in a town you might never have heard of.



































So now that you a choice of destination(s) depending on you and/or your family’s choices of adventures what else do you need?  We’ll continue with Moundsville as example:




Add to the kids adventure with ice cream and carnival memories at Johnny Sharshttp://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g59336-d3535951-Reviews-Johnny_Shars_Big_Dipper-Moundsville_West_Virginia.html







Or make it exotic with Mexican at Acapulco:  http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g59336-d4067085-Reviews-Acapulco_Mexican_Restaurant-Moundsville_West_Virginia.html  or El Patrons http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g59336-d3673999-Reviews-El_Patron_Mexican_Restaurant-Moundsville_West_Virginia.html

and there’s Chinese Buffet as well  http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g59336-d3956935-Reviews-Great_Chinese_Buffet-Moundsville_West_Virginia.html

or Indian at Govinda’s Garden


and if you want go with an Indian theme between Cameron and Moundsville is the palace of gold a beautiful place and site of a few murders (http://www.amazon.com/Monkey-Stick-Murder-Madness-Krishnas/dp/0151620865)  http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/new-vrindaban-palace-of-gold




and of course lots more:  http://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurants-g59336-Moundsville_West_Virginia.html























A big good bye from Mayze, the Protector of the Orbs:






















There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. Jawaharlal Nehru


YES I wandered away this weekend–just over night, but it was still a nice time away—you don’t have to spend huge amounts to Make a Memory, you don’t have to go to the ends of the earth to Wow a Weekend.    I’m back to work today, but a little slower than usual—my mind sometimes get distracted.   What did you do this weekend.



We started out at Winter Park   http://www.virtualtourist.com/travel/North_America/United_States_of_America/Florida/Winter_Park-765548/Things_To_Do-Winter_Park-TG-C-1.html. Where we had breakfast at




Barnie’s CoffeeKitchen 

Address: 118 S Park Ave, Winter Park, FL 32789

Hours: Open today · 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Were we had breakfast and coffee—the train was running late–first time I ever had that happen–so we just had breakfast and then returned to the station.
 “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” — William Feather
Here’s an interview with Outlander’s favorite lawyer Ned (Bill Paterson):
 “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” — T.S Eliot
 “Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live.” — Henry David Thoreau
TRY THE TRAIN:    AMTRACK STOPS IN CENTRAL FLORIDA  http://www.amtrak.com/home
Kids love he train, you can take them to events or areas for a good price and make it a real adventure.
Trips for adults are cheap and it’s comfortable, has WIFI and a car where you can  get drinks and other such goodies (some have regular dinning cars).
Once you get there you can use public transportation, a bus or a cab to get to other locations.
“I do not want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” -Diane Ackerman
  1. Have lunch at The Perfect Spot Restaurant at Skydive DeLand while watching the skydivers land at the drop zone.
  2. Enjoy a bottle of wine with friends at The Elusive Grape.
  3. Explore a wide variety of foods in downtown DeLand’s cafes and restaurants.
  4. Enjoy Sunday breakfast at De La Vega Restaurant and Gallery.
  5. Enjoy authentic Mexican food at El Taco Amigo. (Corner of Florida and NY)

Check out Bunches more:  http://www.discoverdeland.org/101-things-to-do-in-deland.html



1.  Enjoy a great restaurants even museums just a few blocks from the train depot

2.  Bring the kids–walk to Burger Fi for lunch (just a few blocks away)

3.  Then take a tour on a great little boat and see birds and great houses

and then there’s:  http://experienceparkavenue.com/25-things-to-see-do/


Right now you can see Mummies at the Science Museum  (which is closer to Winter Park Station)
Go to a reading at the Kerouac House (kerouacproject.org) and see the unassuming College Park room where Dharma Bums was written.
RSVP on the website and join one of Greenwood Cemetery’s Moonlight Walking Tours, where you’ll see the final resting places of people with last names like Bumby, Carr and Tinker (1603 Greenwood St., 407-246-2616; greenwood-cemetery.net).
See a show at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts (445 S. Magnolia Ave., drphillipscenter.org), downtown Orlando’s new centerpiece. The venue itself is impressive – all modern, sleek interiors and pleasing acoustics – but really it’s the excellent programming that’s making the splash.
one important thing to remember if you’re going to the amusement parks you’re closer in Kissimmee than in Orlando.
See Central Florida’s pristine landscape from a bird’s eye view, thousands of feet in the air, on a hot air balloon ride.  As you float effortlessly towards the clouds, you will get a splendid view of what makes Central Florida so breathtaking; its nature, wildlife, and world-famous attractions.
Blow like the wind across the water on the ultimate adventure with an airboat tour through the headwaters of the Florida Everglades near Orlando. Airboat tours give you access to some of the most scenic and remote places in Florida – places you wouldn’t be able to reach by an ordinary boat.
The Florida Southern College campus is home to the largest collection of Frank Lloyd Wright architecture in the world. The “Child of the Sun” Visitor Center and Esplanade Gift Shop serves as an educational resource for visitors, and it houses a permanent display of photographs, furniture and drawings that depict Wright’s relationship with the College. The Center also houses visiting exhibits on loan from  other Wright sites.



and lots more:  http://www.downtownlakelandfl.com/about-downtown/landmarks-attractions/





Immerse yourself in one of the top family-friendly aquariums in the country with interactive programs like “Swim with the Fishes” and “Dive with the Sharks

The Tampa Bay History Center – a Smithsonian Institution Affiliate – includes three floors of cutting-edge exhibits exploring 12,000 years of Florida’s history and culture. Discover the stories of Seminole Indians, cigar rollers, and Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders through hands-on exhibits and immersive theater experiences

And much much more:  http://www.visittampabay.com/

“The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” -W. M. Lewis


But there’s lots more cities and states with Amtrack destinations:

The total South:  http://www.amtrak.com/south-train-routes

The mid west:  http://www.amtrak.com/midwest-train-routes

and lots More:  http://www.amtrak.com/city-guides-dining-attractions-maps

“Follow your bliss, and doors will open for you that you never knew existed. Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” – Joseph Campbell

DSC_0754“Always remember, it’s simply not an adventure worth telling if there aren’t any dragons.” Sarah Ban Breathnach


Our next stop was Tampa—we’ll Look at some more thing we did then—tomorrow

 “A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints.” — Wilfred Peterson



















VINTAGE Brown Bead with Gold Seperators BRACELET 7"








 “Never forget that life can only be nobly inspired and rightly lived if you take it bravely and gallantly, as a splendid adventure in which you are setting out into an unknown country, to face many a danger, to meet many a joy, to find many a comrade, to win and lose many a battle.” — Annie Besant
















PEPSI-COLA EASTER Greetings Franklin Mint Plate by Bill Bell 1995

All the pictures today are mine from my week end






 “…adventures don’t come calling like unexpected cousins calling from out of town. You have to go looking for them.” — unknown



















NANCY Bear "Your Friendship Makes My Heart Sing" 1993 Prisilla HILLMAN


















If bad decorating was a hanging offense, there’d be bodies hanging from every tree! Sylvester Stallone


Have almost caught up from over sleeping….stayed up finishing Lady Jane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeT4x27toJo—this is an older movie about a girl who was queen of England for less than a month (try 9 days) and for a historical movie it wasn’t bad.  Now if you know me you know I argue British history (did Richard III kill the princes) with my English guides and embarrass fellow tour participants–they being Brits, me being Yank–by knowing more about their history than they do and if you’re a friend you know I claim to know more about the Tudors than the Tudors (please don’t get me started on the show by that name OMG).  This movie is filmed in historical sites, with great costumes and very realistic views of households and the life in general.  I think the whole romance in the middle and her idealism was probably a bit contrived (and gave those un-historically accurate viewers something to watch–and filled up the whole thing so they had a 2 + Hr. movie), but the self serving people who put her in line with the executioners ax and the fact that Mary was not presented as being the heavy, when she would have spared the poor girlish pawn if not for a second hit by her father all in all presented a much more plausible movie than most historical dramas are and was entertaining for the view made it a good watch.    If you’re not up on this poor girl who’s only crime was being born with a hint of Royal Blood in the wake of Henry VIII see this for a quick update:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/grey_lady_jane.shtml


Pictures are from my sojourn on Sat at Clermont–a lovely little town:  http://www.citytowninfo.com/places/florida/clermont where we spent the day visiting some shops and the Art Festival along the main street.


Honorable mention:  ERIKA’S TEA ROOM & GIFTS


part of my Clermont adventure–if you love tea and all that goes with it (or need a gift for some one that does) this place is a must and after you’re done shopping you can stay for a cuppa.  www.erkastearoom.com

and since we’re doing Christmas ideas check out her site above for these:


Christmas Ornament Painting and Tea -Thursday, November 19th: 6 PM   CLICK FOR DETAILS

 Thanksgiving Dinner- Thursday, November 26th: 1PM   CLICK FOR DETAILS


Christmas Carol Holiday Tea- Saturday, December 12th:  6PM  CLICK FOR DETAILS

 I do not get paid in any way to mention these places of business I honorably mention–I however am dedicated to encourage my readers to find adventure in the small towns and byways often ignored by the less adventuresome.






Do you want one–of course it’s not a holiday without a tree….so what do you want?
personally I love real but when my hubby passed away I decided dragging one home in an old Camaro Convertible wasn’t gonna make it…so I went artificial, that is until I got a roomie, who doesn’t appreciate the artificial so I am now back to real—in the only time we ever do anything together we meet at the nearest (from up north where trees are trees) lot and pick one out together, he drags it home in his truck and I wander off to parts unknown.
REAL                                                   ARTIFICAL
No assembly necessary           They have diagrams
                                                                and are marked but it does
                                                                take considerable activity on
                                                                the purchaser’s part.
It sheds needles                           It’s self contained
You have to put on                     Several come  with lights
You have to water it                  You can but you may electrocute
Some Trimming for a                 This isn’t a problem—though with
stray branch or position-         older trees there can be bending
ing maybe necessary to            and other damage from storage
hide a bare spots                          mishaps.
Lovely pine essence                   You can buy spray to make it smell
When you’re done                      You have to take it all apart and
you throw it away                       store it properly (otherwise see
or burn it in the fire pit            entry before last.
Alternatives are: 
A live tree–if you have a yard or large patio you can put the tree there after the holiday—if the tree isn’t too large you can keep it in a pot and re-use it for a year or two.
Or go the Charlie Brown route: