Great weekend, surprise party for a friend, Art Festival in a great town and bar hoping and late lunch early dinner in another (great) town…then Sunday I did nothing…not my usual but every once in awhile it works.




Today we’re going for facts that could make your day or at least your health:

AH MEN0PAUSE:  IT’S NOT JUST HOT FLASHES AND MOOD SWINGS:  it’s also arthritis and joint pain for 48% of women going through the “PAUSE”.   Something that might help:  CHICKWEED–add 20-30 drops of a tincture in your bath water for relief of joint pain and sore muscles,  (Secrets of a Natural Menopause/Edna Copeland Ryneveld)

MOST OF YOUR FISH OIL IS FROM SOUTH AMERICA:   80% comes from anchovies (Highest concentration) from a fishery in Peru.  It might be noted that the cheaper the fish oil you purchase the less actual fish product it contains with less purity and freshness than the mid- to high-grade products.  (Delicious Living, May 2014)


THE NATURAL SOURCE VITAMIN E ASSOCIATION WAS FUNDED IN 1984 in an effort to provide consumers with accurate information for natural vitamin E in vitamins and cosmetics.  This is one of the first efforts to regulate natural sources.  (Natural Organic Hair and Skin Care/Aubrey Hampton)

YOGURT & PROBIOTICS LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE:  as well a other fermented foods, according to Australian researchers.  Consumption was for at least 8 weeks with the most help going to persons with only slightly elevated pressure.  (Journal of Hypertension)

MUSHROOMS HELP TO SUPPORT IMMUNE FUNCTIONS as well as reducing cancer risks–reishi, shitake, and maitake mushrooms are good for immunity.  Turkey tail mushrooms for cancer risks.  (The Healthy Edge/Oct. 2014)

BEESWAX CAN BE USED AS A NATURAL SUBSTITUE FOR COMMERICAL NAIL POLISH: try buffing you nails with beeswax or cocoa butter and a soft cloth.  (Nature’s Beauty Kit/Deb Carpenter)

TOMATOES ARE RED BECAUSE OF  THEIR  ANTIOXIDANTS (Carotene lycopene) .  Studies have found that an increase in lycopene may decrease risks of certain cancer–especially prostate and can also benefit heart health.  (The Healthy Edge/July 2014)

75-80% OF ALL HEADACHES ARE MUSCLE CONTRACTION OR “TENSION” HEADACHES.  More than 90% of the population get this type of headache.  Reducing and/or eliminating this type of headache may mean that you will need to “find a new way of coping with these feelings” that are causing the muscle contractions and subsequent pain.  (Headache Relief/Alan M.  Rapoport, MD and Fred D. Sheftell, MD)


PAPERTOWELS ARE BEST FOR RIDING YOUR COUNTER AND OTHER SURFACES OF MESSES.   since you only use them one time they don’t reintroduce bacteria that have been growing in their depths.  To reduce the environmental toll choose an unbleached 100% recycled variety.  (PREVENTION/Jan. 2009)

THE FIRST NATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION IN THE U.S. WAS THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF HOMEOPATHY IN 1844.  Homeopathy “is a 200-year-old medical system….that offers to gently stimulate …inner health resources through recognizing and reinforcing the adaptive reactions of..natural defense processes…”  (Everyone’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines/Stephen Cummings, F.N.P. & Daa Ullman, M.P.H.)

MARCO POLO BROUGHT CHIVES  TO EUROPE WHERE HERBALISTS CLAIMED THAT EATING THEM RAW  CAUSED “EVIL VAPORS” .  They were later used to hang in bunches around homes to ward off evil spirits.  Today we just chop and sprinkle on broccoli, new potatoes, poached salmon, brown rice and grilled chicken to name a few.  Chive blossoms are good too and they can be cooked tempura-style an dipped in gingery soy sauce.  (The Good Herb/Judith Benn Hurley)


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  ~World Health Organization, 1948






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