One more day and then the decline into the horror of covering the plants anticipated for Thurs night.


so I’ll cheer up with Jamie:

If you want to see why he’s so content check his one out–too OMG for this site:    http://www.mybookmuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/tumblr_ncmloxDGiG1qasftio1_500.gif


OK my friends think I’m like way over the top with this Scottish thing…really it’s just Jamie/Sam—but to make them happy Our FLORIDA PLACES today is Glencoe in Volusia County.

No not that glen–in the Highlands of Scotland–now beautiful and peaceful but once the sight of a British and their allies the Campbells attack on the local Scotts. It’s latest claim to fame is that it was featured in Harry Potter movies.  Glen by the way means secluded valleyhttp://www.glencoescotland.com/

OUR GLENCOE is located near New Smyrna Beach–someplace I spent time this last weekend for the Art Festival….but that’s a whole other story.

It is designated as a “population-area” with about 2,500 people.


GLENCOE is named (in 1878) for one of it’s settler William H. Coe.    There had been other settlers to the area in the 1860s and Coe and his family did not arrive until 1874, the Senior Coe died in 1879.  At the time of his death he was a custom’s inspector for the port of New Smyrna.

 His son W.A. Coe was later postmaster and his other son Charles H. started the first news paper in Florida south of St. Augustine in 1877.  Charles left shortly after his father’s death, but William and his mother remained in the area until 1890 when they sold out and went to join Charles in North Carolina.
Glencoe, Florida. Founder & family history.'s photo.

Glencoe is basically residential and except for a Humane Society doesn’t have much of interest to anyone except a few realtors today.

Other Glencoes in Florida (in addition to a Glencoe Farm Rd also in New Smyrna area):

A Road in Winter Park:  Lovely homes in a rich town.

and Street of the same name in Miami’s Coconut Grove.  Glencoe graces byways in Dunedin (now that’s a Scot name) and Temple Terrace as well.


But back to the New Smyrna area:

I even found a haunting in the Glencoe area:


This ruined sugar mil (600 Old Mission Road) which was built about 1830  and destroyed by Indians a five years later.  Later during the war that result from the attacks troops were stationed here.  The mill which is a park open to the public and is on the National Register of Historic Sights, is said to be haunted by Indians who run through the woods in the early morning and by “shadow people”   who appear near sunset.  http://www.hauntedplaces.org/item/new-smyrna-sugar-mill-ruins/







“It’s always sunny in the Sunshine State. Except for at night.
Jarod Kintz, Sleepwalking is restercise















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