If cats could talk, they wouldn’t. ~Nan Porter


Just in case you wander where I get all my source material–that’s my bedroom— l am old fashion and still like to do books when I can though I have no problem with computer searches and Info I just have to double (and triple check the net more).    Another work day:  Check out my novel (just working things out):  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/483151866251542599/   and still featuring stores from Clermont (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Clermont-Florida/109263879093610 )  like Encore Home Décor https://www.facebook.com/pages/Encore-Home-Decor/142063415917331.   Watched old movies on Get TV yesterday….love all the oldies better than the TV show reruns:  http://get.tv/schedule  TV show return last night:  Rizzoli & Isles http://www.tvguide.com/news/rizzoli-isles-season6-spoilers/ The series is OK but the novels are harder hitting and darker and I like them better:  http://www.tessgerritsen.com/rizzoli-isles/



Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”
Robert A. Heinlein


Ok IF I’m home I’ll watch reruns…109—not 116 poor baby—-OUTLANDER HOW LONG ARE WE IN DROUGHTLANDER—CAN WE GET LIKE SOME PREVIEWS FROM SUMMER PRODUCTION?  Will it still have the best sex on TVhttp://www.racked.com/2015/4/3/8337381/outlander-returns-starz




“I meant,” said Ipslore bitterly, “what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?”
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.”
Terry Pratchett, Sourcery





Like New Applause Puppet Doll CHISSY COMPLETE with box, story book and tag 1990

Today we continue with Cat–yes just that:
According to Animal Planet http://www.animalplanet.com/

most cats eat 7-20 small meals a day.  I have found this true in some of the cats I’ve owned but not all.  I had 3 cats (2 female litter mates who still grace my life and their half brother who died of a stomach tumor–I still miss him lots) the girls eat the small meals but the male consumed everything in sight at one setting, which made it very hard to keep the girls in food and the boy skinny.



“Meow” means “woof” in cat.”
George Carlin

Now while I knew that a male cat was called a tom and young kittens (duh) I didn’t know that the female was a molly or a queen and the weirdest of all that a group is called a clowder (sounds like a stew full of fish which works for cat dietary I guess) unless their kittens and then a group is called a kindle.   And while we’re on technical terms a cat’s hairball is a “bezoar”.




“Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose.”
Garrison Keillor

WebMD  Pets reports that both Julius Caesar and Napoleon were afraid of cats.  It’s called Ailurophobia or Gatophobia and it’s estimated that about 22% of the US population suffer from it:  Other famous people include Alexander the Great, Hitler, Genghis Khan, Shakespeare, Isadora Duncan, Benito Mussolini (if Nazi don’t like them the can’t be all bad.)  But I think the worse is a report in UK’s Daily Mail (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2612195/How-Hitler-terrified-pussycats-perfectly-Pointless-trivia.html) that Dwight Eisenhower had any found on his home’s grounds shot by his staff.  But on the other hand  Lincoln had four in the White House.  Other Cat lovers included St Francis Assisi, Winston Churchill, Charles DIckens, Mark Twain and Florence Nightingale to name a few—Notice a much kinder crowd than the first…we cat people are the cream (groan) of the crop.



“Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.”
James Herriot, James Herriot’s Cat Stories



I said in a previous blog that I thought cats should be x-rayed to see if they actually have bones, well the census is in and they do just more and or different–while we (people in general) have 17 vertebrae in their spine (thoracic and lumbar total that is) cats have 20 which allows them to have more power and flexibility—did you know that they can run up to 30 mph for a short (few yards) distance?  Not to mention the amazing jumps (ask a frustrated dog who looses his prey at the fence).    And their free-floating collarbones allow them to fit through spaces only as wide as their wisker span–unless like my tom (Bonzi) was –they’re fat.  Oh and while we’re on the subject of bones about 10% of a cat’s is in its tail.




“If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.”
Mark Twain


Interestingly Europeans brought cats to America (they were not native)…one site states the first came with the Pilgrims—which I found hard to believe due to their witch phobias (see previous blog)they  even outlawed dolls.   But the answer in ASK.com that they were brought by the Spanish settlers (with settlements in California, Texas and Florida this would seem plausible though I’m sure a few French and English might have dragged them along eventually, but probably not the Pilgrims.)  Oh and cats (all 600,000 million of them) can now be found around the world and on 6 continents.



“What greater gift than the love of a cat.”
Charles Dickens

As of 1987 cats overtook dogs as the number one pet in the US.  While man domesticated dogs (probably taking and training wolf pups) long years before cats  who came on the scene much later and whom appear to have made the choice to domesticate themselves into our households.  Domestication of cats was believed to have begun in Egypt as early as the 20th or 19 century BC. 



“A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.”
Ernest Hemingway


And then there’s catnip that crazy plant that’s part of the mint family and  causes strange behavior in cats.  They roll around, chase strange invisible prey and just act weird.  It’s felt to be an olfactory thing as smelling seems to produce it while eating not so much .  My girls don’t seem affected by the stuff which is the norm for 20-30% of the cat population.


Never try to outstubborn a cat.”
Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love


Finally according  CatVets.com:  the best food for your cat is canned meat:  When choosing canned foods avoid the fish-flavored foods and those containing gravies or sauces. Fish-flavored foods are high in magnesium and can alter the urine pH, and the gravy is carbohydrate-rich. Offer your cat meat-flavored canned foods to help maintain optimal health!




“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.”
Leonardo da Vinci

“The way to get on with a cat is to treat it as an equal – or even better, as the superior it knows itself to be.”
Elizabeth Peters, The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog    




JESUS Loves Me PRECIOUS Moments Small 1978 Cup Boy with Teddy Bear






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