Life’s a Bitch—You’ve got to go out and kick Ass M. Angelou


Today’s Blog is dedicated to Liz my hair dresser, prime listener to my madness and a kick ass person if I ever met one (hence the title today.  So yesterday was just work and more of the SSDD routine…..and today we carry on that tradition.  Don’t forget to check out my novel—start at the beginning of the board and came forward as the quotes will make more sense then.  It’s about King Arthur but with emphasis on the old ways and religion—no suits of armor and where both Christian Monk and Goddess priestess battles for the people and Arthur must ride a thin line of compromise betwixt the two  and if you’re tired of the SSDD routine try running away with this Board:    Oh and if you’re in Orlando and really want to get away but not so far try my honorable mention:  LOCK HAVEN PARK  (AGAIN AWAITING publishing review on Trip Advisor)





“When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.” – Helen Keller






WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK FROM PARIS?  or at least to my TV so I can watch you in Paris.  I wander if they’ll have the one where he comes home (wearing a kilt, not his usual Paris long pants) with a bite mark on his thigh?  check out this account from Cait on the new season:
“Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.” – Margaret Thatcher
SO we have been doing fall or autumn or harvest depending on your mind set and if you’re old, young or ancient.  Of course it means return to school—though it happens over a month before fall in these modern days) and apparently includes a fall shoe trend though some of those seem better suited for winter and in Florida not suited at all.
And of course as we mentioned earlier this week the return of high school and college football with its practice, games and TV participation most definitely a fall rite.
And in addition to School trends there’s school fashion trends which I find interestingly enough being overshadowed by school uniforms—once a peculiarity of parochial (especially Catholic) or high class finishing institutions—-it has now been adopted by several district public schools in an effort to stop bullying and allow for an equal (at least fashion wise) footing for all.  I as a person who hates conformity have issues with the mind boggling sameness—-but as a child who was bullied and looked down on because I didn’t have the lovely clothes of my school mates, I can see the point.
“If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” – Katharine Hepburn
Fall  Rites can be fun—there’s apple pie from the harvest of the land and bonfires to help get rid of all those leaves which while on the trees are lovely but get a bit overwhelmingly like trash when deposited in your front yard or backyard pool.
One thing, that living in bigger cities, that I have been deprived of is the hayride.  I use to love hayrides—they are more fun with horses doing the pulling (don’t ask me why—may be the clip clop of the hooves as  opposed to the drone of the John Deere, who knows.)  But even without the clop I enjoy setting on bales of prickly , dried vegetation with other friends and/or strangers and moving under a warm (but not hot thank you) sky that is either showing the last rays of a sun set or is already sprinkled with a wonder variety of stars—something you often miss in the city lights of night.  Sometimes you sing stupid song that you haven’t sang since you were in the rites of return to school.
AND THE TWO biggie rites Halloween with its tradition going back thousands of years and its reactionary response by some religious groups on its Satanic origins.  And Thanksgiving—-less the 300 years and brought about by a group that were notorious for burning woman (especially thought there were a few men included) for being in league with Satanic forces.  Weird when you think about it.  I love both holidays as Halloween lets me decorate and not be worried about someone questioning my good taste.  And Thanksgiving allowing me to express my happiness on having friends, being alive and all the other things that makes me happy (except pumpkin pie—I just can’t get into pumpkin pie).
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin
Another rite of fall is the fair, exhibition whatever:
“The American county fair developed in the early nineteenth century when agricultural reformers in the northeastern United States organized local exhibitions to promote modern farming. Typical events included livestock judging, exhibits of new agricultural implements and techniques, and plowing contests. ”  While once an exclusive country exhibition with awards for everything from pies to calves it has graduated into so much more and is often seen in the city as well as the country.   I haven’t been to a fair in so long, which is weird given  my memories of same which are mostly good (I did have a boyfriend throw up once on the ferriswheel—–ehhhhhhh.)
It also use to be the time for the new TV shows, but with the introdution of cable and satellites that has changed so much.  When I was growing up we had 3 networks—then an independent popped up and OMG there was 4….now I have over a thousand (but when you check those there are several I have to pay extra for and several duplicates and then ones that you say “HUH why is that a channel?”) or more to pick from (so why is there still nothing on TV).  And while the traditional networks (my original three) still tend to open or reopen their shows in the fall there is so much altered even on that the anticipation that we use to have on the new shows just isn’t there-–Grief we still don’t know when they are bringing us the 2nd season of Outlander.
“I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

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