With enough courage, you can do without a reputation Rhett Butler/Clark Gable

  1. Fuss-Free & Filling Weeknight Meals


Movie Posters:Academy Award Winners, Gone with the Wind (MGM, R-1967). Six Sheet (80" X 80") Howard Terpning Artwork.. ...

Old time Civil War classic romance based on a best selling book.  Sorry no nudity or overt sex but it is a classic back in the day when acting and not special effects and digital imaging made a movie

From $3.99

From $3.99

Google Play Movies & TV
From $3.99

From $3.99

Amazon Prime Video
From $3.99

Everything You Need to Turn Your Home Into a French Spa



Finding classic house type in Central Florida



621 S. Park Ave

Colonial Revival architecture*–note the hip roof and double square columns.

Built 1913 for Harry Stevens**, head of Atlantic Coastline Railroad***, as well as Mayor of the city in the 1920.  And in his spare time he was the first president of the Sanford Rotary Club^ and on the board of First Federal Savings and Loan .  The house remained in the family for years with their Daughter Rebecca Stevens dwelling her until  1990.

The home features dark-stained pine floors, deep pocket doors and unpainted woodwork.

More about:

*Colonial Revival:  https://www.wentworthstudio.com/historic-styles/colonial-revival/

** Harry Stevens:  https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1031&context=cfm-texts

*** Atlantic Coastline Railroad:  https://www.ncpedia.org/atlantic-coast-line-railroad

^ Sanford Rotary Club:   https://www.rotarylunchbunch.com/

Lock down learning: outdoors skills in your back yard


clipart number 6 #13

The Hexad

The Hexad is represented by a six-sided figure.  It is considered one of the happiest numbers because it represents harmony and completion.  Those coming under its influence will show idealism, smooth Harmony, strict honesty, kindness, and care for the sick and lesser able.  They are never selfish, intolerant, or self-indulgent, and do not esteem money for its own sake but as a means of benefiting others.  They are faithful, loving spouses, and good parents.  They have few unfavorable qualities, although their idealism, if carried to excess, can make them appear superior, and their lack of concern with material success may well affect their families.  Often they ill not stand up for their rights and ill assume an air of martyrdom, they can also be too soft and kindhearted and allow people to impose upon them.

Kathleen McCormick

Magic For Lovers

Christopher Kimball.
Item #: D92457
Format: Paperback
Pages/Publication Date: 399 / 2015
Publisher: Little, Brown
ISBN: 9780316339193
What Killed Edward Vi and possibly Arthur Tudor?
Infectious diseases were common.  Smallpox was the scourge of the Middle Ages.*  Mary I** was a victim of this disease, which was eventually eliminated by vaccination***  Measles, scarlet fever and diphtheria^  were often fatal.  We find that Edward VI^^ while suffering from pulmonary Tuberculosis^^^ developed measles, a condition which is apt to be associated with pulmonary complications.  The two diseases occurred together and resulted in an acute exacerbation of the tuberculosis, causing his death.  Today diphtheria and measles are prevented by immunization and Tuberculosis has been virtually eliminated as a pulmonary disease.
Clifford Brewer, TD, FRCS
The Death of Kings
Learn More
**Here I beg to differ with the book—it was in fact Elizabeth I (Mary’s younger half sister and the last Tudor to set the English Throne) who developed small pox and this was actually one of the reason she used the thick white make up in later life was to cover the scars but was in itself toxic:
^The Toxin-Based Diseases Common in North America during the 1600-1700s:  
^^The ‘Sweating Disease’ That Swept Across England 500 Years Ago is Still a Medical Mystery
While some continue to insist that Henry’s son (this article is about Henry’s brother who was the crown prince and whose death gave us Henry VIII and it is dealing with if that brother Arthur actually died of sleeping sickness) Edward VI died of TB complicated by measles—some like this article add mes, but I have long insisted that I do not feel that was the case and now there are some he have agreed some think it was TB and sweating sickness but others have recently attributed it to the same disease that they deal with in this article:  https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/the-sweating-disease-that-swept-across-england-500-years-ago-is-still-a-isns


10 of the Best Tudor Historical Sites You Can See in Britain


Florida Cowboy
Historic Central Florida
People come to Florida (or at least they use to) to visit the parks—to see the fantasy and the Sci-Fi and many  (may I venture to say MOST?!) never learn about the real Florida—for Disney and Universal are just illusions—based on fantasy and dream.
The real Florida started with Spanish explorers and involved a huge fort that still stands along the coast in St. Augustine……but Central Florida the home of those aforementioned parks has a history BD (before Disney) though not as visual impressive or as long ago still is of some note to those of us who live here and aren’t just passing through.
In the 19th c the area around of what is Orlando, St. Cloud and Kissimmee was prairie lands, and it was here that the pioneers began homesteading and ranching, creating a cattle industry that is still active and dynamic.
 Read more:

Florida Frontiers – Central Florida Pioneer Henry A. Deland




Cowboy Up: Kissimmee is in the heartland of cowboys and cowgirls



Experience Kissimmee:  Pioneer Village at Shingle Creek


LONDON WALK | King’s Road in Chelsea from Sloane Square | England





“Since the earliest of times, the apple tree^^ has been regarded as one of the most magical of trees^^.  Its wood was use for wands^^^ to draw magic circles*  Sacred to Venus, the goddess of love** the apple tree is also the Celtic Tree of life***

Nivols de Pulford

Spells & Charms

^Divine, Forbidden and Dangerous? Magic Apples in Ancient Mythology


^^Tree Lore: (Sacred Trees)


^^^A Brief History of Magic Wands


*Magic Circle

Magic Circle



***Celtic Tree Of Life (Crann Bethadh) – Meanings, Symbolism And History

Celtic Tree Of Life (Crann Bethadh) – Meanings, Symbolism And History







Paperback –

February 1, 1997

Come walk through misty, cobblestone streets, down shaded alleys, along the wall of the old stone fort.  Smell the smoke of ancient fires, the musty corners of old houses, the garlic and olive oil of Majorcan kitchens.  Listen to the tinkling of wine glasses long shattered, the strum of Spanish guitars long broken, and the laughter of a dozen foreign tongues long dead.  Awaken to the midnight howling of the city’s prowling cats; seek sleep between nightmares, lulled by the lapping waters of the Matanzas Bay–named for the massacre of the French Huguenots by the Spanish here in 1565.
From the book cover.

Guidelines:  Opening up America




 Bailiffscourt hotel, West Sussex, UK



Sussex Coast



Is a series of medieval houses, barns and stone cottages, brought and re-assembled on The Guinness Family estate along with one original building on its original site—a 13th c chapel..  It was assembled for Walter Edward Guinness    https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/51586017/walter-edward-guinness  and his wife Lady Evelyn   https://www.myheritage.com/names/evelyn_guinness .  This was once a place for totally crazy parties—where the hotel’s reception is today was once Lady Evelyn’s bedroom (Manor House)    https://aladyofleisure.com/a-luxurious-country-escape-at-bailiffscourt-hotel-and-spa-west-sussex/  But her husband slept in the Thatched House with their kids—there was an underground passage that linked the house so the Lady of the house could work her family in between parties.


The property became a hotel after the Baron’s Assassination in 1944, when it was sold to a German refuge and has been described as resembling a medieval village which of course it isn’t but…………………..



Bailiffscourt Chapel, Atherington (NHLE Code 1233450).JPG





London’s Alleys: Sun Alley, TW9

This Central Florida drive-in is the only theater showing first-run movies in the entire United States






This Item have been sold for $ 998,69 on Date 09 Jan 2016
Bids: 1
Seller Country: London
oh and this is a single by the way
There are several of these still out there per my search.  According to The Smithsonian magazine there were only about 200-300 copies produced in 1984…and is one of the rarest covers by Andy Warhol.    Its a legend that a member of the the obscure Swedish band went to NYC and request he design a cover for the record (song titles are “A Fire is Burning/Dark Eyes. )
Click here to hear the song
291 Icehouse
“Tragically chic yet refreshingly primitive.”
5075 Main Street
Chappel Hill, Tx
  • Photo taken at 291 Ice House by Juanma C. on 4/4/2015




Virtual tour Brussels




Back to Key West:  As you leave Mallory Square proceed down
Exchange Street to Front Street.
Front Street enjoyed a dual history–as a commercial hub and as a sleazy, honky tonk sector.  This early business district contains several magnificent brick edifices portions were virtually destroyed in the devastating 1886 fire.
A reporter noted.  “…Ruin broods over the town,”  on April 5, 1886.  Rebuilding commenced immediately and three noteworthy structures stand today–the John W. Sawyer Building,  the Harbor House and the former First National Bank.
come back on Sat. when we look at those buildings
HXFLAG 3x5 Fts Conch Republic Key West Florida Flag 1828

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