I know given that our cold spell means a low of 55 tonight doesn’t leave a lot of room to complain, but I swear this is the dreariest winter we have had in a long, long time. I can hear you all saying: “Get over it GF, our city just ran out of salt for the ice.”

So let’s think of something warm to hot today:

As you know my objectives with this blog is to get you to 1. Have more Adventures
2. Start looking about your house and storage for
collectible items that you might want to sell through

I Googled Warm/Hot collectibles and found:

A vintage coin collection from warm places (like Jamaica and Greece)

An ad featuring Goofy and a kid from 1977 for Walt Disney World stating “We got Your Sunshine.” And with an asking price of over $7.00.

A Vintage Soviet Electric 220v Body Warmer Heater Grelka Hot Therapy …Don’t ask I have no idea, but it’s almost $30.

and then there’s a Hummel Collector Plate “August Hot Summer Days Calendar Collection”

Did you know that the Hummel figurines developed from sketches done by a nun: Sister Maria Innocentia in the 1930’s. A Swiss publisher put them on post card called Hummel’s “art cards”. Franz Goebel, porcelain maker acquired the rights and began making the sketches into figurines in 1935. They were introduced into the US at this time, but didn’t really get popular until after WWII went soldiers began sending them home. The popularity grew and prices skyrocket in the 70’s.

Today the Goebel company still produces the pieces and all prototypes must have Sister Maria’s Convent’s approval before production. Hummel in German means “bumblebee”. According to Dr. Lori (Ph.D. Antique Appraiser) some figures are valued “in the hundreds, even thousands, of dollars per piece.”

Particularly valuable pieces include:
“For Father” (Apple Tree Girl)
“Globe Trotter”
“Little Goat Herder”
“Going to Grandma’s”

Is your piece real:
Again according to Dr Lori
The mark of Sister M.I. Hummel is incised on every authentic piece.
All Hummels have a mold number incised on the bottom of each
And the Goebel stamp trademark is also on the bottom–these have changed over the years

So is your item hot, warm or cold?

Go do something today—even if it’s just planning a winter vacation in Florida (that’s a Key West Sunset) where the sun still shines occasionally.



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