Lost another great–Harold Ramos–loved him in Ghost Busters.

Just finished Katie MacAlister’s Silver Dragon Series (last book Me and My Shadow)
In a world of paranormal gone viral MacAlister’s books are a breath of FUNNY fresh air. She deals with a world where dragons who usually are in the form of hot humans exist in a sub-culture unknown to most of us mortals. There are sprites, lots of Demons (in fact the heroine of this series in addition to being the silver dragon’s mate is also a Demon’s consort and did I mention she was a doppelganger?) Try it you’ll like it.

MacAlister also has vampires: A Dark One Series which includes Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang and The Last of the Red-Hot Vampires.
I enjoyed her contemporary romance Men in Kilts allot but all of her novels are worth a look.

That’s our lead dragons (of course):

I have several dragon pieces with and without wizards and warrior princesses but I plan to use them to decorate the shop.

So I checked Google to see what they had to offer:

There are Celyon, English and Welsh Dragons on spoons ($7)

Chinese Dragon figure in cooper ($30)

Japanese plate with dragon ($100)

as well as fish forks dragons from Vietnam made of Russian Silver ($434)

There are dragon figurines ($13 – $25)

And Dragons appear on all kinds of things Bowls, table cloths, posters etc. (all $20)

as well as on fans with phoenix ($127)

There are gold dragons (lapel pin–$5)

Red Jade (Ship–$2,900)

Jadite Double Dragon (Jar $14,500)

Even Ming Dragon (Blue Naga Jar $18,000)

My favorite: Dragon Beer Tap ($40.00)

Obviously Dragons are very popular: Back to Wikipedia “A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan (namely the Japanese dragon), Korea and other East Asian countries.”

I picked the dragon because: “The typical dragon protects a cavern or castle filled with gold and treasure and is often associated with a great hero who tries to slay it. Though a winged creature, the dragon is generally to be found in its… lair, cave…an ancient creature of earth.” Wikipedia again.

How can we humans
be be so developed and yet make such stupid choices?

Enjoy each minute.


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