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In the Healthy Edge (April 2014) STRESS is described as “reacting to a challenge that disturbs physical or mental balance”  Such a simple description for something that bothers us so much.  Does there beat a heart that hasn’t been increased by a dead line, a family crisis or something so simple as helping with a child with a school project, we are a stress driven and beaten society.

Stress makes us sick:

1.  Heart Disease

2.  Asthma

3.  Obesity

4.  Diabetes

5.  Headaches

6.  Depression & Anxiety

7.  Gastro-intestional Problem

8.  Alzheimer’s

9.  Accelerated aging

10.  Pre-mature death

  • Are just some of the health conditions that can be made worse or even caused by your STRESS


Signs of stress include:

  • Apathy, lack of energy
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Difficulty “keeping track” of things
  • Feeling on edge
  • A change in eating habits
  • Sleeping more than usual or difficulty getting to sleep
  • Being more emotional
  • Using alcohol or drugs to relieve or forget stress
  • http://my.clevelandclinic.org/healthy_living/stress_management/hic_warning_signs_of_emotional_stress_when_to_see_your_doctor.aspx

So what can you do about it….move to a desert island—naw you’d stress about being alone….

What can you do?
After work you might try: As soon as you arrive home, shed whatever reminds you of work: stash your bag out of sight and kick off your heels. (change into something comfortable). Next, do something that offers a change of pace… If you’re a desk drone, head outside for a run or a swim; if you’re on your feet all day, ease into a warm bath. Soon you’ll feel yourself mentally drifting away from what stresses you out.”

See http://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/reduce-stress?page=1

and http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/stress-management/in-depth/relaxation-technique/art-20045368?pg=2  for more ideas.

Other natural suggestions (also from Healthy Edge)

B Vitamins along with C are depleted by stress so taking them should help (especially B).

Relora for mild anxiety and depression

Passion Flower has a calming effect


45 record: Chubby Checker “Dance The Stress Around” “Good Good Lovin”  $5

St. Vincent Stress Center – Vintage Post Card $12

When’s Friday Stressed Out Cat Cup …$15

Oriental Musical Stress Reliever Balls… $15 (many kinds of stress balls up to $87)

Teddy Bear Stress Reliever Kit  1977, In Box  $23

Adult Board Game Survive Stress …$40

Humor is a stress-reducer…. It is … proven to be effective in combating stress…These days, there are organized humor meetings even in places like India where laughing in public is not considered good manner.  http://www.holistic-online.com/stress/stress_humor.htm

Or try this:

bang-head-here.jpg (300×294)


All the suffering, stress, and addiction comes from not realizing you already are what you are looking for.Jon Kabat-Zinn


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