First a word from our sponsor—-check out my store—all ya gotta do is reach out and click…just a little click–honest it won’t hurt…you might even like

Then: I wanted to mention something about my yesterday’s blog Gluten Free Diet:  “For people who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity… it can make a significant difference in quality of life. For that relatively small group of people, agluten-free diet functions as a detox diet by relieving their system of an irritant.”   Otherwise it’s not a necessity.

Are you ready for that vacation that you’ve been planning all year?  Here’s some ideas you may have not thought about:

If you’re flying with an infant call the airline ahead of time and see if there are bassinets available and if you can get a bulkhead seat with room for it at your feet.  Ask to board early.

Flying with kids, night flights may be your bet bet as kids are more likely to sleep.

Traveling alone:  before the trip, read about your destination and map out tentative itinerary: without a plan you might have too much time on your hands and who wants a lonely vacation?

Traveling abroad buy a (more?) guidebook and a foreign language translator.  This is just one site with several devices: refid=1425&gclid=CjwKEAjwjN2eBRDbyPWl0JLY5lYSJACPo0Uin4Lm2QpjoZn_R4Ya7sR7A80xOlCjQfG3LkwMtL4MhBoC86Tw_wcB

If you’re over 55 you may be eligible for senior discounts.  Ask when you make reservations or pay your fare to be sure. Don’t forget to ask about restrictions as discounts may be limited in hours or days of the week.

While you are traveling it’s important:  Hydrate —it can prevent jet lag (the more time zones you cross, the more likely you are to experience it).  Mayo Clinic studies suggest that water (not coke, or coffee or cocktails) is the best.  In it is also suggested that you might consider melatonin, a natural sleep aid (which I use all the time and find it helps).

Traveling without the kids:  Include them in the discussion of the trip and make sure they understand why they can’t go.

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Items that might be in those older homes:  14″ 1964 Beatles nodders up to $15,000 and the 8 ” ones about $400 (Antique Road Show booklet).  I actually have some Beatles stuff when I get my bigger store set up.

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Or an authentic “Route 66” sign for around $300. (traveled it when I was 19 or 20)

Traveling by car:  Take an extra map and a colored pencil and let the kids mark your progress.  Helps with the “are we there yet?” comments.


“Travel brings power and love back into your life.”   ― Rumi






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