Liquid sunshine today–a favorite of Floridians everywhere…..gurgle—gurgle


where have I seen him before


Today we’re doing some health tips.

PROTIEN POWDER:  They come in raw, vegan, gluten free and organic to name a few.  But what do you look for when buying these supplemental powders?  According to THE HEALTHY EDGE (May 2014) the best measurement is PDCAAS which measures “both amino acid profile and digestibility”  best is “1”.  Other things to check:  sugar content, added flavorings, added vitamins, minerals and fiber (the last you may or may not want).



Enterococcus:  Bactermia, surgical and urinary track infections

Haemophilus Influenzae:  Menningitis, ear infections, pneumonia, sinusitis, epiglottits

Mycobacterium TB:  Tuberculosis

Neisseria gonorrhoeae:  Gonorrhea

Plasmodium falciparum:  Malaria

Pseudomonas aeruginosa:  Bacteremia, pneumonia, urinary tract infection

Shigella dysenteriae:  Severe diarrhea

Staphylococcus aureus:  Bacteremia,  pneumonia, surgical wound infection

Streptococcus pneumonia:  Meningitis, pneumonia, ear infections

Klebsiella pneumonia:  Bacteremia, pneumonia, urinary tract and surgical wound infection

Escherichia coli:  Severe or bloody diarrhea

Salmonella:  Severe diarrhea

HERBAL ANTIBIOTICS by Stephen Harrod Buhner


1.  Keep your weight down or loose it if you’re obese

2.  Stop smoking

3.  Exercise–keep an active life style–walk, go to the gym or get a tread mill.


STAY HEALTHY THIS WINTER:  TRY VITAMIN D.    It “boosts the body’s natural defenses and helps  ward off viruses that cause respiratory illness.” (The Healthy Edge–10/14)  Since the exposure to the sun is much lower in the winter supplements are recommended.  The National Institutes of Medicine recommends 600 IUs/day up to age 70 and then 800 IUs/day.  Ask your doctor what he/she thinks.

CRANBERRIES BENEFITS (Healthy Edge/July 2014)

Healthier Gums (prevents bacteria from adhering from the gums).  Look for it in natural toothpaste and mouthwash

Stronger Heart (source of anthocyanins, vitamin C, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.)  Eat whole berries.

Reduced Cancer Risk (cancer preventive mechanisms) particularly breast, colon, lung and prostate.

Better Digestion (keeping bacteria from attaching stomach lining and est. optimal balance of bacteria in the gut)  prevents ulcers



ONE OF THE HEALTHIES FOODS AROUND:  BRASSICA–anti-inflammatory, low in calories, lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber and their phytonutrients help prevent cancer.  (DELICIOUS LIVING/April 2014)

THE FUTURE OF BRAIN HEALTH?  According to P. Murali Doraiswamy (Director of neurocognitive disorders program at Duke Univeristy) Brain-stimulation devices (both implants and external headbands) are being tested for treatment of and prevention of Alzheimer’s as well as cognition without dementia.

Historical Herb:  Echinacea.  This popular herbal was originally used by the American Indians for healing wounds, insect and snake bites and for internal and external infections.  Current tests have found I to increase the ability of the white blood cells “to fight, destroy and eat toxic organisms that invade the body.”  (Proven Herbal Blends/Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.)

Help To Prevent Diabetes:  Stick with a diet with 15% fat, 15% protein and 70% carbohydrates (from fruits, veggies and whole grain—high fiber which “which makes you feel full quicker and helps you absorb calories slower” AARP MAGAZINE  Oct/Nov 2014) which puts less stress on the cells of your pancreas “that make insulin.”

Keep Rubber Gloves Available to protect your hands “from hot water and cleaners that can irritate of dry your skin.”  (PREVENTION MAGAZINE  Jan. 2009) Get long ones–half way down forearms.


To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.









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