Ask the old grey standing stones that show the sun its way to bed. J. Tull


Pictures today are from Loch Haven Park (Orlando)   where we wandered between museums and lunch this weekend.  Honorable Mention today is COSTAL GIFTS AND DECOR / COASTAL KIDZ which I just did a review for TRIP ADVISOR on—but it’s not released yet.    Also don’t forget my novel:  with quotes, character studies as well as ongoing research on my ongoing project.



Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am his/hers, and s/he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days.
Game of Thrones






Oh and while you’re checking out MY BOARDS  on OUTLANDER of course:
Jamie & Claire the first time—his technique was more rock than Romeo…..but
Jamie and Claire after the hiding an reconciliation:  But the boy appears to be a fast learner.
Check out this from Diana commenting on next (if it ever comes) season:
Pass the word and pass the lady, pass the plate to all who hunger.
Pass the wit of ancient wisdom, pass the cup of crimson wonder.  Tull
This week I thought I’d do Fall….and all the bounty before the starkness of winter–except I live in Florida so I have to draw on my memories to the Midwest of my youth.
Ask the Green Man where he comes from, ask the cup that fills with red.  Tull
I thought today we’d look at the Old ways of Fall and how if at all they influence Our NEW World:
Autumn  Chaucer first used the word autumn c 1374,   Before the 16th century, harvest was the term usually used to refer to the season, .  This begins on 9/23–the Fall/autumn/harvest Equinox date.
The river she is flowing
Flowing and growing
The river she is flowing
Pagan Song
Harvest Festivals:
Celebrated November 1 by the Romans, this harvest festival was blended by the Celts into the Samhain festival.   Since Ireland was never invaded they did not combine the two days festivities.
This harvest festival was celebrated in Celtic lands (much of Europe, parts of Turkey etc) on August 1.  This specific name is the Irish name for the divinity Lug’s “a god of light, war, craftsmanship” mother.  It was a festival of assembly “where political and legal matters were settled, but also included games and feasting.  Druids held  ritual for harvests.
SAMHAIN:  The one time of year when the Otherworld could become visible October 31-November 1.  The boundaries between worlds were broken down and people (living and dead) could pass through in either direction.  A time when the wronged dead could haunt the living.  Christianity like the Romans took a hand at the festival and made November 1st all Souls (or Saints) Day and the Evening before All Hallows  which became Halloween when we mock what we down deep may still fear.
You are the essence of all the beauty of life
You are the essence of all the love of my life
Pagan Song
THE beginning day of Fall is one of two times a year when the night and day (dark and light) are exactly the same amount of time.  Symbols for fertility and a good harvest included cocks and horses.   While a full moon on Christmas foretold a poor one in some areas and in East Anglia it’s a bad omen for the harvest if the Evening Star rides low in summer.
John Barleycorn was the slain god of harvest in ancient times.
At the end of the year especially in October the Saxons rounded up their livestock to put them in their winter pens— any excess numbers (too many to pen and feed) were slaughtered and eaten.   Bone (now bon) Fires were set to dispose of the remains that were not useable and this named the next month–November, the blood month.
Ask the Green Man where he comes from, ask the cup that fills with red.     TULL
In Scotland the Blue-faced Crone of winter withered the crops and brought the snow.  While Wrens are highly disliked in Ireland and it is thought that its appearance in the fall may have at one time been thought to be a sign of a hard winter and that it was destroyed to avoid it.
Jack-o-lanterns is believed to be a lost soul or a death omen.  In England the light seen in marsh and swamp lands is called a corpse light and in Ireland a faire or fox light.  In Sweden it is believed to be the soul of an unbaptized child and there are similar legends among the American Indians (Penobscot Indians call it a fire demon).  In Africa it  a “witch-fire” and in America a Jack-o-lantern is associated with Halloween and trick or treaters.
Bells have long been associated with the divine and driving way away evil.  Since the 5th c bells were thought to have a potency to against evil beings and were rung on Samhain (All Hallows) to keep witches from flying over the vlllage.
In France Goblins (Brownies in England and Scotland, Kobalds in Germany, Domoviks in Russia) were wandering spirits.  They would enter households and bring good or bad depending on the particular spirit.   They are now associated with Halloween and are said to be particularly active then when the veil between worlds is thinnest.
Question all as to their ways, and learn the secrets that they hold.
Walk the lines of nature’s palm crossed with silver and with gold.     Tull
Ellis, Peter Berresford:  The Celts A History
Green, Miranda J:  The World of the Druids
Guiley, Rosemary:  Encyclopedia of Witches & Witchcraft
Hugin The Bard:  A  Bard’s Book of Pagan Songs
Morgan,  Sheena:  The Wicca Book of Days
O  hOgain, Daithi:  The Lore of Ireland
Ravenwolf, Silver:  Halloween
Radford, E. & M.A.:  The Encyclopedia of Superstitions
Time-Life Books, Ed:  The Book of Beginning

Time is on my side, yes it is M. Jagger


My pictures today are from Longwood–historic downtown area which most of you from Central Florida doesn’t know exists. There’s even a review on Trip Advisor: I am surely ready for the weekend—area you?   Honorable mention today is Papilio in Mt Dora:




There is no present or future, only the past, happening over and over again, now.     EUGENE O’NEILL, A Moon for the Misbegotten





Yeah that about meets all my requirements…..Jamie Fraser
and check out this time line for all things Outlander
Did you ever think about how weird time is—it’s not real, is it….minutes, seconds even hours are an abstract formula at best.  Something to let us better control our activities and greatly contributing to our lack of control of our blood pressure.   We phase the moon for months and the evolution of the earth for years and the sun for day and night….but were we ever meant to set such a fine point on our days?   When you go on a vacation trip to a tropical island do you look at the clock often—or do you leave your watch hidden somewhere deep in your suit case in the hope that you and it will get lost permanently, but not all in the same place.
Or to quote Bertrand Russel in Mysticism and Logic:

To realize the unimportance of time is the gate to wisdom.



But we seemed to have  been intent  with finding a method for controlling our lives:  “The rolling ball clock was invented by 17th century French engineer Nicolas Grollier. This clock kept time using rolling balls on a zigzag track. The path took anywhere from 15 seconds to a full minute for the ball to complete. Once it reached its destination, it tripped a mechanism that both moved hands of the clock forward and reversed the tilt to return the ball to its original position. However, the clock’s main flaw was the cleanliness of the track. When dust accumulated, it slowed the ball down, which resulted in very unreliable timekeeping.”    I could come up with all kind of comments on that, but I am on good behavior.






Time is money.   BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Advice to Young Tradesmen

AS Americans from the gold (I mean good) ole USA I think Franklin’s statement made years ago is a prophetic as anything any oracle ever uttered.  We are judged by our use of time.  We are punished for being only a few minutes late for work and this is taught early in our schools.  We are docked time (and hence money).  Daydreaming and leisure are not productive or looked well on and a clock watcher (someone anticipating lunch hour, quitting time or worse yet the weekend) is never a person of note in the big world of business.

Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.  THOMAS MANN, The Magic Mountain


Was it first established to determine events—like holy festivals or when to plant the crops or to remember a special event  or to control our activities or is it to civilize our ways?   We must have guidelines and the more the better in a world that is so distracted by the chaotic.  Without a specific reminder we might run away at lunch time.  Wander down a path in the park or a inviting street we’ve not ventured along before and not return till the business day is done with our work  still setting at our desk neglected and abandoned.  Now that would never do, would it?

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Poor Richard’s Almanac

And what is the squandering, the wandering or the work?  Sometimes getting a nice level of both is the hardest thing we ever accomplish.   For if we love life do we spend it all working—-or on the other hand can we afford to wander away at the loss of the income which supplies us with the very necessities that make life as we know it possible?
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Time is of your own making; Its clock ticks in your head. The moment you stop thought Time too stops dead.  ANGELUS SILESIUS

Time is a created thing. To say “I don’t have time” is to say “I don’t want to.”

LAO TZU, O Magazine, Jan. 2007





So what’s  a person to do in this world that hasn’t improved a lot about the importance of man —but rather put a finer time line on it’s  demands.  How can we treasure ourselves and our TIME without failing in our responsibilities and loosing our income?  Or must we decide on only having one.

1.  Let go of perfectionism

2.  Exercise and meditate

3.   Limit time-wasting activities and people

4.  Unplug

5.  Change the structure of your life

6.  Start small. Build from there.

Time is a dream … a destroying dream;
It lays great cities in dust, it fills the seas;
It covers the face of beauty, and tumbles walls.

CONRAD AIKEN, The House of Dust












The universe may be timeless, but if you imagine breaking it into pieces, some of the pieces can serve as clocks for the others. Time emerges from timelessness. We perceive time because we are, by our very nature, one of those pieces.

CRAIG CALLENDER, Scientific American, June 2010








Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. W. Penn


So here we go for another day, haven’t been doing much but reading, and working since my sojourn in Lake Mary this weekend and am beginning to get stir crazy.  I know I’m the one who preaches getting out more so I am breaking all my rules but I’ll try to do better in the future.   Honorable mention goes to Heron Cay one of the most beautiful Bed and Breakfast ever:   on the lake just beyond downtown Mt. Dora on West Old HWY US 441





and while we’re on the subject of time—which is what we’re doing today….how about my favorite time traveler show—not time traveler as #JamieFraser never (at least in the first 6 1/4 books) time travels though a whole lot of his family does.    Check out his fund raiser—or should I say #SamHeughan’s.







VINTAGE Coral Colored Choker and Earrings



















Our concept of time has varied greatly over the centuries.  As we saw yesterday the Romans had calendars and months, days etc.   Amazingly this goes back many more years than until just recently than we had actually thought it did.  In 2013 at “an archaeological site in northern Scotland – a row of ancient pits which archaeologists believe is the world’s oldest calendar. It is almost five thousand years older than its nearest rival …Created by Stone Age Britons some 10,000 years ago, archaeologists believe that the complex of pits was designed to represent the months of the year and the lunar phases of the month. They believe it also allowed the observation of the mid-winter sunrise – in effect the birth of the new year – so that the lunar calendar could be annually re-calibrated to bring it back into line with the solar year.”




The month is a well adjusted length of time for recalling fairly recent events, and it has a magic significance through its loose link with the female menstrual period.



Here are a few months–interestingly enough the Romans seem to have been the shaper of time lines much more than you may have realized:


January — Janus’s month  Janus is the Roman god of gates and doorways, depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions. His festival month is January.   Januarius had 29 days, until Julius when it became 31 days long



  February — month of Februa    Februarius had 28 days, until circa 450 BC when it had 23 or 24 days on some of every second year, until Julius when it had 29 days on every fourth year and 28 days otherwise. Februa is the Roman festival of purification, held on February fifteenth. It is possibly of Sabine origin.



March — Mars’ month  Martius has always had 31 days.   March was the original beginning of the year, and the time for the resumption of war.   Mars is the Roman god of war.


April — Aphrodite’s monthAprilis had 30 days, until Numa when it had 29 days, until Julius when it became 30 days long.    Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty. She is identified with the Roman goddess Venus.   WHILE APRIL WAS STILL A ROMAN INVENTION IT IS INTERESTING THAT SHE IS NAMED FOR A GREEK GODDESS.


To check out your month click here:














A far more important slice of time is the year, a full circuit of the earth round the sun – crucial in human activities because of its influence on seasons and crops. But the length of a year is exceptionally hard to measure.     Primitive societies make do with a broad concept, counting the year as starting when leaves sprout on a particular tree or describing someone as having lived through a certain number of harvests.
Ancients marked their year with festivals and ceremonies—They built New Grange with each year the deepest chamber is lighted at the Solstice and they celebrated their new year at the winter Solstice in December by ceremonial activity to bring the sun back from its journey and the earth escapes once again eternal darkness and death.
The Romans often cited events from the traditional foundation of their city ab urbe conditâ, or A.U.C., said to be 753 BCE (although later they used years A.D. that is, after the emperor Diocletian, ruled 284-305 CE). During the Republic, they also cited years using the names of reigning consuls, and of course in the Imperial period, they often used Roman emperors, for instance, an historian might say, during the reign of Tiberius, such and such occurred.
I think the best example of how little we understand about and how deep our superstitions run about time was the Mayan Calendar and 2012.  When the world sighed a collective breath when the end of time didn’t come with the last days of the ancient calendar.
“We”ve had similar scares in the recent past, but none quite like this. The last time the world got all worked up over the mystical turning of a calendar was the false Millennium of Jan. 1, 2000. Never mind the actual Y2K computer-date bug. True-believer authors (and their imitators) published scary and/or hopeful books about the moment’s prophetic potential to catch an immense cosmic wave and change everything for either good or ill. Borrowing a forecast from Nostradamus, the 16th-century French riddler, author Charles Berlitz predicted catastrophe in his 1981 book Doomsday 1999. Berlitz (fresh off books on Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle), warned that 1999 could inflict flood, famine, pollution and a shift of Earth’s magnetic poles. He also spotlighted the planetary alignment of May 5, 2000, and warned that it could bring solar flares, severe earthquakes, “land changes” and “seismic explosions.”
“The Egyptian lunar calendar….consisted of twelve months whose duration differed according to the length of a full lunar cycle (normally 28 or 29 days). Each lunar month began with the new moon—reckoned from the first morning after the waning crescent had become invisible—and was named after the major festival celebrated within it. Since the lunar calendar was 10 or 11 days shorter than the solar year, a 13th month (called Thoth) was intercalated every several years to keep the lunar calendar in rough correspondence with the agricultural seasons and their feasts. New Year’s Day was signaled by the annual ..rising of the star Sothis (Sirius), when it could be observed on the eastern horizon just before dawn in midsummer; the timing of this observation would determine whether or not the (extra)…..month would be employed. ”


So here we go for another day, haven’t been doing much but reading, and working since my sojourn in Lake Mary this weekend and am beginning to get stir crazy.  I know I’m the one who preaches getting out more so I am breaking all my rules but I’ll try to do better in the future.   Honorable mention goes to Heron Cay one of the most beautiful Bed and Breakfast ever:   on the lake just beyond downtown Mt. Dora on West Old HWY US 441





and while we’re on the subject of time—which is what we’re doing today….how about my favorite time traveler show—not time traveler as #JamieFraser never (at least in the first 6 1/4 books) time travels though a whole lot of his family does.    Check out his fund raiser—or should I say #SamHeughan’s.







VINTAGE Coral Colored Choker and Earrings



















Our concept of time has varied greatly over the centuries.  As we saw yesterday the Romans had calendars and months, days etc.   Amazingly this goes back many more years than until just recently than we had actually thought it did.  In 2013 at “an archaeological site in northern Scotland – a row of ancient pits which archaeologists believe is the world’s oldest calendar. It is almost five thousand years older than its nearest rival …Created by Stone Age Britons some 10,000 years ago, archaeologists believe that the complex of pits was designed to represent the months of the year and the lunar phases of the month. They believe it also allowed the observation of the mid-winter sunrise – in effect the birth of the new year – so that the lunar calendar could be annually re-calibrated to bring it back into line with the solar year.”




The month is a well adjusted length of time for recalling fairly recent events, and it has a magic significance through its loose link with the female menstrual period.



Here are a few months–interestingly enough the Romans seem to have been the shaper of time lines much more than you may have realized:


January — Janus’s month  Janus is the Roman god of gates and doorways, depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions. His festival month is January.   Januarius had 29 days, until Julius when it became 31 days long



  February — month of Februa    Februarius had 28 days, until circa 450 BC when it had 23 or 24 days on some of every second year, until Julius when it had 29 days on every fourth year and 28 days otherwise. Februa is the Roman festival of purification, held on February fifteenth. It is possibly of Sabine origin.



March — Mars’ month  Martius has always had 31 days.   March was the original beginning of the year, and the time for the resumption of war.   Mars is the Roman god of war.


April — Aphrodite’s monthAprilis had 30 days, until Numa when it had 29 days, until Julius when it became 30 days long.    Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty. She is identified with the Roman goddess Venus.   WHILE APRIL WAS STILL A ROMAN INVENTION IT IS INTERESTING THAT SHE IS NAMED FOR A GREEK GODDESS.


To check out your month click here:














A far more important slice of time is the year, a full circuit of the earth round the sun – crucial in human activities because of its influence on seasons and crops. But the length of a year is exceptionally hard to measure.     Primitive societies make do with a broad concept, counting the year as starting when leaves sprout on a particular tree or describing someone as having lived through a certain number of harvests.
Ancients marked their year with festivals and ceremonies—They built New Grange with each year the deepest chamber is lighted at the Solstice and they celebrated their new year at the winter Solstice in December by ceremonial activity to bring the sun back from its journey and the earth escapes once again eternal darkness and death.
The Romans often cited events from the traditional foundation of their city ab urbe conditâ, or A.U.C., said to be 753 BCE (although later they used years A.D. that is, after the emperor Diocletian, ruled 284-305 CE). During the Republic, they also cited years using the names of reigning consuls, and of course in the Imperial period, they often used Roman emperors, for instance, an historian might say, during the reign of Tiberius, such and such occurred.
I think the best example of how little we understand about and how deep our superstitions run about time was the Mayan Calendar and 2012.  When the world sighed a collective breath when the end of time didn’t come with the last days of the ancient calendar.
“We”ve had similar scares in the recent past, but none quite like this. The last time the world got all worked up over the mystical turning of a calendar was the false Millennium of Jan. 1, 2000. Never mind the actual Y2K computer-date bug. True-believer authors (and their imitators) published scary and/or hopeful books about the moment’s prophetic potential to catch an immense cosmic wave and change everything for either good or ill. Borrowing a forecast from Nostradamus, the 16th-century French riddler, author Charles Berlitz predicted catastrophe in his 1981 book Doomsday 1999. Berlitz (fresh off books on Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle), warned that 1999 could inflict flood, famine, pollution and a shift of Earth’s magnetic poles. He also spotlighted the planetary alignment of May 5, 2000, and warned that it could bring solar flares, severe earthquakes, “land changes” and “seismic explosions.”
“The Egyptian lunar calendar….consisted of twelve months whose duration differed according to the length of a full lunar cycle (normally 28 or 29 days). Each lunar month began with the new moon—reckoned from the first morning after the waning crescent had become invisible—and was named after the major festival celebrated within it. Since the lunar calendar was 10 or 11 days shorter than the solar year, a 13th month (called Thoth) was intercalated every several years to keep the lunar calendar in rough correspondence with the agricultural seasons and their feasts. New Year’s Day was signaled by the annual ..rising of the star Sothis (Sirius), when it could be observed on the eastern horizon just before dawn in midsummer; the timing of this observation would determine whether or not the (extra)…..month would be employed. ”

“Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh so mellow T. Jones


Featured and main pictures today are from Eden Bar at Enzian where met several good friends for fun, laughs and remembrance—like is good with friends around…..Oh and honorable mention goes to a store in Lake Mary with great gifts and kids clothes to not believe:  COASTAL GIFTS AND DECOR COASTAL KIDZ




Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain so yellow





Item pictureMay 16, 1997 IROC CHARLOTTE MOTOR SPEEDWAY BROCHURE FOR i… (262031838487)  BID STARTS .99 on EBay auction–only a day left to put your bids in






Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a young and a callow fellow





Yesterday we looked at the Holiday–today let’s look at the month that holds it:

September is the ninth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars and one of four months with a length of 30 days.   September in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent of March in the Southern Hemisphere.  In the Northern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological autumn is on 1 September. In the Southern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological spring is on 1 September.   September begins on the same day of the week as December every year…..



September no more white shoes or dresses except for brides and Florida residents who can’t tell the difference between winter and summer on several given days.










Interestingly enough the word is from  Late Old English, from Old French septembre, Latin september ‎(seventh month) since September was the seventh month in the Roman calendar.





September 2, 1752 – The British ended their use of the Julian calendar, switching instead to the Gregorian calendar, resulting in a major adjustment as Wednesday, September 2, was followed by Thursday, September 14. The correction resulted in rioting by people who felt cheated and demanded the missing eleven days back.




By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer’s best of weather And autumn’s best of cheer.    Helen Hunt Jackson







Labor Day
Grandparents Day
Patriot Day
Constitution Day and Week
Rosh Hashanah



  • Birthstone: Sapphire
  • Flower: Aster
  • Zodiac signs: Virgo and Libra



and Woody Allen did a movie of the same:




But it may not be a good month for the Stockmarket:  The S&P 500 SPX, +2.51%  is on track to wrap up the turbulent month with a decline of about 6%, the largest one-month drop since September 2011.   In the 11 instances since 1945 when the S&P 500 fell more than 5% in August, September returns were negative 80% of the time, averaging a decline of 4%, said Sam Stovall, U.S. equity strategist at S&P Capital IQ.







Effort, and


Trying your best

Each hour of the day,

Making new friends,

Being good as you can

Exciting discoveries,

Reading books with a friend.” –  Boni Fulgham






1 “Mary Had a Little Lamb” was published. (1830)

2.  The image of “Uncle Sam“, a symobl of America, was first used. (1813)

3/ George Eastman received a patent for roll film and trademarked the name “Kodak”.

4.  Russian Czar Peter the Great imposes a tax on beards. (1698)—THIS IS ONLY FUNNY TO PEOPLE W/OUT BEARDS

5. The first Miss America beauty Pageant is held in Atlantic City N.J. (1921)

6.   Star Trek premiered on television (1966)

7.  Elvis Presley first appears on the Ed Sullivan Show. (1956)

8.  The Beatles recorded their 1st single “Love Me Do”. (1962)

9.  Billie Jean King defeats Bobby Riggs in a battle of the sexes tennis match. (1973)



“September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange-flowers, swallows, and regret.”
–   Alexander Theroux, 1981





Richard Saunders, the 17th century English astrologer and physician, said it was good to eat pomegranates and goats’ milk in September.





September is National Chicken Month as well as Cholesterol Awareness Month in America.






September brought us Penicillin (discovered by Alexander Fleming in Sept 1928) as well as Mickey Mouse (also 1928) and the planet Neptune–it was always around but we discovered it in 1846.






Pulcher wrote a SEPTEMBER book about Scotland




some very famous birthdays this month–Dr. Phil (9/1), Beyonce Knowles (9/4), Pippa Middleton (9/6), Adam Sandler (9/9), Michael Buble (9/9), Harry Connick (9/11), Niall Horan (9/13), Jimmy Fallon (9/19), Bruce Springsteen (9/23) and Will Smith (9/25)









In  September  1915 Carter G. Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History.





“Spring scarce had greener fields to show than these
Of mid September; through the still warm noon
The rivulets ripple forth a gladder tune
Than ever in the summer; from the trees
Dusk-green, and murmuring inward melodies,
No leaf drops yet; only our evenings swoon
In pallid skies more suddenly, and the moon
Finds motionless white mists out on the leas.”
–  Edward Dowden, In September






In 1968, National Hispanic Heritage Month started as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson by Public Law 90-498 and was lengthened by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to make it 30 days beginning September 15 and ending on October 15. September 15 is significant because it’s the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.  Also, Mexico and Chile celebrate independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively.






IN September:

1620 – The Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England with 102 Pilgrims.

1630 – The Massachusetts village of Shawmut changed its name to Boston.

1908 – William C. Durant. founded General Motors.

1953 – 20th Century-Fox released The Robe, using its new wide-screen stereophonic film process.

1964 – Shindig (a pop music show) premiered on ABC.

1972 – The Bob Newhart show debuted on CBS

1974 – President Ford announced conditional amnesty for Vietnam War deserters and draft evaders. –







“Do you remember the 21st night of September? Love was changing the minds of pretenders While chasing the clouds away Our hearts were ringing In the key that our souls were singing. As we danced in the night, Remember how the stars stole the night away.” –   September, Lyrics by Maurice White, Charles Stemney and Verdine White








Item pictureGORD ANGEL WITH CROCHETED WINGS AND BLONDE HAIR (262031867812)      $19.75
Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.”
President Obama in a 2011 radio address
Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow–follow, oh-oh.” 














A hand that’s dirty with honest labor is fit to shake with any neighbor. ~Proverb







To labor is to pray.  ~Motto of the Benedictines





Item picture
In Ebay auction one more day….that is starting bid





Had a fun Sat.  first we went to ROYALS BRITISH TEA ROOM in Lake Mary—great food, owners are wonderful and the atmosphere divine:





Dare to be honest and fear no labor. ~Robert Burns




Item picture
STEAM PUNK: Let your imagination take wings”. Length 22-… (261999994889)   $40.00  hand made



NO LABOR DAY IN SCOTLAND TODAY—the UK like the rest of (mostly) of the world celebrate Labor Day in May (first Monday though it is traditionally May 1st in some countries) The US has tried to do that date, but as usual we travel to our own drum and just never have coordinated it.  In the mean time check out this story about Sam, bagpipes and Comic Con




Work isn’t to make money; you work to justify life.  ~Marc Chagall




Item picture



In June 1894 Congress passed legislation making the first Monday of September a day to recognize workers:  Labor Day-


Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those “who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.”

But ,,,, Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist,…founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic


—but before you nod and say right let me get back to my beer and picnic you might be interested to look a little deeper.






There are moments when art attains almost to the dignity of manual labor.  ~Oscar Wilde







the Panic of 1893, (was) a severe financial depression that affected the American economy. Pullman cut the wages of workers by one-third, but he refused to lower the rents in the company housing (which the labor’s lived in).

Pullman workers started their strike in May 1894. (The sympathetic American Railway Union refused to handle Pullman cars, hampering commerce in many parts of the country.) The following month, Congress passed legislation making the first Monday of September a day to recognize workers. (Such a holiday had already been a demand of the labor movement, though commentators have described the Labor Day legislation as an attempt to “appease” angry workers.) In July, President Grover Cleveland sent federal troops to Chicago to crush the strike.



What was most amazing was that the Governor of Ill.  had not requested assistance and resentfully requested their with drawl, for while there had been some incidents there had been no major rioting which would warrant Federal troops.



However:  “There was some clamor in the newspapers and by the public for the company to operate such trains without the Pullmans, but the request was refused. Thereupon an order came from Eugene Debs, the head of the national organization of the railroad employees, on June 28 to tie up the entire system of the Southern Pacific. ” which probably went a long way toward the government’s decision.




Cleveland dispatched more than 14,000 federal troops and marshals to break the strike, sparking riots, violence and the burning of train cars. In Chicago, soldiers fired into a crowd of 10,000 people; 25 were killed and 60 badly wounded. Hundreds were jailed, including Debs. The strike finally ended on August 3. The ARU was immediately dismantled and the Pullman employees, gaining no concessions, were forced to sign a pledge stating they would never again unionize  Other results were Debs turning socialist and forming American Socialist party, famed attorney Clarence Darrow launching a career as a defender of the underdog and  social Worker Jane Adams to investigate it all:




Addams found the idea that labor’s organizing efforts could benefit society compelling. “If we can accept” that possibility, she adds, then the labor movement is “an ethical movement.” The claim was a startling one for her to make. It seems the strike had shown her at least one moral dimension to the workers’ struggle. The negative had become the potentially positive. Instead of seeing labor’s union organizing as a symptom of society’s moral decay, as she once had and many other middle-class people still did, she was considering the hypothesis that labor organizing was a sign of society’s moral redemption.”






Without labor nothing prospers.  ~Sophocles






FOR MANY YEARS LABOR DAY MEAN JERRY LEWIS AND HIS MDA LABOR DAY TELETHON which went from 1966 through 2009 (28 of those years broadcast from Los Vegas)  these lasted up to 21 1/2 hours and raise a total of $2.45 Billion over those years.


The MDA announced on August 3, 2011, that Lewis had “completed his run” as both host and national chairman, effective immediately, and that Lewis would not appear in the 2011 telethon.The wording of the release left it ambiguous whether he had been fired or if he had resigned. … Numerous celebrities came out in support of Lewis and opposed to his dismissal from the MDA shortly after it was announced;[25] Lewis himself was mostly silent (though the “firing” was reportedly in regard to statements by Lewis) about the issue, saying that the controversy is “very difficult to get into.”[      





Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them. ~Joseph Joubert









Labor Day

  • The Central Labor Union observed the first Labor Day holiday in 1882 in New York City.
  • Labor Day marks the end of the summer season, the beginning of school and the start of football season.
  • According to the rules of fashion, Labor Day Weekend is the last official time where wearing white is appropriate.






All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. – Martin Luther King Jr.




Item picture









Thank God every morning when you get up, that you have something to do that day which must be done, whether you like it or not.  Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle never know.  ~Charles Kingsley






Item picture


Sex and drugs and rock and roll Is very good indeed I. Drury








2 Disney Collection--50th Anniversary Practical and Fifer Pigs













THE ONE SONG (in this case almost) WONDERS:  The Kingsmen’s miracle with Louie Louie:  In 1963, The Kingsmen were playing local teenage nightclubs and highschool proms in Portland, Oregon. A local DJ liked what he heard and asked the group to make a demo. One hour and $40 later, the record “Louie Louie” was sent to Boston and a disc jockey in the area began playing it. The rest, as they say, is history.
(Louie Louie sold more than 12 million copies  and reached and held #2 positions on pop charts for several weeks)
The Kingsmen were catapulted into overnight stardom. The next 5 years found the band on the road with many major groups”  on tours. KingsmenInterview.html They were almost a one hit wonder until 1965 when their
Jolly Green Giant” made it to the top 10.


OLD SCHOOL ROCK and BLUE EYED SOULRIGHTEOUS BROTHERS were around long before I got into Rock and Roll and were makin’ music as the 60’s changes started to rock a lot more than R&R.  “The vocal duo of Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield virtually defined the term “blue-eyed soul.” As the Righteous Brothers, they cut a string of hits that fared well on both the pop and rhythm and blues charts: “Unchained Melody” (Number Four pop, Number Six R&B), “(You’re My) Soul and Inspiration (Number One pop, Number 13 R&B) and their masterpiece – and one of the seminal singles of the rock and roll era – “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ (Number One pop, Number three R&B). In the mid-1960s, the Righteous Brothers became a fixture on Top Forty radio and the televised rock and roll variety show Shindig!, on which they guested frequently. Medley’s commanding baritone and Hatfield’s forceful tenor ranked among the most indelible voices of that charmed era.”



SURFIN’  OR CALIFORNIA ROCK:  BEACH BOYS:  “The Beach Boys are an American rock band that were formed in Hawthorne, California in 1961. The group’s original lineup consisted of brothers Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson, their cousin Mike Love, and their friend Al Jardine. Emerging at the vanguard of the “California Sound“, the band’s early music gained international popularity for distinct vocal harmonies and lyrics that evoked a southern California youth culture of surfing, cars, and romance. Influenced by jazz-based vocal groups, 1950s rock and roll, and doo-wop, Brian led the band to experiment with several genres ranging from pop ballads to psychedelic and baroque, while devising novel approaches to music production and arranging.”





PSYCHEDELLIC:  THE DOORS were like we hadn’t heard before and may never again, they brought us the true essence of the craziness we were living through:  The Doors, one of the most influential and controversial rock bands of the 1960s, were formed in Los Angeles in 1965 by UCLA film students Ray Manzarek, keyboards, and Jim Morrison, vocals; with drummer John Densmore and guitarist Robby Krieger. The group never added a bass player, and their sound was dominated by Manzarek‘s electric organ work and Morrison‘s deep, sonorous voice, with which he sang and intoned his highly poetic lyrics. The group signed to Elektra Records in 1966 and released its first album, The Doors, featuring the hit “Light My Fire,” in 1967.







This is the way I look at sex scenes: I have basically been doing them for a living for years. Trying to seduce an audience is the basis of rock ‘n roll, and if I may say so, I’m pretty good at it.  Jon Bon Jovi









Muzzle Loaders Festval June 23 -24 Greenfield Village 1960's








1. Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin
2. Imagine – John Lennon
3. Hotel California – The Eagles
4. What’s Going On – Marvin Gaye
5. Born to Run – Bruce Springsteen
6. Layla – Derek and the Dominos
7. Superstition – Stevie Wonder
8. Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen
9. Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon and Garfunkel
10. Let’s Stay Together – Al Green



LED BY ZEPPELIN:     They did get big once they changed name from the New Yardbirds.  Led Zeppelin were an English rock band formed in London in 1968.  The band’s heavy, guitar-driven sound, rooted in blues and psychedelia on their early albums, has earned them recognition as one of the progenitors of heavy metal, though their unique style drew from a wide variety of influences, including folk music.




ANOTHER BRIT AT NUMBER TWO:   JOHN LENNON recording alone  after the break-up of the Beatles (who didn’t outlive Christianity) which some think started ” In February 1968, the Beatles went to study Transcendental Meditation at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram in Rishikesh, India.  Something about the whole venture seemed to transform Lennon in ways that nobody readily understood; after that, according to insiders, he always seemed angry. The truth is, he was in great despair; all he had to save him was his art, and even that wasn’t relief. “Although … I was meditating about eight hours a day,” he later said, “I was writing the most miserable songs on Earth.”



AND ONE MORE A GROUP THAT WASN’ T EVEN A ONE YEAR WONDER AND WAS BOTH BRIT AND AMERICANS:  Derek & the Dominos was a group formed by guitarist/singer Eric Clapton (born Ripley, Surrey, England)  with other former members of Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, in the spring of 1970. The rest of the lineup was The group debuted at the Lyceum Ballroom in London on June 14 and undertook a summer tour of England. From late August to early October, they recorded the celebrated double album Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (November 1970) with guitarist Duane Allman sitting in. They then returned to touring in England and the U.S., playing their final date on December









THE EAGLES:    The Eagles chronicled America in the high-flying Seventies, a time of rapidly changing social mores leading up to what they called “life in the fast lane.” Between the lines, their favorite subject matter was the pursuit and unraveling of the American dream. They began as wide-eyed country-rockers on the fertile Los Angeles music scene and evolved into purveyors of grandiose, dark-themed albums about excess and seduction. The Eagles were defined and bounded by the Seventies, forming in 1971 and parting ways in 1980. They were born again in 1994 as public demand for their music and messages persuaded them to reunite.”






2.  QUEEN WHICH WERE WELL FLAMBOYANT?:  “Queen’s popularity continued to soar through the late 70s and early 80s. “We Are the Champions,” off of News of the World (1978), became a Top 10 hit in the United States and in Britain. It was featured on a single with “We Will Rock You“—both songs have taken on a life of their own as popular anthems played at sporting events. Always exploring new and different sounds, Queen also tried their hand at the big music trend of the time, with the disco-flavored “Another Bites the Dust” in 1980. Off that same album, The Game (1980), Mercury and the rest of the band showed their range as performers with the rockabilly-influenced hit “Crazy Little Thing Called Love,” which Mercury penned.  ”







1.  MARVIN GAYE:   Whom we noted previously.  Gaye would not survive long beyond the 70’s:  moved into his parents’ home in late 1983 at a low point in his struggle with depression, debt and cocaine abuse. …was in horrible physical, psychological and financial shape, and now he found himself living in the same house as the man”  His father who was a minister and apparently an abusive parent”….After an argument between father and son escalated into a physical fight on the morning of April 1, 1984, Alberta Gay was trying to calm her son in his bedroom when Marvin Sr. took a revolver given to him by Marvin Jr. and shot him three times in his chest. Marvin Gaye’s brother, Frankie…later wrote in his memoir… Marvin Gaye’s final…. statement … “I got what I wanted….I couldn’t do it myself, so I made him do it.” ”







2.  STEVIE WONDER, WHO DIDN’T LET DISABILITY STOP HIM:    Stevie Wonder is an American musician and a former child prodigy who became one of the most creative musical figures of the late 20th century. His hit songs include “Living in the City,” “Boogie on a Reggae Woman” and “Isn’t She Lovely.”




3.  AND FINNALLY THE REVEREND:  AL GREEN: Born on a farm in Dansby, Arkansas on April 13, 1946, Al Green became a popular soul singer whose hits include 1971’s “Let’s Stay Together.” While at the top of his career in the 1970s, Green became a reverend and chose to focus on gospel music. Years later, Green found a balance between his religious calling and secular music and went on to release several new albums.




I GUESS I’D CALL BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN THE EVERY NEW YORKER’S MAN’S MANBruce Springsteen (born September 23, 1949) is an American musician, singer, songwriter and humanitarian. He is best known for his work with his E Street Band. Nicknamed “The Boss”, Springsteen is widely known for his brand of poetic lyrics, Americana, working-class and sometimes political sentiments centered on his native New Jersey, his distinctive voice and his lengthy and energetic stage performances, with concerts from the 1970s to the present decade running over three hours in length.




While I never got Springsteen I loved Simon and Garfunkle but I’m not including them here as I don’t consider them rock but rather Folk.





Most rock journalism is people who can’t write, interviewing people who can’t talk, for people who can’t read.   Frank Zappa (c. 1970s)








Japanese Tiny TEACUP and SAUCER SET



THE 80’S

And it just kind went down FROM there

  1. Ultravox – Vienna
  2. Bon Jovi – Livin’ On A Prayer
  3. Frankie Goes To Hollywood – Relax
  4. A-Ha – Take On Me
  5. Guns N Roses – Sweet Child O’ Mine
  6. New Order – Blue Monday
  7. Dexys Midnight Runners – Come on Eileen
  8. Bryan Adams – Summer Of ’69
  9. Joy Division – Love Will Tear Us Apart
  10. Human League – Don’t You Want Me





I’ll tell you about punk rock: punk rock is a word used by dilettantes and, uh… and, uh… heartless manipulators, about music… that takes up the energies, and the bodies, and the hearts and the souls and the time and the minds, of young men, who give what they have to it, and give everything they have to it. And it’s a… it’s a term that’s based on contempt; it’s a term that’s based on fashion, style, elitism, satanism, and, everything that’s rotten about rock ‘n’ rollIggy Pop








John Lennon.. “I’ll probably be popped off by some loony”. His reply when asked in the 1960’s how he expected he would die.































  1. Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit
  2. Oasis – Wonderwall
  3. Oasis – Don’t Look Back In Anger
  4. Bryan Adams – Everything I Do, I Do It For You
  5. Aerosmith – I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing
  6. James – Sit Down
  7. Pulp – Common People
  8. The Verve – Bittersweet Symphony
  9. REM – Everybody Hurts
  10. Guns N Roses – November Rain











As I define it, rock and roll is dead. The attitude isn’t dead, but the music is no longer vital. It doesn’t have the same meaning. The attitude, though, is still very much alive — and it still informs other kinds of music.   David Byrne



Vintage Bead Choker with hot pink beads and clear crystals & Matching Earrings




and my current favorite star isn’t rock any more:

and maybe a date?






Jamie  :   “Harmless as a setting dove,” he agreed. “I’m too hungry to be a threat to anything but breakfast. Let a stray bannock come within reach, though, and I’ll no answer for the consequences.”

Chapter 4: I Come to the Castle – Page 86











“I dress to kill, but tastefully.”
— Freddie Mercury







SIGNED GAS/Japan  4 1/2 Heavy Crystal Cigarette Lighter

“Rock and roll keeps you in a constant state of juvenile delinquency.” E. Spaghetti

OK before I get started with Rock and Roll…My own OUTLANDER idol even if he doesn’t sing (Jamie is tone death at least in the books, but can learn to speak almost any language faultlessly in a matter of hours or days):

Oh and check out Claire’s drinking bouts On:








SCAN3030Main pic Heritage Inn Orange City

I Love rock and roll music and when the music moves me—I mean it really grooves me—I was raised on Rock and Roll.
Well it wasn’t may folks fault, just a quirk of time:   “Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock ‘n’ roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from a combination of predominantly African-American genres such as blues, boogie woogie, jump blues, jazz, and gospel music….”   Well as you can see I was just born (a baby boomer) at the right time to experience most of the major developments.
I wasn’t paying much attention to Rock and roll in the 50’s—-mostly I was having fun with other things:   But 45’s (If that doesn’t ring a bell don’t ask I don’t have time to explain decades of obsolete phrases right now–sorry) were selling and stars were being made.
1950’s Top  Best Selling Singles  Worldwide:

  1   Bill Haley & his Comets – Rock Around the Clock – 1955
  2   Elvis Presley – Jailhouse Rock – 1957
  3   Jo Stafford – You Belong to Me – 1952
  4   Doris Day
       Que sera sera (Whatever will be will be) – 1956
  5   Rocco Granata – Marina – 1959
  6   The Kingston Trio – Tom Dooley – 1958
  7   Anton Karas – Third Man Theme – 1950
  8   Bobby Darin – Mack the Knife – 1959
  9   Al Martino – Here in My Heart – 1952
10   Nat King Cole – Mona Lisa – 1950
Obviously only a couple of those are really rock and roll—-my vote would be for
Bill Haley:  “Billy Haley and his Comets fused elements of country music, Western swing, and black R&B to produce some of rock and roll’s earliest hits. His “Crazy, Man Crazy” from 1953 was the  first rock and roll record to make the pop charts.”
Elvis Presley:  Of course, there may be a few of you that haven’t heard of him but then you’re probably too young to vote so…..”Born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis Presley came from very humble beginnings and grew up to become one of the biggest names in rock ‘n’ roll. By the mid-1950s, he appeared on the radio, television and the silver screen. ”
Bobby Darrin:  I mostly remember him for the Mack the Knife song and that he married Sandra Dee (don’t ask).  “Born in 1936, Bobby Darin moved from performing in New York City coffeehouses into recording in the late 1950s. In 1958, “Splish Splash,” a novelty song he wrote relatively quickly, became an international hit. He then recorded adult-oriented tracks, hitting it big with “Mack the Knife” and earning two Grammys.”
THEN DAWNED THE 60’S I came of age in the 60’s I love those songs and most of their performers as much as one can love someone they’ve never met and those top 10 :
1. Respect – Aretha Franklin
  2. Louie Louie – Kingsmen
  3. I Heard It Through The Grapevine – Marvin Gaye
  4. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction – Rolling Stones
  5. Like A Rolling Stone – Bob Dylan
  6. Hey Jude – Beatles
  7. Good Vibrations – Beach Boys
  8. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ – Righteous Brothers
  9. My Girl – Temptations
Light My Fire – Doors
We have three from Motown   (“music released on or reminiscent of the US record label Tamla Motown. The first black-owned record company in the US, Tamla Motown was founded in Detroit in 1959 by Berry Gordy, and was important in popularizing soul music, producing artists such as the Supremes, Stevie Wonder, and Marvin Gaye.”)
Aretha Franklin:   ” Aretha Franklin was born on March 25, 1942, in Memphis, Tennessee, the fourth of five children of a Baptist preacher and a gospel singer. A gifted singer and pianist, Franklin went on tour with her father’s traveling revival show and later went to New York and signed with Columbia records. She went on to release several popular singles, many of which are now considered classics. In 1987, she became the first female artist to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Franklin won her 18th Grammy Award in 2008, making her one of the most honored artists in Grammy history.”
Marvin Gaye:  “Born in 1939, in Washington, D.C., Marvin Gaye sang in his father’s church and in the Moonglows before signing with Motown. He recorded songs by Smokey Robinson before becoming his own producer on the protest album What’s Going On (1971). Gaye’s later records developed his production style and yielded several hits, including “Let’s Get It On,” “Sexual Healing” and “I Heard it Through the Grapevine.”
Temptations:  “The Temptations were the quintessential Motown vocal group. The quintet offered a rich blend of voices accompanied by stylish, coordinated dance moves. With songs and production from some of Motown’s brightest lights – most notably Smokey Robinson (“My Girl”) and Norman Whitfield (“Ain’t Too Proud to Beg”) – the Temptations lived up to their billing as emperors of soul. During the gilded age of soul music in general and Motown in particular, the Temptations delivered the intricate harmonies of streetcorner serenaders and the polished choreography of a Sixties soul revue. Moreover, their story is a long, episodic one of perseverance and dedication that extends from their origins in 1961 to the present day. “
THEN THERE WAS the  British Invasion Groups, where I swore off American and have been leaning British ever since.  “Rock swept Britain. By 1964 Greater London could claim the Rolling Stones, the Yardbirds, the Who, the Kinks, the Pretty Things, Dusty Springfield, the Dave Clark Five, Peter and Gordon, Chad and Jeremy, and Manfred Mann. Manchester had the Hollies, Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders, Freddie and the Dreamers, and Herman’s Hermits. Newcastle had the Animals. And Birmingham had the Spencer Davis Group (featuring Steve Winwood) and the Moody Blues. Bands sprang up from Belfast (Them, with Van Morrison) to St. Albans (the Zombies), with more inventive artists arriving to keep the syles moving forward, including the Small Faces, the Move, the Creation, the Troggs, Donovan, the Walker Brothers, and John’s Children. While the beat boom provided Britons relief from the postimperial humiliation of hand-me-down rock, the Beatles and their ilk brought the United States more than credible simulations.”
We’ll finish this up tomorrow.
My Honorable mention today is a great little shop in Mt. Dora of course:  TEMPTATION

She don’t lie, she don’t lie, she don’t lie, E. Clapton


Whether you look at it as the stair way to enlightenment or the Highway to Hell drugs (and I include alcohol in that mix) have been and probably always will be an influence and often a detriment to our world, culture and way of life.   (I have no idea where I took the above picture however the main one is from the Cassaddga Hotel

1965   Mary Jane Janis Joplin
Written by Janis and recorded in sessions held between January and April with the Dick Oxtot Oakland Athletics Jazz Band, this early song appears on the soundtrack to the film, Janis: “Now when I go to work, I work all day / Always turns out the same / When I bring home my hard-earned pay / I spend my money all on Mary Jane / Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Lord, my Mary Jane.” Sigh.

TWO MATCHING Framed Floral Oval-framed Metalic Antique Gold Picture Frames Vintage Made in Italy

As you all know I came of age in the 60’s and the generation pretty much took the stand that they invented drugs:  “One of the most influential, commercially successful, and critically acclaimed bands of the decade was The Beatles.  Their music career has been intricately linked with drugs, from their early pre-fame days on Benzedrine, to the psychedelic era of LSD, and onto harder drugs as the 1960s ended….In 1964, Bob Dylan introduced The Beatles to cannabis which had a significant effect on their music, making it more mellow and contemplative….Within the next few years, they converted their drug…to LSD which had a profound effect on their songwriting and recording….Others questioned whether the song “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” was named after their countless trips on the drug, but the Beatles denied this. ”

BLACK SABBATH — “Sweet Leaf” (1971)
“You give me a new belief,” Ozzy Osbourne espoused in this pre-metal glorification of ganja. Updated by Sacred Reich on HEMPILATION

TENCENNIAL Inauugural PARTY Walt Disney World

Getting High as we called it isn’t a new thing, for instance:

Aubrey in his Book Remaines (17th century) notes that it was a custom to mix the ashes of brunt human bones with ale to increase the potency and “induce extreme intoxication”

And it goes back long before that:  “Our taste for addictive psychoactive substances is attested to in the earliest human records. Historically, psychoactive substances have been used by (i) priests in religious ceremonies (eg, amanita muscaria); (ii) healers for medicinal purposes (eg, opium); or (iii) the general population in a socially approved way (eg, alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine). Our forebears refined more potent compounds and devised faster routes of administration, which contributed to abuse. Pathological use was described as early as classical Antiquity. The issue of loss of control of the substance, heralding today’s concept of addiction, was already being discussed in the 17th century. ”

and:  “Humans have used drugs of one sort or another for thousands of years. Wine was used at least from the time of the early Egyptians; narcotics from 4000 B.C.; and medicinal use of marijuana has been dated to 2737 B.C. in China. But not until the 19th cent. A.D. were the active substances in drugs extracted. There followed a time when some of these newly discovered substances—morphine, laudanum, cocaine—were completely unregulated and prescribed freely by physicians for a wide variety of ailments. They were available in patent medicines and sold by traveling tinkers, in drugstores, or through the mail. During the American Civil War, morphine was used freely, and wounded veterans returned home with their kits of morphine and hypodermic needles. Opium dens flourished. By the early 1900s there were an estimated 250,000 addicts in the United States.”

Brewer & Shipley, “One Toke Over The Line”

ANTIQUE SHAVING Kit Rolls Razor Strop

Tiny TOBY Mug PITCHER of Colonial Man Vintage

Drugs would be all good and well if we didn’t drive while we took them, didn’t get dependent on them and ruin our lives in their haze.  One man that you might know had a problem with more than drugs:  “Then there is Marcus Antonius of Rome, famous as the other half of Cleopatra, of noble birth but with a reputation for heavy drinking and a known gambling problem(not included in addiction issues but….). As the historian Seneca put it: ‘What else was it but drinking to excess together with a passion for Cleopatra, that ruined that great and gifted man?’ Certainly Mark Antony’s foray into Egypt which began well, descended into chaos and disaster in a way that will seem familiar to a lot of addicted people today.

But it’s scary when you look at it today:

The bare facts

We know what can and needs to be done to help reduce the burden of psychoactive substance use. Therefore, WHO is committed to assisting countries in the development, organization, monitoring and evaluation of treatment and other services.

  • The harmful use of alcohol results in 3.3 million deaths each year.
  • On average every person in the world aged 15 years or older drinks 6.2 litres of pure alcohol per year.
  • Less than half the population (38.3%) actually drinks alcohol, this means that those who do drink consume on average 17 litres of pure alcohol annually.
  • At least 15.3 million persons have drug use disorders.
  • Injecting drug use reported in 148 countries, of which 120 report HIV infection among this population.






Along Comes Mary – The Association – Key Double Lyric of song: “And then along comes Mary, and does she want to give me kicks, and be my steady chick (1) Mary is a nice girl the song’s writer met (this was the line/lie fed to radio stations by the Association’s record company back in the ’60s, so the song wouldn’t get banned); (2) Main/real meaning: “Mary” is slang for marijuana, and that is what the song is about, smoking weed.











AND if one does something to extreme or becomes addicted which is often the case with drink and drugs then we need cures

The 17th century which gave us human ashes for making one drunker also suggested that we put live eels in drinks to cure a man (and one presumes a woman) of drinking too much—-one thinks that finding something like that in one’s Margarita might well cure one forever of alcohol–OMG.  (Encyclopedia of Superstitions  Ed Christina Hole)

As long as there has been addiction there has  been treatment:  “In the past, society viewed drug addiction as a moral flaw. Popular “treatments” involved imprisonment, sentencing to asylums, and church-guided prayer. Not surprisingly, these methods were generally ineffective.

Today we understand that addiction is a brain disease characterized by fundamental and long-lasting changes in the brain. Modern treatments are based on scientific research. Treatment is tailored to the individual and typically involves a combination of drug and behavioral therapy. Today’s methods are very effective, with 40-70% of patients remaining drug-free.”


There is some variance with certain addictions:  “The modern disease theory of alcoholism states that problem drinking is sometimes caused by a disease of the brain, characterized by altered brain structure and function. The American Medical Association (AMA) had declared that alcoholism was an illness in 1956. In 1991, The AMA further endorsed the dual classification of alcoholism by the International Classification of Diseases under both psychiatric and medical sections. ”







White Rabbit –  (1967) Surrealistic Pillow This song, with references to Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and certain drugs, got us high just listening to it. Feed Your Head!








Overcoming Drug Addiction:

 1: Decide to make a change

2: Explore your treatment options

3: Reach out for support

4: Learn healthy ways to cope with stress

5: Keep triggers and cravings in check

 6: Build a meaningful drug-free life

7: Don’t let relapse keep you down








My honorable mention of the  day IS Papilio    a great little shop in Mount Dora where nature and creativity coexist.   And inside this same shop  Is  Zen Cowgirl .

“Minnie the Moocher” is one of the best known and most loved drug songs of all time. First recorded by Cab Calloway in 1931, it turned out to be one of the legendary jazz vocalist’s most enduring songs. He re-recorded it several times during his storied career. Interestingly, the drug references were often smoothed out in later versions to reflect shifting mores—it’s best to seek out the original version. Here Calloway tells the tragic story of Minnie—a “red-hot Hoochie-Coocher”—and her tragic dalliance with the grimy glory of the opium pipe.




Picture from Breeze Way Sanford

Main picture from:  Imperial both a store and a bar:



LET’S SEE how about Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll this week….no not more 60’s BS—well maybe a bit, but a look at the mores and traditions and what it meant to the most of us.


You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn’t get much higher Doors




Did a sex orientated item yesterday–a Baby Shower


I mean without sex you wouldn’t need Baby Showers right?





Work for PEACE Nov 13 & 14 with Dove pin  1969


Sex has been around for a long timelove not so much so.
Books and of course the internet is full of definitions and  the like about ROMANTIC LOVE:

Romantic love is when the chemicals in your brain kick in and you feel an emotional high, exhilaration, passion, and elation when you and your lover are together.  The old saying about love being blind truly describes romantic love. Many who are in the midst of romantic love want to be with their lover all the time and can overlook faults, conflict, and abuse.

So note the passion part—yeah sex always rears it ugly head somewhere or other.

In actual fact though romance appears to be originate with out sex:  “The conception of romantic love was popularized inWestern culture by the concept of courtly love. Chevaliers, or knights in the Middle Ages, engaged in what were usually non-physical and non-marital relationships with women of nobility of whom they served. These relations were highly elaborate and ritualized in a complexity that was steeped in a framework of tradition, which stemmed from theories of etiquette derived out of chivalry as a moral code of conduct.”

Personally I don’t believe it—I have met few men or women that noble—the old court is the one that introduced Lancelot into the Arthur tales and look how chaste he was despite his claims to perfection.  Or maybe that was a cautionary tale?


The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre  Op Ed

Item picture












Then there’s the sex symbol…..I mean it’s been going on for years with phallic shaped stones of all sizes gracing the plant thousand of years before there were movies or mass production.




And you can’t blame the Media or movies for it all.  For instance in BEDLAM London and It’s Mad by Catharine Arnold:  (in Hamlet’s ShakespeareOphelia is an early manifestation of an enduring female stereotype…the beautiful nymphomaniac, her inhibitions removed by madness…later speeches…full of sexual innuendos, “By Cock, thy are to blame,” …..quoting…songs of spurned loved and abandoned wenches…even her name ‘O-feely-her’ is crudely suggestive. ”




Of course most recently it has become more overt—sometimes I miss  the less obvious, that requires a little thought on my part…for some reason grabbing ones crotched repeatedly during a sexually suggestive lyric tells me either you’re unsure if your performance is getting its point across or that you think we’re all repressed, under- sexed, stupid or a combination of the same.





The time to hesitate is through
No time to wallow in the mire
Try now we can only lose
And our love become a funeral pyre  Again
















While  Pilgrims made women wear a Scarlett letter to denote bad sexual behavior, Jesus defended Mary Magdalene.  Sex seems to have constantly confused us—is it that we’re jealous of those who enjoy it more or maybe just get it at all.  With the 60’s (just brief reference here) came the freedom of advance birth control, but that eventually brought us HIV and AIDs plus new and better STD’s to cope with—as in all things moderation and just plain common sense seems to be the best thing.




Virginity has been included in superstitions:  In Wales for instance the constant hooting of an owl around a village denoted that some girl would loose her virginity (I could see some motivated young man using that one to his advantage) and white roses were planted on the graves of virgins. (Encyclopedia of Superstitions Ed. Christina Hole–I am not saying a word on that one)






Of course this was I am sure an effort to avoid un-provided for children.  And to assure men (once they figured out why the woman became impregnated many eons ago) that they had some control on the fatherhood of the women they married.   Now remember after we lost our creative almost goddess status for our creative abilities, we went from a matriarchal society to a male (Look what I did) dominated one in which our behavior became controlled and as the years passed and religion developed (also ran by mostly men) this became not only a law, but a moral imperative.



I am not saying that taking responsibility for our sexual lives isn’t important–obviously excess in anything is a potential problembeing responsible is something that most of us learn with maturity and that includes all aspects of our life including our sexual unions, sex partners, choices of what sex those partners are and so on.  Life is full of responsibilities and possible excess, with sex being right there on top (or on the bottom) for a lot of us.





Come on baby, light my fire
Come on baby, light my fire
Try to set the night on fire
Try to set the night on fire
Try to set the night on fire
Try to set the night on fire




Item picture







And here my Outlander Fans is you cookie–a nice ginger one—oh and check out this site: on whether Outlander would Survive without all the graphic scenes.  WHAT DO YOU THINK?
As yet too hungry and too clumsy for tenderness, still he made love with a sort of unflagging joy that made me think that male virginity might be a highly underrated commodity.

Jamie & Claire in Outlander, Chapter 14








VINTAGE SIGNED Cora 17" flower necklace









"Even better," his voice was a hot murmur in my ear, "when I come to ya fierce and wanting, and ye whimper under me, and struggle as though you wanted to get away, and I know it's only that you're struggling to come closer, and I'm fighting the same fight."

Jamie in Outlander, Chapter 41









1960s HENRY FORD Museum and Greenfield Vllage Brochure




PS had breakfast at Polonio in Longwood this weekend   Polish for breakfast not quite as good as sex but.  And recommending a great little museum in Sanford   and don’t forget to drop by Best Book for an affordable read or a DVD:   and





Picture from Pisces Rising  Mt. Dora