“Nine killed her… nine shall die… Nine eternities in doom!” Dr. Phibes


Hey running late today had to go to the post office—you better check out my store soon before I’ve sold everything:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/DragonLaire?ref=hdr_shop_menu  Had another great weekend—visited the Sanford Museum (small picture) with my group on Sat….http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?page=108 a very well done local museum that does local, baseball (Jackie Robison http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?recordid=138&page=32 played here) and is a memorial to the town’s founder Henry Sanford  http://sanfordhistory.tripod.com/id18.html.  Honorable mention for

the day is     DSC_0977Kiss my Bath

http://www.kissmybath.com/ which has a booth at the Lake Mary Farmer’s Market http://www.lakemaryfl.com/farmers-market    One of my friends got some cream sample to try for her knees which are quite painful when she walks a lot, but shortly after she applied the cream she was pain free and remind that way for several hours.  She went back to the booth and bought some.










“A brass unicorn has been catapulted across a London street and impaled an eminent surgeon. Words fail me, gentlemen.” Dr Phibe








LIFE Magazine 9/13/1968:  The Days in the Life of the BEATLES

LIFE Magazine 9/13/1968: The Days in the Life of the BEATLES

$9.87 USD
























More Speculation on who plays Bree


THAT LOOK HE GETS–another reason to love Jamie Fraser









  The organ plays till midnight! The large house in Maldene Square. Come alone!  Dr. Phibes









1964 The BEATLES A HARD Day's Night by John Burke Paperback















SINCE It’s almost Halloween thought I’d look at spooky places and haunted places—today in London.





Originally constructed as a farmhouse in 1645 it became a pub in 1721 when it gained a licence to sell ale and became a ‘public house.  In the 1920s it  “leapt to fame with the music hall song “Down at the Old Bush and Bush” sung by the 15 stone Florrie Forde, the ‘Madonna’ of her time who once said “Men don’t like thin women”.” http://www.hampsteadramblers.org.uk/self-guided-walks/15-themed-walks/7-ghosts-hampstead-and-highgate-walk.html    The reason it’s on our list of places is the fact that for over 100 years now it’s been said to be haunted by a man in Victorian clothing.   What made this one stand out for me is the fact that recently while doing reservations they found a skeleton behind a basement wall along with several Victorian era surgical instruments.  Heaven know what happened here.


Other Haunted Pubs in the City


Bow Bells Pub has a being that flushes toilets in the lady’s room–especially when there’s a lady setting on it and often appears as a green midst. https://www.facebook.com/thebowbells


The Grenadier was apparently once an officer’s mess where a young solder was flogged so badly, for cheating at cards, that he died. Once frequented by the Duke of Wellington. The date of this flogging is unknown, but it is believed to be in September, as every September the pub encounters a flurry of supernatural activity.  From footsteps in empty rooms, strange lights to a mysterious face appearing in photos, http://www.taylor-walker.co.uk/pub/grenadier-belgrave-square/c0800/


And that’s just Three:









 Perhaps your hands will shake and he, too, will die under your knife. A few remaining minutes are all you have. Because when the acid reaches him, he will have a face like mine!   Dr. Phibes



























Highgate:  While not the oldest, it is however one of the older commercial cemeteries that replaced the over buried church yards.  I’ve visited the site a couple of times and even on the brightest days the over crowded and tree darkened burial areas can be spooky.  It has it’s share of legends even in our more modern times.  Why in 1970 many believed that a vampire lived here…If I was a vampire I’d surely consider it.  There was a vampire hunt in March of that year where reportedly 100 or so brave (or drunk?) souls equipped with torches, crosses and stakes wandered about, but reportedly found nothing.  When they left, some leaving in a frightened state, a few reported seeing something crawling in the shadows.  The clean up, which included replacing and repairing damaged monuments and replacing at least one corpse in her tomb cost the facility over 9,000 poundDr. Farrant the master-mind (and I say that tongue in cheek) and his associate Dr. Blood (don’t say it) pledged to destroy the evil being–but to this date I have seen nothing to confirm the vampire’s demise.

St Mary’s Cemetery in Kensal Green, is said to be haunted by Byron’s wife and sister.  Kensal Green is in fact the oldest commercial cemetery in London.   http://www.kensalgreencemetery.com/

The City of London Cemetery:  Since the 1970’s (seems to be a good year London ghosts) persons on the west of the cemetery have seen an orange light coming from one of the graves.  Multiple investigations are said to have been done but no source could be found.   http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/green-spaces/cemetery-and-crematorium/Pages/default.aspx












Caretaker: [Vesalius and Trout visit the Phibes vault in Highgate cemetery] Fools. They’ll have the worms soon enough.

















Famous Places

The Tower:  Given the number of people who have died of natural causes, murdered, executed and probably a few suicides since it was first built by the invading Normans to remind London of their military superiority,  it is amazing that you can even move about the building even in the day light.

In the Martin Tower:  Ann Boleyn’s ghost is said to wander here (am not sure if she has a head or not, but she was executed here and her headless body lies beneath the chapel’s floor)in the upper room where she was previously held prisoner.  A huge bear (the tower also use to hold the Royal zoo until the early 1800s.  The man who reported this bear sighting–in fact he collapsed and died 2 days after seeing itWeird hovering tubes of liquid inside and the 9th Earl of Northumberland wandering on either side outside round out the sightings.



In the White Tower another Anne (Askew) was torn apart on the rack here and it is her screams that reportedly can be heard echoing off the walls.  The White tower also has a shadow of a huge axe spreading out across the green and smoke has been seen coming from the old cannons outside it.


The Blood Tower is the sight where that wandering Earl was reputedly murdered and the two young princes (sons of Edward V) were reportedly murdered by either his uncle (Edward’s brother) Richard III or his brother-in-law (husband of his sister Elizabeth) Henry VII.  Reports of their sightings walking hand in hand have been noted.  Two night guardsmen (1920s and 30s) have given reports of seeing a headless woman–one of which disappeared when the guard tried to plunge a bayonet through her.  In 1970 (there’s that date again) tourists reported seeing a woman in an ankle length black dress and looked like a normal being to them until she began to fade.


The Queen’s House Guy Fawkes and his cronies were “persuaded” to confess here to attempting to blow up parliament.  To this day it is claimed that the sounds of screams and grinding can be heard.  There is so a Grey Lady that can only be seen by women, and a figure floats about on the top floor as well as loud foot steps on a rear stairway.  Visitors have heard “religious chanting accompanied with music, while a room where Anne Boleyn spent her final day has a menacing, unpleasant atmosphere and the lady herself has been seen leaning out a window (wearing a red carnation) and gliding toward Tower Green, where she was executed.


And before you scoff in 1864 a guard was found asleep at his post, he claimed that he tried to stab a white figure that appeared before him and when he did it no harm and realized what it was he fainted.  When his officer had him tried and he told his story, several other guards came forward to give similar stories, he was acquitted.  Another guard fled after seeing the figure of a headless woman walking towards Tower Green.   http://www.hrp.org.uk/TowerOfLondon/






Sgt. Schenley: There are a lot of strange men practicing medicine these days.






1964 The BEATLES A HARD Day's Night by John Burke Paperback










The Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Catherine Street. WC2  the theatre’s most famous ghost is that of the so-called “Man in Grey”, the limping apparition of a young man in a powdered wig, white- ruffed shirt, grey riding cloak and three-cornered hat.  He invariably appears during the hours of daylight, and seldom digresses from a timeworn route. He materialises on one side of the upper circle, crosses to the other side where he astonishes witnesses by melting into the wall.  In 1939 more than half the cast of “The Dancing Years”, who were on stage for a photo call, witnessed his ghost cross the upper circle and disappear in time honoured fashion.  He has been seen by members of the audience, by famous actors too numerous to mention, by firemen, theatre managers and numerous other staff at the Theatre Royal.   http://www.haunted-london.com/haunted-london-theatres.html




MORE  http://www.travelchannel.com/interests/haunted/photos/haunted-london-1










WOODEN 14" x 9 1/2" wall hanging of Bermuda Longtail DECORATVE











Dr. Phibes: [from the poster] Love means never having to say you’re ugly.









The ORACLE PAPER May 1967 Haight Ashbury San Fran CA.  The Summer of Love




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