The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth–Emily Bronte/Wuthering Heights


My alter-ego for Halloween wishes you a continuing happy season. (above) and the main picture is one of my previous haunted houses  (along with all the pictures with the quotes)  .  Yesterday I worked and went grocery shopping–be still my excited heart.  Honorable mention is the Sanford Visitor’s Center which I did a review of today: 










Ghosts seem harder to please than we are; it is as though they haunted for haunting’s sake — much as we relive, brood, and smoulder over our pasts.  ELIZABETH BOWEN, preface to The Second Ghost Book











ST PETE Grand Prix Memerobilia 1987 and 88

A look from Heroes and on the last episode of Outlander Season One:
 Another of the Sam/Jamie LOOKS
Now it is the time of night That the graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his sprite In the church-way paths to glide   .WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Historic March Against Death A VIETNAM MEMORIAL Phamplet Nov. 13-15, 1969

The house ghost is usually a harmless and well-meaning creature. It is put up with as long as possible. It brings good luck to those who live with it.  WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS, The Celtic Twilight






FOX NEWS Lists it as one of the 10 Scariest Places in America

West Virginia Penitentiary, Moundsville:  This is an old institution where men lived, died and were executed, where better to have hauntings.  “The West Virginia State Penitentiary is a retired, gothic style prison located in Moundsville, West Virginia. It operated from 1876 to 1995. Currently, the site is maintained as a tourist attraction and training facility.”  (DARE I ASK WHAT THEY’RE TRAINING FOR?)  I’ve been at or at least near this facility several times as as born less than 20 miles away.  I remember climbing on the Mound ( and looking down on the still active prison when I was younger and of touring the facility when I was married to Mike.  It is a presence all it’s own–I always figured you had to be born bad to see this place and still continue on a path of crime.   




According to the Travel Channel:  “Though the prisoners are gone, they’re not forgotten, and by many accounts, the ghosts of some of the 998 men who died here still roam free. There’s a shadow man that has been seen and even photographed. Staff of the prison have been accosted by unseen forces. Strange noises still echo throughout the cell blocks, and something dark lurks in the bowels of the building.”




There are tours of the facility–including ghost tours and my particular favorite a Sat. Night overnight tour for up to 60 people who stay from 11 pm – 6 am–and is sold out until January 2016 (at $65 each that’s impressive):  Don’t know if I’d go, I, like my sister have been known to attract things that go bump in the night (and that’s not counting my ex-husband).



Another Site in West Virginia:  The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum










It is an ill thing to meet a man you thought dead in the woodland at dusk. ROBERT E. HOWARD, The Hour of the Dragon







JEROME, AZ.  almost a ghost town.  Once a mining boom town, it now sets catering to tourists that wander it’s old town with an intra-structure that slowly slides into the mountain where the old mines’ passage are slowly collapsing one by one.  We (a friend of mine who lived in Az. and I) explored the town and thoroughly enjoyed the experience—but we were not here over night—who knew.


A former copper-mining camp turned boom town 90 miles north of Phoenix, Jerome’s population hit 15,000 in 1929. But copper prices fell, the mining operation left and most everybody went with it. By 1953, the population was about 50….A hippie renaissance in the ‘60s helped revive Jerome…Now it’s an artist’s haven, with about 30 studios and galleries. There are also several wineries…



The hotel is suppose to have multiple ghosts including a handyman whose head was crushed by an elevator–murder, suicide, or an accident, what ever cause he is one of the many who refuse to leave the old town. this iust  one of the multiple places that claim ghosts and/or evil beings.










And as to being in a fright, Allow me to remark That Ghosts have just as good a right In every way, to fear the light, As Men to fear the dark. LEWIS CARROLL, “Phantasmagoria”
My nomination for scariest City
NEW ORLEANS is a great city, but it seems to always have something hiding in the old shadows and creepy alleys and then there’s all those people, buried above ground because New Orleans is below the water line.  The swamps seem perfect for breeding creatures of the night and the many voodoo and magic shops and practitioners just seems to reinforce it all.  I love the city but I always keep an eye out for the werewolf reputed to lurk in its streets.
Angel Heart was filmed here–a story of the Devil and lost souls a dark movie that keeps one looking over your shoulder for days after.
Lots of Vampires here—legend has it that while most have stopped the setting with corpses of loved ones to be sure that they do not raise as vampires in most parts of the world—there are still some here that carry on the practice.

Mandatory Festival Entertainment

Mardi Gras Massacre

Zombie! vs. Mardi Gras


One of my favorite takes place in two of my favorite cities (New Orleans and Key West)—this is a twisted tale  I urge you to try:

A Murder of Crows (film)




Re-stating my feelings about a night here:


Voodoo and witch craft oh my

The Skeleton Key

The Unholy (1988 film)




Favorite place for the paranormal books:

And even the popular Roberts set one of her paranormal offering here:

Midnight Bayou

Set on the outskirts of New Orleans in a dilapidated old mansion known as Manet Hall


And the series are endless—like the Dark Hunter Series a form of Vampire–persons who died and were offered to return to live at the price of their souls—the selling point–they get to destroy the person who betrayed them and caused their death before they go into the service of Acheron, a demi-god who has been fighting evil along with a very strange demon for ever.    (Arch, by the way, hot, sexy, has a soul and never looks older than his early 20’s)



Given all  that, as well all the other notoriety of the city, for me it’s the best a most scary, city ever:












The moon is hidden behind a cloud…
On the leaves is a sound of falling rain…
No other sounds than these I hear;
The hour of midnight must be near…
So many ghosts, and forms of fright,
Have started from their graves to-night,
They have driven sleep from mine eyes away:
I will go down to the chapel and pray.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Neighbouring Nunnery”







NEWSPAPER 4/23/1994:  NIXON DEAD Headlines











The Amityville House:  In 1974, six members of the DeFeo family were found slain in this home; eldest son Ronald DeFeo Jr. was later convicted of murdering his parents and siblings. A year later, the Lutz family moved in but quickly moved out after reports of unexplained paranormal activity — strange odors, unexplained cold drafts and an apparition that took the form of a demonic pig-like creature.

Ye who, passing graves by night,
Glance not to the left nor right,
Lest a spirit should arise,
Cold and white, to freeze your eyes…
~James Russell Lowell, “The Ghost-Seer”














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