If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? Shakespeare


Beautiful Bride and Handsome Groom

taken in Hannibal Square/Winter Park  last month














SIGNED GLASS/Japan  4 1/2 Heavy Crystal Cigarette Lighter


The Zen Cowgirl Located at Papilio


A Vintage Boutique, with Furniture, Home Decor, Architectural Items, Jewelry & More.


Papilio is a nature inspired gift and art shop located in beautiful Mount Dora, Florida. They carry an exquisite collection of bath and body products, baby products 

120 W. 5th Ave

Mt. Dora 32757

Met the Zen Cowgirl myself this weekend and I love her store within another store—You gotta go to Mt. Dora—it has sooooo much to offer—and of course check out this store as part of the trip.


















FORTS of MACKINAC Booklet 1962 The
















Get a Jamie, Claire or even Black Jack to make Droughtlander a little shorter.


Let others know what you’re waiting for at
















Clip-on Earrings Vintage Crystal Glitter

Tour 3 of Tampa Bay areas finest craft breweries
Generous samples at each of the 3 locations visited.
Cooler on van for Growlers, 22 oz. Bombers, or 6 pack purchases at the breweries
Last approx. 3.5 hrs.
Incudes Pick up at pre-determined locations
Visits to 3 breweries
Snacks and bottled water provided
Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
William Shakespeare
As I was reading something on St. David’s (both a town on St. Bride’s Bay in Wales and a Norman church set in a hollow on the site of it’s predecessor 6th century site hidden from the sea then and still–to avoid the Viking raiders) in my effort to determine what I wanted to see on my visit as I want to stay the extra time on my own in Cornwall and Wales.  They mentioned that the severe exterior is off set by the church/cathedral’s inside decorative details including humorously carved misericords (see above) since laughter was considered a weapon against the devil.  This took me aback as I didn’t realize that was the case in 15 century Catholic Churches.   Made me wander what else laughter could  be used for.
According to Psychology Today:
 Freud himself noted that there is really ‘no such thing as a joke’: if human beings are the only animals to laugh, with some going so far as to turn laughter into a form of art and source of employment, then this is no doubt because they have by far the most developed unconscious in the animal kingdom. The things that people laugh about most are their errors and inadequacies; the difficult challenges that they face such as personal identity, social and sexual relationships, and death; and incongruity, absurdity, and meaninglessness. These are all deeply human concerns and challenges: just as no one has ever seen a laughing dog, so no one has ever heard about a laughing god.    https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/hide-and-seek/201205/the-many-uses-laughter
So humor and it’s associated laughter is solely human neither Godly nor holy, however it has been used in godly places to fight unholy evil.
Apparently you can feel happy very easily:
Researchers have found that you can even “act as if” you are feeling an emotion—say, happiness or irritation—by arranging your face in a smile or a frown, and you are likely to feel that emotion.    http://www.pbs.org/thisemotionallife/topic/humor/benefits-humor
Even a teaching aid:   in China….At a school for the deaf in Guangzhou, a physics teacher is uses humor to explain complicated scientific theories to his students.  http://www.cctv-america.com/2015/09/10/physics-teacher-uses-laughter-to-teach-tough-subjects#ixzz3waDCyR3O
And the experts—even the Mayo Clinic sees it as a win-win as it :  Stimulate many organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.  http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-relief/art-20044456
The Oncologist Journal supports APPROPIATE Humor in the ongoing treatment of cancer patients:  Humor may help to ease the pain, show the human side of the health care team, and help everyone cope. Whether the patient uses humor to lighten the mood of a difficult consultation with their physician, or health care workers use it to help cheer each other through the day, humor and laughter can be valuable tools. Humor can soften the isolation experienced by both patients and staff. When used sensitively, respecting the gravity of the situation, humor can build the connection among the caregiver, patient, and family.    http://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org/
Men’s Fitness even recognizes it as an enhancement of physical training:   But laughing is much more than just an emotional response to something funny. It’s physical. Laughing exercises several muscles in the body, including your abdomen, back, shoulders, and 15 facial muscles. And it may actually enhance your workout.  http://www.mensfitness.com/training/endurance/5-ways-laughter-can-enhance-your-workout
So how can you make your or a friend or family member’s life funnier
Watch a funny movie:  From Net Flix to on Demand (HBO currently has Home Alone–one and two and Howard the Duck to name a few) that you can rent (Ted 2 (unrated) is on Demand) or that you get as part of your cable service.   Alternative:  watch a really bad one:  that always makes me groan and giggle and eventually laugh out loud.
Go to a comedy club there’s bunches around lately.  Hint like the movies, even the bad ones can be funny.:
SAK Comedy Lab
Zagat rated
Bonkerz Comedy Club – Downtown Orlando
Closed today
Improv Comedy Club
Local & celeb stand-up plus bar eats
Opens at 6:30 PM
I found  these 3 in Orlando without any effort at all and we are hardly the fun capital of the world—-besides the Mouse that is.
Play with your kids, you may have forgotten how much you laugh playing hide and seek, blowing bubbles or playing jacks   or kids game boards…Being a kid again if only for an hour or two can do more than make you laugh, it can refresh you and nourish your soul.
And there are many more.
Pictures today are from Sanford, Fl.

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