“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” Mark Twain


I met this wee lassie in the Park off Park Ave in Winter Park and she is my

FEATURED PICTURE OF THE DAY—AS YOU can see she wasn’t very happy about her day but she is none the less a beautiful addition to today’s blog…I can’t remember her name–Iris????







If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!
J.M. Barrie






MARHILL Bracelet Beads in gold tone setting  VINTAGE

1572 Central Ave.
St. Petersburg, FL 33705
Paint, drink, have fun
Date night, girls night out, out with friends
 Oh, she thought, how horrible it is that people have to grow up-and marry-and change!    L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island

1970s Made in France LE CREUSET Cast Iron 2 qt. Dutch Oven "B"

Outlander:  Best TV Episodes of the Year:
Guess Who?

They spent the first three years of school getting you to pretend stuff and then the rest of it marking you down if you did the same thing.    Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake

Double Creek Pottery
237 W. 4th St.
Ste. 4
Mount Dora, FL
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?
Satchel Paige

My Blog today is for a friend.  The other day Alicia and I were talking and somehow we got to the fact that she’d been reading something on line about what you shouldn’t wear over 30—She noted that she wore many of these items but she a was a few (or more)years over 30 and wondered  why her age made such a distance since she liked wearing these items.  I promised that I’d look into it.
So I wandered around the internet to see what we shouldn’t be wearing.  I found:
Glitter eye shadow—which I enjoy and I’m about as far past Alicia in age as she is past 30 and then some.  Opps so I’m an offender too.
Leopard Print–opps I have a nice light jacket that I wear some times that has a leopard print…..and you guys let me go out in that…and you call yourselves my friends.
UGS–they’re for children according to one article and they even carry the ads for them–butthey’d sell them to you without ID saying you’re under 30–hey I never worse those…a little warm for Florida and not my style—-so I’m doing something right.
And those are just a few.
Tom Stoppard:  Maturity is a high price to pay for growing up.
Ok first let me say that I’m probably not a great person to make this kind of evaluation—Someone overhead me taking to a friend one day and commented that “I bet you were the kind of kid who colored outside the lines!”  To which I replied “You mean there were lines?”
That declared I will go on to say—No one is the same, not even  if they’re over 30–or 40   or even 60 & 70.   So why even bother with these little tid bits written by people who at best are trying to help you and at worse just wants you bow down to their better “knowledge” of fashion in particular and life in general (especially life over 30)?  Well from what I have seen from my over 30 and then some–perspective—women are taught from the cradle that fashion is important and that said that the powers that be (the strange fashion police hiding behind the shrubs to chastise you for wearing white shoes in the winter, or crop tops despite the fact that you still look hot in it) past 30.
J. M. Barrie:  Growing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience… and pimples.
For one thing not everybody who is 30 (or 40 etc.) is actually that age.  I  was one of those people.  When I was 36 I was dating a 28 year old and I got carded to buy beer, yes at 36.  I wore shorts and crop tops and no body complained and I didn’t look like an over 30 person who shouldn’t wear sexy clothes (trust me I would not wear them today but…..).  I know under 30s that don’t look good in them—and vis versa—but whom am I to say who looks good in what
no body has appointed me to the fashion police (yet).
Some people just don’t give a crap for what people think and wear exactly what they want, even if they look OMG she isn’t wearing that out of the house…bad.  I do not have that freedom of independence of doing this, but if you do—then it’s your life….do it.  But I must apologize in advance cause I’ll be turning to Alicia saying she doesn’t have much fashion sense does she.
I read something the other day that read something like “If it makes you feel good then wear it”    I think that may be the golden rule of personal fashion.
One over 30 (there are many) article recommended high rise pant (those ugly pleated things) with a pretty (whose definition?) blouse—and they feature a pair of pants you can purchase—at $220—If I had that kind of money for slacks I wouldn’t be looking for a job!
There are some things you might want to consider though.
There are exceptions:  For instance most teen kids don’t want to have their mom to dress alike with them–so you might not want to wear shorts and a halter top to school activities.
Church is another place where a certain amount of decorum is desired by (usually) the congregation and the organization, so expressing your over 30 self in an outrageous under 30 get up may be hazardous to your self respect with others of your denomination.
And  of course your sense of fashion has to take a deep respite when it comes to work…Nurses can’t  wear graphic t-shirts on duty or a teacher showing up in UGS, stripped tights and a leopard bikini top in most school venues (I haven’t checked in California lately) would generally be frown on.
The rest of is week I think I’ll look at fashion and how women became the victim of it and whose fault is that anyway?
Today’s pictures are Winter Park
All you need is faith, trust  and a little bit of pixie dust.

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