Avoid snacks, especially sweets, or keep them at a Bare Minimum


Today’s pictures (except the main one of which is out in the countryside some where in the Cotswold or there about) are from the Rollright Stones (http://www.rollrightstones.co.uk/)  neither as famous or as big as Stonehenge…but check out their on line site–fewer tourists and less cost but a great look at Britain’s ancient history.

Quotes are from United Health Care’s TAKING CARE

Outlander is our glorious final act.

So how was your Samhain?  Did anything cross over the veil and visit you?  Don’t be scared there are more things about than most of you can imagine.

KITTY KATFISH Art Tile Trivet or Wall Hanging 1982 9″x 9″   $8.00

“Don’t ever share eye make up, eye drops or contact lens supplies with others.”
Today we’re looking at ways to stay health–the happy is on you and yours–though I’m afraid being healthy goes a long way to keep your happy gage on the plus side.
Most of us get so busy we forget those little things that go a long way to help us get thru all the good and bad of our day.  If you can make it through those day, the weeks, months and years tend to take care of themselves.
It is so sad that in this corporate driven world we get so embroiled in making a living—reaching a goal—something that the people at Wells Fargo could probably tell you a few things about–that we fail to see that the effort may lead to your doom rather than the financial salvation you are so sure you need.  Impressing the boss, your friends, the public in general takes lots of time and masks the fact that most of us—sadly including me–have lost any idea what a happy life is.  At the end of things success is rarely equated by wealth, except by the news media.
“For a healthy heart exercise regularly, eat a balanced, low-fat diet, don’t smoke.”
We all know what a great danger stress is in America as well as a large part of the “civilized” world that we’ve been talking about….it needs to be combatted if we expect to stay in the health column.
One of the best ways to combat stress is sleep–unfortunately sleep is one of the first victims of stress.  From bad sleep habits to sleep apnea and much more sleep seems to be something we’re not a success at.
You’ve probably have heard these before but it’s always good to remember:
1.  Avoid coffee, tea, colas–even chocolate in the evenings.  I try to keep my consumption before 3 to 4…but do what works for you,
2.  Re-vamp your sleeping arrangements.  Try replacing pillows, even your mattress–now days stores have all manners of testing for the perfect mattress for you.
3.  Turn off the TV, and any other electrical devices in the room with you.  Keep it quiet and dark.
4.  Keep it cool–studies have shown we sleep better in a cooler environment.
5.  Wear something comfortable and loose—nothing if that’s what makes a best sleeping environment for you…forget stylish—think sleepish.
6.  Discuss sleep aids with your doctor and don’t drink alcohol.  Alcohol while it may help you get to sleep more quickly wears off and you end up awake in the middle of the night.
7.  Be predictable got to bed and get up around the same times daily—even  on the weekends and holidays.
“Do not share combs, brushes, hats or head gear”  (Lice are becoming more and more common)
Is Stress a big thing in your life?  Then your sleep may not be enough or it may be so bad that even these methods won’t help.  So you may need more.  Did you know that unrelieved stress can cause everything from skin problems to heart conditions?   Stress can not be ignored without putting yourself in peril.
You need to learn to relax—sounds easy–ISN’T–for instance a new job (or an old one that is a major stressor–even a new baby—are stressors that aren’t going away so you need to learn to cope.
1.  Learn to relax (duh)
A.  Join an exercise class
B.  Join a Yogi group
C.  Take a painting, arts or craft class
(there are many others…that’s just a few) to allow you to redirect yours mind and energies.
2.  Look at your stress issues as objectively as you can.  How are (or aren’t) you coping with your problems.
What is (are) the problems?
You can’t get rid of that baby (you don’t want to but) so how can you make it easier or at least more workable.
How are you currently dealing with your problem(s)
What are the possible options—list the positive and negative and then eliminate the impossible, and unacceptable.
Concentrate on the acceptable and workable ones and involve you spouse, or significant other so that you double team the issues…working at odds with the people in your life rises a whole other plain of stress.
3.  Take a break—just set on your balcony for a few minutes (or more if you can do so with out bringing up more issue) where you can just chill….try to think of calm and pleasant times–use that yogi to help…Some people set up a quiet room but not everyone has that kind of room–if all else fails go in the bathroom and lock the door…or take a warm bath.
4.  Avoid caffeine…  Many people are addicted to the caffeine and just stopping can give you more stress than less for awhile. http://www.prevention.com/health/quit-caffeine
5.  Exercise and blowing off stream may help….having a stress doll to squeeze or a punching bag at home when you feel like you’re going to explode can help you to vent all that pent up steam on something besides your friends and family—but hurts your body if you hold it inside.
6.  Try Aromas that might help–going to a health store you can often find essential oils —speak with the staff who are usually able to assist you in finding an aroma that when places in a diffuser–or a warm bath can help you shift to a calmer situation.
“Be sure your keyboard, workstation, allows optimal hand, wrist and arm positioning.”
Sanford’s Farmer Market (http://www.sanfordfl.gov/index.aspx?page=1021) is a great place to get all manner of things and one
vendor I recommend:
(see above) for all manner of great items….check them out on Instragram and Facebook
or contact them at benreclaimed1@gmail.com
And if you like banana bread may I suggest a new take on this…sold by Chad Reda at the same Farmer’s market.  I bought two Raspberry Dark Chocolate Banana Bread and OMG…you MUST try it…so moist, so wonderful….yum yum
“Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke; it is a severe sinus irritant.”
It’s  Just after Halloween and that means that Hallmark Channel has gone all Christmas on us and so last night I watched our own Sam Heughan in A PRINCESS FOR CHRISTMAS and I’m sure it will be on a few times more before the season is over…check out the site above for a little bit of the cute little romance with Roger Moore adding to the spice.  I especially like the scene when Sam is teach her to dance and they do a bit of rock—so Sam.

VINTAGE HAND Carved Floral Designed 4″ x 4″ x 2″ Hinged Trinket Box made in Poland

“Exercise is good, but too much can cause hip discomfort.  If you have hip pain, try low impact exercise like swimming, bicycling or walking.”

PRECIOUS MOMENTS “This is Your Day to Shine” Figurine
“Buy running shoes–not walking, they are extra light and designed to increase the stability of the foot.”


“Sit and stand correctly.  Good posture will help relieve pressure on your spine and neck.  Set up straight and tall, raise your chest up. lower your chin slightly and pull your head back so your ears are directly over your shoulders.”

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