
One of my many Halloween Décor drawing–I usually take a card and just make a bigger verson on an old sheet.  Work pretty well.  And yes just one more day of Halloween.   All the pictures are from my entry and living room to entertain the tricksters.

AND here they all…all but one of my Tricksters….I missed him


The First

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and the last trickster

Sorry these are late getting in but misplaced the disk….duh

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10 1/4″ High Unfinished Wooden Doll’s Chair


“The essential oils for treating cellulite are those that are detoxifying (juniper, lemon) or stimulating for the circulation (cypress, rosemary).”


All quotes today are from HEALTH ESSENTIALS AROMATHERAPY  MASSAGE W/ESSENTIAL OILS by Christine Wildwood.

We’re continuing with health today with a look at using Aromatherapy to improve our health and well being.

So today is my last for this month’s offerings on Halloween.  We’re moving on from the tricks and treats of our ancient pagan beliefs revisited in our own strange ways and are moving on to a more thankful and sedate season.

We’ve looked at general health options and some methods to deal with stress so far this week…today we’re looking at one of those everything old now new options Aroma therapy…so enjoy.

Oh Outlander will be awaiting you at the end of your journey.

Item pictureMarch 12, 1995 Purolator 500 NASCAR Program and NEW TEE-S…   $45.00

Essential Oil helpful for Stress and Anxiety










Clary Sage


…room perfumes”

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BOYD BEARS Matthew as the Drummer 


Dr. R. M. Gattee Fasse first called it aromatherapy.

Essential oils can be massaged on the skin, used in baths, inaled and put on compresses.  BUT they are NEVER to be taken internally.  Also with anything else, pregnant women should not use these without first consulting their doctor.  And they should be kept away from small children and not used or massage on them without first consulting their doctor.

There is also always a chance that the person is allergic to the products so it’s best to only use a very small amount on the skin (kinda like a patch test) before using them in any way.  Also for extensive massage or use it is best to find and consult with a qualified Aromatherapy therapist I your area to help you determine if there is any contradiction to your use (including allergies) and to help you determine exactly what essential oils and the method of use is best for you and your condition.

“The word holistic has its roots in the Greek halos, which means ‘whole’.  In holestic healing, the whole person–mind-body-spirit–is taken into accounts.”

Remember that essential oils if undiluted and stored properly usually have a shelf life (except citrus oils) of up to six years.  While Absolutes and resins have a much shorter life.  Essential oils purchased in various health and new age centers vary greatly in their content and additives as well as their purity and strength.

The Aromatherapist gears each mixture to the client’s individual needs and the purity and content is usually kept very pure and pristine, another reason that a therapist may be your best, especially initial, treatment option.

Many  will train you in methods to use the therapy so that you can provide affective self care as well, while continuing to consult for new conditions or needs as well as providing continuing high quality essential oils tailored for your own personal condition and needs.

“The Bach (trademark) Flower Remedies are prepared from non-poisonous wildflowers.  They are benign in their action, non-addictive and can be used by people of all ages.”

Many Aroma Therapists include massage in their services, but it is becoming widely popular around the world and you can find commercial and beauty spas, therapists and even doctor’s clinic which offer these massages–but use care as the quality and authentication of oils used and mixtures can vary greatly so do your research before you pick a venue.

Massage is a great way to relax all on it’s own and adding aroma therapy–essential oils will help further those effects.  Sedative blends which relax the senses include lavender and sandalwood.  Other goals may be met with this massage–for instance Clary is used to massage the muscles to not only relax but to prevent or stop muscle spasms.

Warm baths are yet another method for instance Ylang Ylang is used in warm water baths to sooth and relax.  These you can do at home or in a health or beauty spa.

“A facial sauna s a deep cleaning treatment which is good for all skin types, but especially for blemished and congested skin.  Saunas must be avoided at all costs however if the skin is prone to threat veins.”

Now back to those sleep issues we talked about yesterday.  After that warm bath try relaxing with the paper, a novel or a DVD that’s enjoyable but also restful–not the latest thriller that you haven’t seen before—you might try drinking a malted milk before bed as the calcium is a sleep inducer or herbal teas like melessa orange blossom or mint.

Maybe a snack with a food high in magnesium which is said to be very tranquilizing–think dates (which also has phosphorus and calcium) with your malted milk.

Mandrin oranges (not regular ones) and tangerines are good for stress and irritability and drinking their juice instead of oranges might help calm you…while eating one (or drinking) in the evening is recommended for those having sleep issues.

“Air is so vital that it is only possible to live for a few minutes without it…but few of us remember that the skin also needs air as a stimulate for its normal functioning.”

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Two Vintage VICTOR Diner Style Off-White Cups (262703640507)



“Hippocrates extolled the virtue of a daily aromatic bath and scented massage to prolong life.”

Item pictureBoyd Bears Justine the Choir Singer 1999 (262684791074)



“Nature is the most patient source of healing for the mind, body and spirit.  An hour’s walk in the countryside will dissipate any uncomfortable feeling absorbed from others.  Silent contemplation of the sounds of moving water works well for many people.”

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Musical Wind-up Clown with Porcelain Head, Feet & Hands


I didn’t forget Outlander

We Outlanderers could try Fiction Therapy:  http://www.fictiontherapy.com/tag/outlander/

Get past the sexual fantasy (must I?)  http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2016/04/outlander-recap-episode-4-sex-scene

Colouring therapy:  http://www.ebay.com/itm/Outlander-The-Official-Adult-Coloring-Book-Zen-Relaxing-Art-Therapy-Gift-NEW-/161929886017

“I have burned for you for twenty years, Sassenach,” he said softly. “Do ye not know that?”

From VOYAGER by Diana Gabaldon, chapter 25, “House of Joy”.


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