“How do you give a medal to a man who doesn’t exist for something that never happened?” The Art of War


Pictures today continue to be details and places in my wanderings in Tintagel, —-I stayed a month there (in case you’re new to the blog—check out my June posts for my almost daily description of my doings and more pictures.

We will as ALWAYS feature some Outlander at the end…my idea of a happy one…..

And we will continue on today with my weird view of the movies…..Guess which kind today?????


“It’s better to be dead & cool, than alive & uncool.” -Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man

Silver Spoons (6) Silver Plate Teaspoons 12/24/48 ALB

Silver Spoons (6) Silver Plate Teaspoons $15.80


AND now for something really bad

When I think of movies I really looked forward to and then decided I’d wasted my time

The Wicker Man


comes to mind…a silly rendition of long held Celtic traditions, legions and things that go bump in the night, I hoped to be a bit scared at the least, impressed at the best….the best thing this movie did for me was disappoint…so I thought we could wander about and take a peek at some of the worst movies….

And then there’s “The Legend of the Lone Ranger,” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFsNSoDZK8

 which like so many Depp movies treats everyone badly except Depp—Depp seems to do best with really bad dialog…anyway another disappointment.

“I’m not afraid of the man who wants ten nuclear weapons, Colonel. I’m terrified of the man who only wants one.” — The Peacemaker

I must confess that I liked George and Nicole in this action adventure (The Peacemaker) about a missing bomb and the disillusioned man who lost all and plans to make the world pay–sorry never said I was a great movie critic.

te that the following list of bad movies is from Wikipedia ….other places have other ideas, there are so many bad ones out there and so many people with opinions on them:

First there’s REEFER MAGIC


Made in 1936 this was a warning on the dangers of the weed—something that is being completely reversed in todays climate–I was surprised by this movie’s time frame as I didn’t realize it was thought of a problem in 1936—1963 yes, the 30 who knew.  I was vaguely aware of this movie but never have seen or do I plan to see it…but as in all propaganda flicks (as in preaching on a subject, any subject) they tend to turn off all the non-believers (and while I personally never had any love for weed for myself I neither saw it as a great evil nor the cure-all that many of its current proponents preach it is) and in this case apparently with more preaching than writing and acting skills if what I read about it is true…and the adults only restriction obviously aims it at the adults so as not to temp the teens with “Drug Crazed Abandoned”….I’ve included the trailer but if you Google it you can watch the whole thing free on line.

Is this some kind of joke? I’ve been trick-or-treated to death tonight.  Halloween 2

The next one is a British production



British all the way:  This was originally was a book by James Harley Chase (sorta a Brit Chandler) it is the story of a young socialite who sees her boyfriend murdered and is kidnaped for ransom, where the brutal monster of a gangster drugs, imprisons, brutalized and rapes her until she looses her mind.  First it was a play which stuck very close to the original book plot with the girl becoming zombie like (enter the modern movie genre) at the end.   Enter the movie and in an effort to get it by censors (that’s what history say as it makes no sense to me)where the monster Slim becomes a bit of a anti-hero and the girl’s fate change and while she goes through all those bad things she ends up not mad and mindless but in love with her captor—as if that’s not insane (wait a minute—sorta, kinda Fifty Shade material.).  As is often the case in this kind of thing type of “evil” subject that is widely present: the book, play and movie became hits.

Whatever–it was decried for it’s brutality and even George Orwell of 1984 fame branded it sordid and brutal.  One reviewer called it “the most sickening exhibition of brutality, perversion, sex, and  sadism ever shown on a cinema screen.” Of course everyone had to see it.  When the US pledged to keep it out, the movie was sent by slow boat to New Orleans—The Big Easy–where it got through customs but was heavily censored before it was shown to the huge audience that had to see the evil material.

Detective Cameron: I got good news and bad news girls. The good news is your dates are here.

Sorority Sister: What’s the bad news?

Detective Cameron: They’re dead.

Night of the Creeps

The next two movies come under Gender Bender or Even Gender Ender:

GLEN OR GLENDA (1953) (or “I Changed My Sex)


This movie by Ed Wood (Another character that Depp played—he’s excellent at the bizarre in life) is about a man who cross dresses—in fact the sweater in the movie looks familiarly like one Depp wore as Wood.  While the movie was as most (all) of Wood’s endeavors, badly made and badly played it is seen by some as an early comment and presentation of the cross dresser and transsexual who hid in the 50’s shadows not ready to necessarily come out.

By the 70s we were more open about such things

and we dealt with Sexual changes in more physical terms in


The main character starts out as Rex Reed who goes to Europe for a sex change procedure—preformed by a drunken John Caradine.  He/she (as Raquel Welsh who’s boobs always out shined her acting talents) goes on back to America and tries to claim an inheritance as the wife of the man she once was.  This was one of those campy movies that were more hype (and boobs) than substance (and talent) but it did feature the new gender issues openly if not honestly, that has been come famous (on in–) in the legends of entertainment.

Check my next blog out for more really bad movies.

All I know about are tits, ass, and the truth. Nobody writes books about that. 

Isn’t She Great


Everybody Panic.  It’s just like the Titanic, but it’s full of bears.
“No! Not the bees! Nooooo! Not the bees! My eyes! Arghhhhhhh! Arghhhhhh! Arghhhhhh!”
The Wicker Man

Knowles 1988 Little Red Robins #4132 A Plate
The International House of Pancakes is the one consistent thing in my life.
Honky Tonk Freeway

PRECIOUS MOMENTS “This is Your Day to Shine” FIgurine

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