Ghosts, like ladies, never speak till spoke to. Richard Harris Barham


the Once and Future King is in my Cornish part plans

Still waiting for friend to confirm time off.

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Dade City, FL 33525
Florida’s largest zip line adventure park
8 courses
100 different challenges
MONTICELLO is a town in Florida and according to ABC new (Oct. 2003) it is “The South’s most Haunted Small Town”.  Oh and at Halloween (also in June as part of the Watermelon Festival The Big Bend Ghost Trackers host ghost tours here.
OK so some of you are interested, but some are yawning at these spirits they’re not too impressed by…or appalled that anyone wants to do anything with that kind of thing.
Another description I found that Monticello is considered a beautiful mall town with lots of southern charm by day and ghostly spirits by night.
According to THE BOOK LOVER’S GUIDE TO FLORIDA (Editor–McCarthy) :  The town is north of I-10 on US 19 and was named for Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia home and has a court house (see above picture) modeled on that home and it is the county seat of Jefferson County.
Oh and there’s a book written about the town:  MONTICELLO (Rust–1991) nticello
In fact according to Natural Florida the town is legendary for it’s number of restored and registered historic homes and buildings along moss-covered, oak-lined city streets.   There’s even a self guided walking and driving tour.
THE 1890’s MONTICELLO OPERA HOUSE is listed as a don’t miss in the town.
According to Wikipedia “The Perkins Block was built in 1890 by Monticello businessman John H. Perkins. This building included three first floor bays housing Perkins’ mercantile interests – a general store and sewing machine shop, a hardware store and a farm implement supply store. In addition, Perkins built a stable behind the building from which horses, mules and wagons were sold. The second floor of the Perkins Block included a large foyer and an opera house boasting unparalleled acoustics and the largest stage in the region. 

Well, I’ve claimed to have seen two ghosts in a hotel room.

Monticello is included in THE BEST SMALL TOWN UNDER THE SUN (Howard),  it lists watermelon as a popular crop along with pecans peanuts, cotton (popular since before the Civil War) and corn as well as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries


There’s fishing in Lake Miccosukee (8 miles from the town and in above picture) and hunting (with land owner’s permission and a license of course) for deer, small game and birds.


Tennis, soft ball and hand ball are possible at Jefferson Co. recreation park on the edge of town and you can play golf and swim at the Monicello Country Club.   And for the less active there’s a library and dog racing at the Jefferson Kennel Club.

There are a few of the open-air spirits; the more domestic of their tribe gather within-doors, plentiful as swallows under southern eaves.


Oh and about those ghosts.  According to the Gainesville Sun:  The Palmer House (1840) has witnessed object flying around and they’ve even snapped a photo of a ghostly woman in 19th century clothing.

And there’s a(nother) book about the town(well at least it’s ghosts) as well:  Haunted Monticello Florida, full of tales of ghosts and paranormal encounters written by Betty Davis and those Big Bend guys we mentioned earlier and includes legends, tales and personal stories of ghosts and the supernatural.

Then there’s  (see picture at top)

The Daffodale Estate

 620 West Washington St.,

 1 hour ghost tours available by reservation only,

scheduled between 6-9 pm. –

There’s said to be angelic music in the Safari room, an unseen pipe smoker by the 1927 elevator, a woman in white, an unknown occupant on the 4th floor not to mention ghostly apparitons and more.

Now it is the time of night That the graves, all gaping wide Every one lets forth his sprite In the church-way paths to glide.

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, A Midsummer Night’s Dream


The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe. I know that ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always — take any form — drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!

EMILY BRONTE, Wuthering Heights

EARRINGS  Beautiful VINTAGE Multi-colored, Multi-facetted, Screw-on

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