Bits and Pieces Friday: I live a wild and crazy life. Donald Cerrone










You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.

Jimi Hendrix

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A busy market town situated in the extreme south of the county close to the Wexford Border.  Home of Carnew Castle

To learn more about this Irish town and area click on the name above.

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If being crazy means living life as if it matters, then I don’t mind being completely insane.

Kate Winslet

 “Every man’s life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.”

-Ernest Hemingway

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Only in Key West

Fantasy Fest is an annual 10-day party in paradise for grown-ups. Started in 1979 by a small group of Key West locals, the party was created to bring visitors to the island in what was a typically quiet, but beautiful season. It worked. Fantasy Fest has grown every year since its inception and is now the wildest extravaganza around! Fun-loving revelers from around the globe bring their creativity and imaginations as they descend upon Key West each year in October for 10 days filled with costuming, parades, libations, and excitement!

Been here and done this several times—-if you think you can hack the craziness then my dears check it out—-it is something you will no long  forget

      2019 Fantasy Fest will begin on

October 18

and ends on

October 27

2019 THEME IS:

 Think you can handle it?  Check it out:


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“Oh, the places you’ll go.”

-Dr. Seuss

 All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

-T.E. Lawrence

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“The Character of Welsh Romance”

Here let us pause for a moment to point out how clearly we are in the region of medieval romance, and how far from that of Celtic mythology.  Perhaps the Celtic “Land of Youth” may have remotely suggested those regions of beauty and mystery into which Arthurian knights rides in quest of adventure.  But the scenery, the motives,  the incidents, are altogether different.  And how beautiful they are—how steeped in the magic light of romance.  The colours live and glow, the forest murmurs in our ears, the breath of that springtime if our modern world is about us as we follow the lonely rider down the grassy track into an unknown world of peril and delight.   While in some respects the Continental tales are greater than the than the Welsh, more thoughtful  and profound, they do not approach them in the exquisite artistry with which the exterior aspect of things is rendered, the atmosphere ever-quickening interest, from point to point in the development of tale.  Nor are these Welsh tales a whit behind in the noble and chivalrous spirit which breathes through them.  a finer school of character and of manners could hardly be found in literature. .  How strange that for many centuries this treasure beyond all price should have lain unnoticed in our midst.  and how deep must be our gratitude to the nameless bards whose thought crrated it, and to the nobly inspired had which first made it a possession for all the English-speaking world.


T.W. Rolleston

For more information on Early Welsh Literature on this BBC site

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“A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints.”

-Wilfred Peterson

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

Audrey Hepburn

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The Huguenots

In the early 1500’s Protestantism was gaining momentum in Europe.  John Calvin a law student read some papers by Martin Luther who had studied for the priesthood.  and this got Calvin interested in the merits of these new beliefs resulting eventually in his having to flea France,, ending up in Geneva.

Back in France thousands of his follower who were called Huguenots (derived from a German word  “eidgenossen” meaning “confederate” or perhaps
“Hugeon” used to denote persons who walk in the night—because they worshiped in dark, caves and under the night sky as they were unsafe to display their beliefs in the daylight.

To learn more check the History Channel Site:

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Keep looking up! I learn from the past, dream about the future and look up. There’s nothing like a beautiful sunset to end a healthy day.

Rachel Boston

Life ain’t always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful ride.

Gary Allan

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…..recently widowed Mary of Guise, was the eldest daughter of the large and flourishing family of Claude, duke of Guise, and his wife Antonette of Bourbon.  She had been married at the age of 19 to Francis of Orleans, duke of Longueville, and was left a widow at the age of 22, by his premature death in June 1537…she had a small son, Francis, the new duke of Longueville, and gave birth to another son, shortly after her husband’s death, who died.  In appearance, she was a tall well-built girl, not exactly beautiful, but of the healthy type calculated to appeal to 16th c monarchs in search of heirs.  Mary of Guise also possessed remarkable inner qualities of prudence and tolerance, as well as courage and intelligence which might fairly have been expected of a Guise.  However, none of these characteristics was greatly tested by her  staid and happy married life with her first husband, spent placidly at his various castles at Chateaudun on the Loire, and at Ameiens and Rouen.  According to Brantome, she also had her ration of Gallic gaiety, and loved to gamble and play cards.  At all events she was quite happy at this stage of her life to form part of the great Guise family network, a domestic triangle at the apex of which stood the formidable Duchess Antoinette.

Mary Queen of Scots

Antonia Fraser

To learn more about this fascinating lady including how she plays in Scottish History click here:

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The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

Albert Einstein

Self-love, it is obvious, remains always positive and active in our natures. Gordon W. Allport

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Into the Titanic?

There’s all manner of items and stuff to do and or observe……you could try a Titantic afternoon at home —hey I encourage you do do things but not necessary to go out—staying at home with Friends work too.

You can just watch some movies

A couple examples:

There’s a 1996 series


or 2012



And you can buy them on the web for all manner of prices.\\



Or how about going back to the city where it was built on a DVD:

Again all manner of place to purchase it on line  and there are so many other movies fiction or documentary on the boat—-and if you want to be really bowled over check out the books  just google Titantic movies, Documentaries and/or book.


And then after that you could set about playing cards—with the

Titanic playing cards  (check out how the cards survived the ship:  (

Image result for Titanic playing cards

again just google them on line.


Or during the movie you could put together a puzzle

Image result for Titanic white star line; 1000 piece puzzle

Yeah it’s all over the net too—Google knows where


and you can pass out souvenirs of the party

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the whole affair runs about $12 and I’m sure Google will have them cheaper

Just Google Titantic Memorabilia Replicas


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You could do costumes:

This site gives a Guide for Women’s fashions (see picture above) on the Ship


Check out for these Pinetrest offerings to see TItantic and early 20th c fashion:

So you can go from small to large

Oh by the way there’s a Titantic Store;

where you can buy everything from items made of coal discovered from the debris field of the ship

like this one



even bedding and linen (not hopefully made of coal)

Including a Boarding Pass Fleece blanket

So what are you waiting for?

Oh wait–how about the food

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Titanic: The Cookbook is a selection of the most delicious and tantalizing dishes found on the Titanic‘s menus. The first-class Ritz dining room was modelled on the finest French hotel dining room of the period, and the dishes from its menus are classics of fine European cuisine. In its other dining rooms, Titanic‘s chefs offered meals that appealed to a wide range of passengers, from eastern-European immigrants to newly-wealthy Canadians and Americans returning home from Continental tours.



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I think it’s better to burn out than to fade away… it’s better to live out your days being very, very active – even if it destroys you – than to quietly… disappear. Ahmet Ertegun



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