Monday’s Main: You Have A Life And You Can Live it Or Waste It—It’s Your Choice–But that choice can mean SO MUCH THE DIVA

and so what are you doing this week—going to shop at Christmas in July events which seem, at least in Florida, to be very in this year.  Or are you taking a vacation across the state, country, continent or where-ever.  Don’t tell me you’re staying home and doing nothing—-or worse yet whiling you time away on Facebook or some Fantasy site—I could go on and on about that—-and I’m not against that, but….for instance I’m doing entries for my Blog today—but I’m also reading material on places we plan to visit next year as it’s 2020—and that’s four years (see My 2016 midway on this blog) from last trip to the UK so I’m on my way back along with 2 friends—we bought the tickets last weekend–Virgin Airlines OF COURSE…Besides that I’m making plans for the trip and I’m streaming OUTLANDER.  and am also reading  I AM MARY TUDOR—and straightening the house so you can’t say I’m doing nothing even if I’m taking an official OFF the routine Day.

Image result for I am Mary TUdor Hilda Lewis

“I am your Queen, to whom, when I was wedded to the realm and  laws of the same (the spousal ring whereof I have on my finger, which never hitherto was, not hereafter shall be, left off), you promised your allegiance and obedience to me….  And I say to you, on the word of a Prince, I cannot tell how naturally the mother loveth the child, for I was never the mother of any; but certainly, if a Prince and Governor may as naturally and earnestly love  her subjects as the mother doth love the child, then assure yourselves that I,  being your lady and mistress, do as earnestly and tenderly love and favour you. And I, thus loving you, cannot but think that ye as heartily and faithfully love  me; and then I doubt not but we shall give these rebels a short and speedy overthrow.”

Mary Tudor’s Guildhall Speech 1544

So when I meet people and suggest they try my blog they ask me what its about—and I say everything—-basically you have a big selection on my blog—but not nearly as many choices as you have out there to do..

I recently did two stories that were crazier than usual—both were on my Friday’s Odds and Ends—-one on what to do with your loved ones ashes beside putting them in an urn and or bury them even scattering them was no big compared to what they suggested OMG—go back a couple of Friday and read the story WOW.  The other was some ideas for a Titanic get together etc—little did I know they had items made out of coal from the debris field of the ship’s sinking….People’s lives are like that—-I mean if he hadn’t been real who would have dreamed up Henry VIII.  Somehow I don’t think he would have been as interesting if he’d lived his life on line….

I mean he was the second son of Henry VII who became king after his armies (and most of us agree he was motivated by a nagging mother) beat the lawful king Richard III (who may well have been framed after his death  by Henry or his mother—my money is on the mother—for killing his two young nephews while they resided in the Tower of London.)  But back to Henry—-His brother Arthur was married to a Spanish princess but he died before he was crowned king or even had a child —don’t get me started on did he or didn’t he.  Now comes the healthier younger son who marries the widow and takes over the country and his wives are legend

Katherine of Argon—that widow I mentioned—daughter of the couple who sent Columbus to the Americas—and mother of one daughter—but no sons—He had the marriage declared illegal since she had been married to his brother (don’t ask)

Anne Bullen (one of the spellings)—one daughter—-she was convicted of multiple cases of foolin’ around–even with her own brother Most of the proof came from tortured person’s accounts so you can see that she just might have been innocent of the charges—every body lost their head or worse and he was free again —but to have her he had actually rolled the isle into the Reformation and he became head of the English Church.

Jane Seymore who bore a son and had the good grace to die soon after—He would eventually be buried with her at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle

Ann of Cleves of Germanic nobility—he married her sight unseen and when he did see here he was seriously not impressed—-he made a deal with her and she ended up with couple of castles—an income and a rank of sister to the king.  He ended up with an annullment.


Katherine Howard a young (17) thing and from all accounts—none tortured—a bit free with her affection—she ended up on the ax man’s block  as well—though Henry was said to have actually mourned her—which he did for Jane too.


Katherine Parr who actually outlived him but if he had lived longer she might have fell to the same fate because of her exteme protestant views


So love that whole thing—did that out of my head so if I missed something–sorry.

Image result for Henry VIII

Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Now don’t get me wrong—I spend a lot of time on the computer too…

I.  Facebook had gotten to me and I was finding myself wasting days doing this thing—now I am restricting what do and how much time I do it.  Allowing me to have a life without making entries


I also so a Facebook for a business for which I get paid and one for my High School class which is keeping us in contact as well as locating old comrades and teacher—some still with us some not but I do consider both of those positive activities and not mindless wanderings among the endless mazes of a machine that could well have been magiced up by a wicked magician—or one of those crazy aliens from so many of those shows to entrap the human race and make them defenseless.


2.  I write My main blog on Mondays—today I’m gripping about the internet but I do lots of other things to as well as  trying to get my audience to crash out and enjoy life again.

On Wed I do memories—old memories of going to DC in 1974–right after Nixon resigned—-to trips about central the sunshine state to help others who live or are visiting here find something here of interest away from the theme parks as well as the computers

Friday is all stops out as I float thru my books, magazines and things I have written in the past and present items on everything from maps of Key West to places in Cornwall.  From Titanic parties to Pirates of Florida and much much more—and I enrich my own knowledge and try to get you all interested in all manner of thing new and adventuresome.


3.  I am using it to plan for my trip

As i mentioned me and two friends are returning to England to explore new areas From the Brontes’ home to King Arthur’s lands and everything in between.


4.  I also use it to find other things including local addresses and phone numbers

Buy things I need and sell things I don’t

To send email with stuff I think my friends might find interesting

and I consider all that positive as long as I keep truckin in my real life.




A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.

Norman Cousins




So that’s about it—-I prefer to read books—-hold them in my hands—but if you read Treasure Island on you notebook or whatever—you are still reading and please remember that life is more than reading too—book or not.



I just want you to join me seeing the world—and your world can be the USA or Florida or where ever—I don’t ask you to see everything but please see the world beyond this screen—visit friends—not on line but person to person.  Experience life beyond those fingers on those keys—-experience the real—honest its worth the effort





The kitchen is the heart of every home, for the most part. It evokes memories of your family history.

Debi Mazar







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