OK we’re finally up and I’m getting the hang of this project.

Since I worked on my last blog I’ve been continuing on my vintage jewelry review and I’m almost done. The latest item I looked at was a religious medal with the inscription “Heart of Jesus, Be my Love, Pope Leo XIII.” Since I’m not a Catholic I looked all this up and discovered Pope Leo XIII (Pope from 1878-1903) was noted for his attempts to define the position of the Catholic Church with regard to modern thinking (Not exactly sure what that means but sounds interesting). He was called the “Rosary Pope” because he promoted the use of the rosary and the scapular (sacrament worn by Roman Catholics and some Lutherans). He was the first Pope to have a sound recording made and the first to be captured in motion pictures.

The metal itself is silver with the previous inscription on the back and the baby Jesus on the front. I have found several on line, but all the ones on line include: “300 Days Once a day” and then “May 21, 1892 Vatican Rome Italy”. Mine does not. I understand that the metals I looked at on line were indulgences: which is a granting of full or partial remission of temporal punishment for sins, after granted confession and absolution. That’s for those other non-Catholics out there. I was wondering if anyone knew if there was another metal issued or if mine is in error or what? I understand these were popular in the 1960s, if that’s any help.

It’s cold and getting colder. But since I’m in Florida and we probably won’t get below 38 degrees tonight I don’t expect any sympathy from the rest of you. I grew up in Michigan and have seen much worse temperatures. But after living here since the 70’s that’s cold weather for us Floridians.

Tomorrow I will tell you about what I found on my exploring yard sales and resale shops (remember when we called them second hand stores) this weekend, it’s an interesting way to spend your Saturday. Any way: Have a good day and stay warm.



Hello and welcome to my world.  I’m a recent retiree (just over 2 months) and have decided to leave the world of nursing for an adventure in retail—but not just any retail—I am most specifically interested in jewelry (if you knew me you’d know that this is a real passion as I usually am heavily bedecked).

I also inherited a collection from my late husband of 1980-2000 NASCAR collectibles including drivers that aren’t with us any more (Earnhardt and Davey Allison to name a couple) and some beer (Bud steins and taps) items.

For my other collectibles my goal is to find persons  like myself that are a bit older (though if you’re a younger collector I do not discriminate), need to down-size, or have a spouse that has left (either by incapacity or departure) them with a long-term collection.  I want to provided an alternative to the usual give it to the kids—who will usually downsize it themselves—or do a yard sale, or give it to whatever charity will pick it up at the front door.  I would offer a consignment option for them.  I would do the research for value and then work to list the collection for sale.  Thus allowing a profit rather than a give away.

This blog is a step in getting interest as well as participation in both co-op with craftsmen/artists and persons with collectibles for consignment as well as let you know a little about me and why you might want to join my adventure.

So stay tune tomorrow and I will update you on my progress and when you might be able to participate.