ok you know what’s first

Outlander, Starz, Diana Gabaldon, Jamie Fraser, Sam Heughan, Claire Fraser, Caitriona Balfe

Jamie and Claire in Outlander, “Both Sides Now” | © Stars


Sorry I had to do it.


it’s not my fault


it’s just an uncontrolled compulsion……..

The latest thing with the health food genre seems to be SUPERFOODS.

In HERBAL ADVISOR by Vera Tweed (May 2014) Moringa is toted as “The latest energy-boosting superfood” and Dr. Oz called it an “energy blaster.”


Moringa, native to parts of Africa and Asia, is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. The name is derived from the word Drumstick or murungai. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moringa
The Herbal Advisor article goes on to say that small human studies have shown that the dried leaves can reduce elevated blood sugar in diabetics and lower unhealthy forms of cholesterol w/o depleting beneficial HDL.  Helps reduce inflammation, wards off cancer and promotes heart and liver health as well as fight infections that cause stomach ulcers.   Why is it that all these superfoods sound like a pitch for Patent Medicine?
It would seem that this is something that is being promoted as a possible solution to world hunger in the third world but the most I got from the nutritionist who is working with it said a far as the US is that it “can be used to add variety to your diet.”   Not exactly a recommendation as a health booster.
According to Web MD;  Moringa contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals. As an antioxidant, it seems to help protect cells from damage….

Moringa is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth and used appropriately. The leaves, fruit, and seeds might be safe when eaten as food. However, it’s important to avoid eating the root and its extracts. …may contain a toxic substance that can cause paralysis and death…. Moringa has been used safely in doses up to 6 grams daily for up to 3 weeks….There isn’t enough information to know if moringa is safe when used in medicinal amounts.



Special Precautions & Warnings:  Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s LIKELY UNSAFE to use the root, bark or flowers of moringa if you are pregnant….can make the uterus contract, and this might cause a miscarriage.



Moringa is sometimes used to increase breast milk production. Some research suggests it might do this…there isn’t enough information to know if it is safe for the nursing infant. .. it is best to avoid…if you are breast-feeding.   http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1242-moringa.aspx?activeingredientid=1242&activeingredientname=moringa



Superfoods have been almost constantly in the news:  ” Superfoods, they’re called — so nutritious they’re life-changing. But often they end up as fads. In a sense, this is happening in the developing world, too. Organizations have been promoting certain crops as panaceas to alleviate hunger and poverty. But they don’t always work out….All of this comes down to economics. Do these new crops have a market, both at home and for export? Will fads lead crops to rise and fall? Moringa may be about to have its moment, winding up in teas and even bath gels….http://www.marketplace.org/topics/sustainability/superfood-fads-super-distracting-global-farmers





  • Seaweed: …nutrient packed, cancer-preventing vegetable of the sea, seaweed. It is said to be an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and people who eat a seaweed rich diet are said to have lower risk of obesity, diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular disease


  • Wheatgrass is a beauty queen’s favourite superfood with its high levels of vitamin E, phosphorous and chlorophyll that are said to freshen breath, postpone greying of hair, prevent tooth decay, brighten skin and generally detox the body


  • Yuzu: the Japanese grapefruit is said to replenish skin cells and give skin a fresher, younger look.  But cheaper Florida oranges do everything  it does..
  • Goji berries: Stars like Oprah and Madonna swear by the Chinese Goji Berry. ..educe signs of ageing, prevent cancer and increase
    sex drive. BUT… there are alternative berries that offer similar nutrients at a fraction of the  cost.
    • Acai berries:These dietary supplements supposedly help speed up weight loss, decrease the risk of heart disease and cure a host of other ailments. Marketing giants (Starbucks and Coca Cola) play up its magical qualities in their cure all drink lines





    So what should you do with all this hype–listen to the level headed Brits:  “Susan Jebb, new professor of diet and population health at the University of Oxford…. “Evidence that any one food has specific effects on long-term health is lacking and usually more to do with PR and celebrity endorsement than scientific evidence of the kind that would be required if a drug was to make such claims.”

    Superfoods, on the other hand, are generally not unhealthy, even if they aren’t as marvellous as the hype suggests. There seems nothing wrong with encouraging people to eat them. After all, it makes a change from the onslaught of advertising encouraging us to eat junk food, and might even encourage people to try a new food.”  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/10335775/Superfoods-are-chia-seeds-and-goji-berries-really-good-for-you.html


    FOR LESS EXOCTIC FOODS that are good for you:  http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/superfoods-everyone-needs

    and don’t forget to check out my store above


    this isn’t on the store yet…if you’re interested (and for a 10% discount prior to it being listed) contact me at Dragonlairdiva@gmail.com


    Fads are the kiss of death. When the fad goes away, you go with it.Conway Twitty



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