Free Tours By Foot is ready to help you discover the art, history, and outrageous stories (special Report)


It all started at the White Chapel Museum of Art—a museum that was put here when the area was the city’s worse slum to educate the poor wretches in the finer arts.


All led by this man—who it’s rumored may have actually had some one on one contact with his subject:  London Graffiti and Street Art


The Free Tour company promises that our tour will introduce us to some of the most amazing and innovative street art we would ever see!

And so we wandered down streets that Jack the Ripper might well have tread.


For street art enthusiasts around the world, London’s East End is the top of a must-visit list of world wide street art locations,

And with our guide who obviously was Very knowledgeable we were at a distinct advantage.


Oh and my advise—be sure to keep a look out for the mushrooms.


we’re ready to show it all to you

Free tours are a very interesting concept, while you have to sign up for the specific tour (i.e. This one) there is no price….once the 2 hour (over in this case) is finished you give your guide what you think he earned–or refuse to pay completely—-and interesting concept I thought.


Jam packed full of eclectic, interesting, shocking, and beautiful street art

As we ventured further and further into the  back alleys and byways of this land which had been a wretched receiver of emigrants for several hundred years now he art became larger, bolder and almost everywhere.


this area of London is practically blanketed in some of the most famous street art in existence –

Through modern London’s crowds in an old and once apparently doomed London areas to see the art that has become so much a part of our urban existence.


we traipse along these cobbled streets, exploring all the art there is to see

IT is like going thru an art gallery of streets, allies and other urban areas—it is foremost art and enjoyable in ways you never thought of


from massive murals and pieces that take up entire buildings –


to the tiny hidden pieces you’d miss if you didn’t have anybody to tell you where to look!

We saw them all and were in awe at many of the wonderful works of art.

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In fact everywhere you looked there were items of interest.


hidden pieces you’d miss if you didn’t have anybody to tell you where to look!

This entire outer wall of a commercial building is next to a playground and is unbelievable in its scope and detail.

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Here be dragons


discover that Brick Lane and the alternative neighbourhoods of the East End are really treasure troves of goodies!

Some areas are wall to wall and boogle the mind


Learn why immigrants made the East End their home,


check out where Beckham has a star,


how this eclectic community evolved from Victorian slums to its’ present-day trend-setting district, –


It was a great tour—If you are in or headed for London…sign up for it—Please


we also went to the Gypsy Gardens I told you about previously



and a London Street Faire that goes on every weekend.


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