“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein

What Is Romantic Love?


Please note all the pictures in this one are ones I have taken over the last several years (including the first two of the museum)


      Maitland Art Museum



                     “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.”                             Zora Neale Hurston


Weddings at Maitland Art Museum

Romance isn’t dead, but it might be nine centuries old, according to an Oxford University academic. Laura Ashe, Associate Professor of English at Worcester College and the Faculty of English has described the invention of romantic love in the literature of the Middle Ages.

Clemency Pleming

Did love begin in the Middle Ages?



“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get–only with what you are expecting to give–which is everything.”                  Katharine Hepburn



Maitland A&H Museum



Music Night – Linda Calise Valentine’s Concert 2/11/23  New Smyrna Beach, Fl.



“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” — Dr. Seuss


The Recurrent Theme of Love in Shakespeare’s Plays


Love in Shakespeare is a recurrent theme. The treatment of love in Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets is remarkable for the time: the Bard mixes courtly love, unrequited love, compassionate love and sexual love with skill and heart.

“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around.”
Bob Marley



23 Things to Do When You’re Single on Valentine’s Day

Ok, you’ve caught me—falling back on a bit of the romantic that I keep thinking has finally been buried in this crazy ole’ soul of mine—I thought that I had put this sweet dream in its place and could go without being drippy or watching Nottinghill again (yes I know the actors didn’t get along—but I watch the story not the people beyond it).

 And besides I’m writing and putting this all together for you all and not me—(except it does keep my mind busy and helps me find things that I—as well as you—might well enjoy.)

Oh and FYI—-the list below looks like fun but health and personal safety isn’t mentioned —-and I can’t comment on them—-anytime you plan a get away always check on the safety etc of the spot you’re looking at your country’s Embassy:  ie.

International Travel Issues for Americans



“People do fall in love. People do belong to each other, because that’s the only chance that anyone’s got for true happiness.” —Breakfast at Tiffany’s


Most Romantic Destinations for Valentine Day in Europe




Valentine’s Day did not come to be celebrated as a day of romance until about the 14th century. Although there were several Christian martyrs named Valentine, the day may have taken its name from a priest who was martyred about 270 ce by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus.


Valentine’s Day | Definition, History, & Traditions | Britannica



‘The course of true love never did run smooth’

(A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Act 1, Scene 2)

TRAVEL:  Behind the mystery of Saint Valentine’s bone




Ok even I didn’t cut off any or my lovers heads—some were tempting but I’m just not that kind of girl—can you imagion having to wear ugly grayish (or similar) dresses like everybody else around you—no that doesn’t appeal at all….and how does one decorate steel bars? (not to mention sleeping on those narrow cots in your skinny cells—).  No tempted yes but never did— oh my.



Again my dears I do not have any association or real knowledge of the facilities listed I just want to get you started looking (this goes for all the travel and activity sites I have found—check for ratings and reviews on line and if out of country advice from your country’s embassy–as previously noted)







Valentine’s Day Events in Paris!

The only complication here is the fact that the Cupid was a non-Christian symbol at the time. Deemed as the child of Roman gods Mars (god of war) and Venus (the love goddess), Cupid has been artistically depicted as a winged chubby child bearing his famous bow and arrow. In classical mythology, anyone shot by his arrow will lose themselves to love. In some depictions, Cupid is shown as a menacing character, often plotting nefarious schemes such as shooting people with his arrows even though there was no chance of them getting together thus forcing them to ruin their lives in a fruitless pursuit. His mother, Venus would often reprimand him for his behavior, as is evident in several graphic art forms that depict the two together.

Valentine’s Day



 “If music be the food of love, play on.”

Twelfth Night, Act I, Scene I





Valentine, Arizona – A Broken Heart in the Mohave

OK, a holiday based on pagan symbolism—there are possible two or even more Valentines that were priests and killed by the powers that be and there are pagan gods involved—and how does this vary from our other holidays (except 4th of July & Thanksgiving—and the second has recently been more and more questioned as was it real or just a fantasy of our past relationship with the original occupants of this land we now call our own).  I am not saying this is craziness or evil on our part—its common all over the globe—one might forget the ancient past—-but it seemes to be much more of a presence than we are aware—or at least allow ourselves to be aware.

A history student and lover like me finds the connection to be somehow reassuring and gives me understanding of how and why we have in some instance gone the way we have—-


18 Valentine’s Day Traditions Around The World In 2023 To Make The Day Of Love Special!

30 best movies to watch on Valentine’s Day

Dating back to 5th century ancient Rome, Valentine’s Day is still today one of the most popular holidays. In fact, according to the Greeting Card Association, 145 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year in the U.S. alone, making it the largest card-sending holiday after Christmas. But not all couples around the world celebrate the holiday by sending cards, buying chocolate, and giving their significant others gifts. Traditions for this romantic holiday vary greatly from country to country…


Here’s How Valentine’s Day Is Celebrated Around the World



“Close your eyes, and I’ll kiss you. Tomorrow I’ll miss you.” –

Paul McCartney



Light My Fire



I wanna be your lover baby
I wanna be your man
I wanna be your lover baby
I wanna be your man
Love you like no other baby
Like no other can
Love you like no other baby
Like no other can

John Lennon and Paul McCartney



Dreading Valentine’s Day? Here Are 7 Books That Celebrate Singledom



‘She’s beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; She is woman, and therefore to be won’

(Henry VI Part 1 – Act 5, Scene 2)



How To Plan A Valentine’s Day Party Your Single Friends Will Love



Ok that link seems a bit hostile—but if you don’t have a romance to celebrate it is not a holiday that you really want to hang on to—at Christmas if you have no family, usually your friends will draw you close—but when romantic love is in the air they don’t need you there—unless they’re a bit kinky and that probably won’t make your day—if it does I apologize—to each his and/or her own.

The world has become very diverse space and it’s often difficult to speculate on what or where couples (and there are options of black, white, Gay or straight—and that’ s just the basics)—-I hope I have given you a link or two that might spark your imagionation and started you thinking on a day of love—for those who have someone to share it with and for those who don’t  how else wise spend your day.



What do LGBT couples do on Valentine’s Day?


How the Modern Valentine’s Day Card Evolved

My Favorite Romantic line EVER

Background – Kat hires Nick to be her pretend boyfriend at her sister’s wedding. She is hoping to make her ex jealous. But she doesn’t count on developing feelings for Nick. As she opens up to him she complains that she has made herself vulnerable but that he has not done the same. He shares a list of facts about himself but ends with this emotional statement:

Nick to Kat: “I think I’d miss you even if we’d never met.

”The Wedding Date”





“Tell me who you love and I’ll tell you who you are.” — Creole Proverb


27 Declarations Of Love Onscreen That Will Make You Melt

Chocolate has been around since the Aztecs, and it was considered a symbol of considerable wealth and status. However, it wasn’t until 1861, when Richard Cadbury began selling chocolates in heart-shaped boxes, which began its now inseparable connection to Valentine’s Day.  He placed hearts, roses, and cupids on top of the boxes, to create keepsakes as reminders of one’s love.  Here in the United States, a chocolate pioneer named, Milton Hershey, started out as a caramel maker.  He eventually came up with the idea to cover the caramels with chocolate.  “Kisses” were born in 1907, when Hershey launched tear drop shaped chocolates that made a smooching sound when they came out of the machine.

The Sweet History of Valentine’s Day



‘Doubt that the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move his aides, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love’

(Hamlet – Act 2, Scene 2)


Maintaining Confidence Throughout the Dating Process


Ok here’s my nominee for my Valentine…  Have a great 14th what ever you do, where ever you are, who ever you are with or without a Valentine—-You too Mr. Pitt.






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