Had a great weekend.  Friday night meet up with a couple friends for a drink and gossip.  Sat was out and about for the Apopka Art and Foliage Festival, which was lots of fun.  Lunch stop and then some shopping and  instead of dinner, we cheated with drink and a dessert (chocolate) and ended up at Loch Haven for a free movie in the park.

Today is Kiss Your Mate Day: “… who could hate this day? Hmmm, well, maybe the singles (i.e. me), but you don’t have to have a special someone for this holiday. If you have a crush, (not me) today can be the day to surprise them and lay one on em’! It could be the start of something special…or, it could just freak them out, let’s start with confessing feelings instead and hope things move up from there, just to be safe.”

Also:  “International Astronomy Day…is a day to look up to the stars.  It was established to promote astronomy to the general public. Astronomy clubs and groups use this day to help teach the people about the stars, and other celestial bodies in the universe. These groups take advantage of this day to offer people a view of the stars through a telescope, if possible.

and ” Great Poetry Reading Day…is in honor of some really great verse.  There’s lots of poetry out there. Some is good, and some is not so good. Today is intended to read the world’s greatest poetry. Celebrate today in any or all of the following ways:  Read poetry, hold a poetry reading hour or party, listen to poetry or  write your own poetry….someday it may be looked upon as great!”

Finally it’s National Blueberry Pie Day:  “Blueberries are one of a few berry species native to the Americas. Early Native Americans called them “star berries,” referring to the perfect five-pointed star visible at the blossom end of each tiny fruit.”
Read more: <a href=””></a>


1947 – Thor Heyerdahl and five crew mates set out from Peru on the Kon-Tiki to prove that Peruvian natives could have settled Polynesia.


1947 – Christian Jacq, French historian and author

1947 – Nicola LeFanu, English composer

1947–oh yeah almost forgot:  ME.

Taurus born April 28th, your personality is defined by a determined and stable nature.  Few can match your strong willpower and determination.

Getting older but much,  much better. Truth!!!







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