On the road again I just can’t wait to get on the road again Johnny Cash/Willie Nelson

and we continue on the 1974 trip to DC from Last Thurs

8/10/1974 continued:


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South Carolina home of gigantic Fire Works Store  

(NOTE:  “it is illegal in South Carolina to have “fireworks containing pyrotechnic composition in excess of two grains, designed to produce a loud and piercing effect, including:“ground salutes” or “cherry bombs”  M-80’s TNT salutes “bulldog salutes” small bottle rockets less than 1/2 inch in diameter and 3 inches long; all bottle rockets are not permitted.Other than that, any other fireworks are permitted in South Carolina – mortars, spinners, cakes, aerial fireworks, etc.  https://www.wistv.com/story/35802906/here-are-the-fireworks-laws-in-south-carolina/  )



I just saw my first out of captivity rattler–it was between 4 and 6 feet and was coiled on the highway when we saw it, what a day, what a day.    (Check out http://www.dnr.sc.gov/education/pdf/VenomousSnakesSC.pdf to see ALL the poisonous snakes native to the sate).



Switzerland   http://trip-suggest.com/united-states/south-carolina/switzerland/(yes that is a town in South Carolina honest)  Would you belive one nice house and a log cabin post office?  Everything rather desserted.



Ridgeland  http://www.carolana.com/SC/Towns/Ridgeland_SC.html :”Free hearing tests: and brick buildings.  The trees have begun to look like trees again, but the grass is awfully green.



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Garden Grove  and Priesters

These names are listed  in my journal just like the other towns, but there is no real definition of the…but can’t find any towns by those names  and after the second one I put:    Chickens and black people along the byways.

Miles and miles of darkening woods.


A road side park with nothing but trash cans.  In fact ever since Georgia we’ve passed a trash can about every two miles preceded by a sign announcing its presence.



Green slimy, musty swamp encircling tree trunks almost as a carpet but ever mobile.  A vegetable breeding lab?




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Image result for Post Card Charleston 1970s south carolina swamp



Charleston https://www.charlestoncvb.com/

Capt. Konos Vampire Hunter and  Frankenstein Monsters from Hell showing at the drive-in.  Now there’s a double bill.

A city like other cities with the sames stores, traffic problems and the like.

A wrong turn–I really must watch more and write less.  Some lovely old homes, restored–very nice.  Streets quite narrow–down town rather small, southern feel.  Black neighborhoods, mostly men about, standing and walking.

The harbor where the first shot of the Civil War was fired.



Mt. Pleasant  https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g54354-Activities-Mount_Pleasant_South_Carolina.html

Rabbits for sale.



Georgetown  https://365atlantatraveler.com/things-to-do-in-georgetown-sc/

Everywhere roads being graded.

The Whistling Pig Drive-in

Intercoastal waterway


A bus load of people setting at the road side.  Just setting on the ground by a bus at whose back a human waterfall tumbles out to the same ground.



Myrtle Beach  https://365atlantatraveler.com/things-to-do-in-georgetown-sc/

7 gigantic “mini” golf courses, unbelievable.

The beach, ferris wheels, 2 wax museums, two roller coasters–a carnival in shape of a town.  Sorta Santa Cruz, & Daytona Beach combined.  Opps there are nine golf course–just saw two more, sorry.



Sunset Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Postcard, USA Postcard





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Wilmngton, North Carolina https://www.wilmingtonandbeaches.com/things-to-do/

We stayed here for the night at a little discount motel.  All in all we only spent about $35.00 yesterday and had a very nice day–except that toward the end there I was quite grumpy because I was so tired  and, then was allergic to something in the motel–but I took an allergy pill and this morning I feel ready for all sorts of new adventures.

The town itself is fair-sized and quite pleasant with a clean town area which as tired as I was last night is about all I remember.


This morning is sunny, but with a hint of chill in the air–probably because we’re so near the ocean.


Travel trailers seem to me a waste of time–for what it costs for gas and wear and tear on a car it seems you’d save money staying in a motel.  Its rather like tying your house unto the back of your car and going somewhere for a visit.  Utterly non-understandable to me.



I love the verandas on the older houses–even the smaller ones seem more impressive, the houses in Florida, unless expensive, are generally ugly–just squares of building blocks, some ugly color and setting there without imagination or hope of redemption.



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Hampstead   https://www.familydaysout.com/kids-things-to-do-usa/hampstead/nc

Venus Fly Trap–a low slut of a building covered, like an old whore covers herself with make up, with neon signs, a bar where those who seek a certain kind of company or can afford no others, come to drink, talk and forget–whatever.


The rural areas have really surprised me–there are few if any farms, most country dwellers are African American, some in above average house, some in slightly worse but a large majority live in shacks, houses without paint, whose jagged boards resemble the skeleton of a starving creature leaning in their preferred directions.  Few if any stand completely upright any longer.  On their porches are usually various chairs and in the evening they gather there in numbers to talk, fan themselves, and watch the passing cars.  Several people walk along  the highway, children ride bikes.


On Sunday morning they walk to church, especially the older women in bright print dresses stretched over bodies enlarged by long years of starch filled diets and their brighter hats set on graying, nappy hair.   Grasping Bibles in their work worn hands.


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Holly Ridge  


Railroad on one side, houses on the other.  Cypress lamps and deer crossings.


Little animals dead along the highway–we destroy so much just being human–just living our lives as we feel it must be had.

Slash Pine Plantation 1857


The very vegetation has changed, palms do not grow well this far north, the pines are a different breed than the scrubs of the swampy low lands and other trees are hard to find.


Verona    https://www.facebook.com/places/Things-to-do-in-Verona-North-Carolina/111799132165428/

Formerly attractive buildings falling to ruins.


Camp Griger/Marine Corp    https://www.facebook.com/pages/Camp-Geiger/131998930170706


Jacksonville  https://www.jacksonvillenc.gov/

Catholic churches and lovely homes, the usual row of tourist junk

The Blue Mule Lounge



  •  GRACE KELLY/PRINCE Rainier Monaco Silver Commemorative Spoon









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